We need to Eat Christ as our Meal Offering for Him to Live again on Earth through us

Eating Christ as the Meal Offering to Become the Reproduction of Christ for the Fulfillment of God’s PurposeAfter seeing what the meal offering is, we need to eat Christ as our meal offering to become the reproduction of Christ for the fulfillment of God’s purpose. T

he meal offering is nothing else but the God-man living of the Lord Jesus as revealed in the four Gospels, and as we eat Christ as our meal offering, our Christian life and our church life become a reproduction of Christ as the meal offering.

We may think we know what it means to eat Christ, since we practice to eat the Lord every day in His word. But we need to go deeper in our understanding, appreciation, and practice of eating Christ – we shouldn’t simply eat the Lord but touch the profound, deep, and high meaning of eating Christ as the meal offering so that we may become His reproduction.

Eating Jesus is not just pray-reading the word and calling on His name; rather, eating Christ as the meal offering is for us to become His reproduction, for this is the eternal purpose of God. In the heart of God there’s a deep thought and longing of having Himself reproduced in man.

The word “reproduction” is not in the Bible, but it is implied – it is a strong thought all throughout God’s word.

After the archangel rebelled and God judged him and His creation that was subject to corruption, God came in to restore and do a further work of creation; in the first five days He restored the plant life, the animal life, the fish life, and the foul in the air – He created everything according to its kind (see Gen. 1).

On the sixth day, the Triune God had a little fellowship among the Godhead, and decided to create someone according to Their kind; the cattle were according to their kind, the fish were according to their kind, and the birds were according to their kind, but God wants someone who is according to His kind.

So God created Adam, lit, Red Clay; just as children like to make little figurines from play-dough and play with them, so God created man in His image out of red clay so that man would bear His image and represent Him with His dominion.

God blessed man and told them to multiply and fill the earth. At that time man only had the outward form and likeness of God, but not the life of God. So God brought man in front of the tree of life so He could dispense His life into man; however, Satan seduced man and he partook of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and Satan injected his poison into man.

Now the man created by God was corrupted and became fallen mankind, children of the devil, even the reproduction of Satan. However, God’s didn’t forget man or His desire to be reproduced in ma; He promised that the seed of the woman would come and bruise the serpent on its head (Gen. 3:15).

Christ came to complete what God intended Adam to do; what God intended to do in Gen. 1, Christ as the incarnation of God – possessing God’s image and His life – came to complete. And then He died as a grain of wheat to bear many more grains, that is, to be reproduced in millions of believers (John 12:24).

Christ didn’t just die to deliver us out of Satan’s condemnation; He died so that He can reproduce Himself into millions of believers who are blended together to become the Body of Christ.

It is God’s desire and intention to gain a reproduction of Himself, and He will gain it: in the New Jerusalem the wall is jasper, the first foundation is jasper, and the appearance of the city is jasper, just as the appearance of the One on the throne – God is reproduced fully in His people, so that He and His people look the same! Hallelujah!

How does God gain His reproduction and duplication? He doesn’t take the mechanical or automatic way of “an assembly line” where there’s a prototype and there are many reproductions produced mechanically….no, what He does is dispense His life into us, mingle Himself with us, and as we eat Him, digest Him, and assimilate Him as the meal offering, we become His reproduction!

Our eating Christ is not just for our enjoyment, satisfaction, and nourishment, but for us to become His reproduction for the fulfillment of God’s eternal purpose.

Christ in His Humanity is Food for God and for those who Serve Him

The meal offering typifies Christ in His humanity as food for God and especially for those who have fellowship with God and serve Him - Lev. 2:1. Lev. 2:1 And when anyone presents an offering of a meal offering to Jehovah, his offering shall be of fine flour; and he shall pour oil on it and put frankincense on it.When we come to see what the meal offering is, we need to realize that we need eat Christ as our meal offering so that we may become the reproduction of Christ for the fulfillment of God’s purpose.

The meal offering was made with fine flour mingled with oil (Lev. 2:4), which typifies Christ’s perfect humanity mingled with the divine Spirit – divinity mingled with humanity.

Then, frankincense was added to the meal offering (Lev. 2:15), signifying the fragrance of resurrection life, and salt (the cross of Christ), and there was no leaven (no sin or evil) and no honey (no natural affection or goodness).

This is Christ: Christ in His humanity as food for God and especially for us who fellowship with God and serve Him. If we read the gospels, we see the fineness of Christ in His human living; we see how He was God mingled with man, living a crucified life with no natural affection, natural goodness, or sin.

