we need to enjoy Christ and be fully in love with Him: He’s the best thing that has happened to us!

we need to enjoy Christ and be fully in love with Him: He's the best thing that has happened to us!I enjoyed this past Poland camp very much – and here is a small portion of my enjoyment from the camp. We need to enjoy Christ and be fully in love with Him, be convinced that He’s the best thing that has happened to us and could happen to anyone.

If we love and appreciate Him in such way we will be willing to give Christ to others. The key to be those crazy lovers of Christ is having a personal time with the Him every day, especially in the morning, a time in which we pray-read His word, enjoy Him, talk to Him as a friend, tell Him our secrets and let Him reveal the secrets of His heart to us, thus being deeply rooted in Christ.

Only a friend knows the heart of a friend. We all need to get into that close relationship with Christ. If we do so, we will begin to enjoy Christ, gain more of Him and the result will be that we are overflowing. When we overflow, we will spontaneously pray for others (bearing people on our shoulders and on our heart like the Old Testament priests) and we will give Christ to others (as a king).

Enjoying Christ is the key. Through God’s salvation we obtained the birthright, with all the blessings of the firstborn: the double portion of the good-land, the priesthood, and the kingship. As the firstborn sons, we have the right of being a priest and a king, but for this we need to enjoy Christ as our good land.

The only way of exercising our function as priests and kings is enjoying Christ. We need to walk in this wide good land, walk in Christ (Col 2:6), work the land/labor on the good land, and enjoy its riches so that we can be fully satisfied and give these riches to others.

But, where is Christ today? Christ lives in our mingled spirit! Hallelujah! Therefore, we must abide in our spirit, and turn to our spirit every morning. Christ is really close to us – we just need to call on His name and He will be fully available!

Hymn number 1025 says: “He is so rich, He is so full, He can fulfill all your needs!” As long as we enjoy Christ, we will not need anything else, we will reign in and over every situation and we will be fully convinced that He is the best thing that has happened to us and could happen to anyone.

We will overflow Christ and, as a result, we will be priests who pray for other and kings who bring God to the people, building up His Body up to its consummation – the New Jerusalem!

[guest post: bro. Efrain sharing from his enjoyment in the 2010 Poland camp, subject: The Significance, Preciousness, and Enjoyment of the Birthright in God’s Economy]

About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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10 years ago

i realy wana get rooted in christ bt dnt knw how…Help

Glen T.
Glen T.
8 years ago

Amen protect our faith and trust in you abba Father, its been damaged already, praise the lord for the all sufficient grace

Patience S.
Patience S.
8 years ago

Hallelujah, He is the best thing that has happened to us and could happen to anyone.