Such a Christ is our food, our life supply, for us to eat and partake of, even to digest and assimilate, so that we may become the reproduction of Christ.

The kind of life that Christ lived on earth should be the kind of life that we live on earth also; He lived a life of positive elements – fine flour (perfect humanity), oil (mingled with the Spirit), frankincense (aroma of resurrection), and salt (cross) – and without two negative elements – leaven (sin) and honey (natural affection).

We need to be those eating Christ as the meal offering so that our human living would become a duplication of the human living that He had for the fulfillment of God’s purpose.

Hallelujah, Christ is our food, and His human living is available for us to eat and partake of, so that we may be nourished, reconstituted, and enabled to live the same kind of life on earth today!

Lord Jesus, thank You for coming as God incarnated to live a perfect human life mingled with the Spirit, bearing the aroma of resurrection, a crucified life with no sin or natural affection. Thank You for setting forth Your human living for us to eat, be nourished with, and be filled with, so that we may become Your reproduction. Lord, keep us eating Your human living, being mingled with the Spirit, and living a crucified life, so that we may become Your reproduction on earth!

We need to Eat Christ as our Meal Offering for Him to Live again on Earth through us

John 6:57 As the living Father has sent Me and I live because of the Father, so he who eats Me, he also shall live because of Me.Christ came as the incarnation of God, the embodiment of the Triune God, so that He would live the Father. He came not only to accomplish redemption, but to live a life for God the Father; He testified that the living Father has sent Him, and He lived because of the Father (John 6:57).

Everything that Christ did was for the Father, by the Father, in the Father, and through the Father. He could have become our Savior to redeem us instantly, but He passed through a long journey of 33.5 years: conception, birth, childhood, adolescence, and growing to be a young man who lived a God-man life.

Why? So that He would live a life of God yet man, a life of man yet God. Although He was in humanity, He lived by the divine life, expressing the divine attributes in His human virtues.

After 33.5 years, He was crucified and resurrected, and He was reproduced to bring forth many believers just like Him. We as believers in Christ are not merely sinners saved through grace – we are all little Jesus, we are all God-men like Him.

We need to be reminded that we are not just redeemed sinners but God-men, human beings with God inside them. As such ones, we need to eat Christ as our meal offering so that we may become His reproduction, that is, so that Jesus may live again on earth through us today.

The apostle Paul was such a one; in Acts 27-28 Paul lived Christ in a situation that was altogether contrary to his culture and character; though many things were disappointing and discouraging, Paul nevertheless lived a life of the highest standard.

Through what he did and spoke, Paul continued the living of Jesus on earth – in Paul the wonderful, excellent, and mysterious God-man who lived in the Gospels continued to live, and Paul’s living was a repetition of the living of Jesus.

By eating Christ as our meal offering, we become the reproduction, duplication, and enlargement of Christ as the meal offering, an offering composed of humanity oiled with divinity in resurrection through Christ death, and without any leaven or honey (see Lev. 2:1-16).

By eating Christ as our meal offering, we can live and magnify Him, the wonderful, excellent, and mysterious God-man who lived in the Gospels (see Luke 1:35; 3:22; 4:1, 18; 23:14).

In Acts 27 and 28 Paul lived Christ in a situation that was altogether contrary to his culture and character. Many things were disappointing and discouraging, but Paul nevertheless lived a life of the highest standard....In Paul the wonderful, excellent, and mysterious God-man, who lived in the Gospels, continued to live through one of His many members. This was Jesus living again on earth in His divinely enriched humanity. Paul’s living, therefore, was a repetition of the living of Jesus. Witness Lee, Life-study of Acts, p. 624How can we eat Jesus? He said that His flesh is meat and His blood is drink…and people were offended by this. It is the Spirit who gives life – the flesh profits nothing; the words that the Lord speaks to us in a living way are spirit and are life (John 6).

When we eat the word of God which is Spirit and life, we live because of Him (John 6:57). To eat means that we not only read but also open our mouth and our heart, and we let the food be digested and assimilated into our being.

Our food is the meal offering: Christ in His God-man living as recorded in the Gospels. We need to read the Bible, exercise our spirit to receive the word which is spirit and life into us, and then allow this word to be digested into our being.

First we need to exercise our spirit over the word of God to pray the word. Then, we need to digest the word by saying Amen to His word; as the Lord brings different situations in our life, we need to simply say Amen to God’s word, allowing it to be digested in our being.

If we don’t argue but say Amen, the word is digested practically in our being. Then, in our daily life, we learn to apply Christ to many areas and things that the Lord measures to us.

We need to be those eating Christ as our meal offering by seeing His God-man living on earth, opening our being to receive Him, saying Amen to Him in all our situations, and applying Him to all our environment to allow Him to reach all the parts of our inner being.

Lord Jesus, we exercise our spirit to eat You as our meal offering so that we may become Your reproduction for Your corporate expression on earth. We want to be those eating Christ as our meal offering so that You may live again on earth through us. We take Your word in by means of all prayer, and we say Amen to Your word, so that the word – which is Spirit and life – would be digested. Lord Jesus, we want to apply You with Your living word to all our environment so that You may reach all the parts of our inner being and be assimilated into us!

References and Hymns on this Topic
  • Inspiration: the Word of God, my enjoyment in the ministry, the message by James Lee for this week, and portions from, Life-study of Leviticus, msg. 12 (Witness Lee), as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, Crystallization-Study of Leviticus (1), week 5, Eating Christ as the Meal Offering to Become the Reproduction of Christ for the Fulfillment of God’s Purpose.
  • Hymns on this topic:
    # The church, Christ’s reproduction, / Meets God’s need corporately / As we express Christ’s essence, / His dear humanity, / His fragrant resurrection, / His living by the cross; / Rejecting honey, leaven, / Accounting them but loss. (Song on, The Meal Offering Church Life)
    # We must eat Jesus till God can / Have the fulfillment of His plan— / One man expressed for all to see, / One church in each locality. / We’ll masticate Jesus! / We’ll masticate Jesus! / Then to the tent of meeting bring / Jesus, our real meal offering. (Hymns #1146)
    # We’re Thy total reproduction, / Thy dear Body and Thy Bride, / Thine expression and Thy fulness, / For Thee ever to abide. / We are Thy continuation, / Thy life-increase and Thy spread, / Thy full growth and Thy rich surplus, / One with Thee, our glorious Head. (Hymns #203)
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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Shiela F.
Shiela F.
7 years ago

Praise the lord amen

Ronnel D.
Ronnel D.
7 years ago

Saying “Amen” is the key for the digestion and assimilation of the Word that we take in.

Doris U.
Doris U.
7 years ago

Amen Praise the Lord Halleluyah

Moh S.
Moh S.
7 years ago

Amen, praise the Lord we can eat Him! the reality of the meal offering. Why should we undernourished be? when we have His humanity. The meal offering is from the vegetable life for generating, multiplying showing that the Lord can be reproduced in us by our eating Him! Lord be reproduced in all the saints all over the earth!

Keven B.
Keven B.
7 years ago

Amen, Lord!

John 6:63 It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words which I have spoken to you are spirit and are life.

Davide V.
Davide V.
7 years ago


Mike D.
Mike D.
7 years ago

The meal offering is very rich

Clive B.
Clive B.
7 years ago

Amen; O Lord Jesus, thank you for being the life and light the person of our regenerated spirit, that you for given us a sharpen conscience, that our only source for living is to eat of you, defying us uplifting our mind emotion and will to have and to take on the Spirit of Jesus making us your duplicate. Hallelujah.

Fin B.
Fin B.
7 years ago

Praise the Lord that we can enjoy and then partake of the human element of Christ living in us for the satisfaction of the Father and for the fulfilment of God’s economy! Lord we thank You for Your heart’s desire that we may be Your duplication, that we may live the life that You lived.

Juliet C.
Juliet C.
7 years ago

主に感謝します! アーメン
[Thank you Lord! Amen!]

brother L.
brother L.
7 years ago

The meal offering was made of fine flour mingled with oil (Lev. 2:4). The fine flour, with its evenness and fineness, typifies Christ’s perfect humanity with its balance, evenness, and fineness. The four Gospels portray the fineness of the Lord’s behavior in His human living. The oil mingled with the fine flour signifies the divine Spirit. This mingling typifies the mingling of divinity with humanity in the Lord Jesus. The frankincense added to the meal offering (Lev. 2:15) signifies the fragrance of resurrection life. This is Christ typified by the meal offering, the mingling of humanity and divinity with the fragrant manifestation of resurrection life to be our daily nourishment and supply. (The Conclusion of the New Testament, p. 460, by Witness Lee)