Watching in Prayer with Thanksgiving and Having Prayer Companions

Watching in Prayer with Thanksgiving and Having Prayer Companions [In the picture: The more we pray, the more we will have to pray, the more we will like to pray, and the more we will be able to pray; to be watchful helps us to build up a habit of prayer. ]

How can we be kept in a prayer life day by day? Col. 4:2 tells us, Persevere in prayer, watching in it with thanksgiving. For us to persevere in prayer, we need to watch in it with thanksgiving.

We need to give thanks to the Lord all the time! In this thankless and godless generation today, we need to learn to thank the Lord for everything. If we don’t have a thanks-filled life, we cannot persevere in prayer but rather there will be other negative things taking over.

You cannot argue with your spouse when you thank the Lord, but when you don’t, it is so easy to do so. That’s why the Bible encourages us to be vigilant, on guard, on alert, for our prayer life.

As a result of having a prayer life with the Lord accompanied by thanksgiving, our speaking will be always with grace, seasoned with salt (Col. 4:5-6). When our speech lacks in grace, we need to realize we are short of prayer.

To help us in our prayer life, we also need to get companions, just as Daniel had his three companions and together they prayed.

Lord, thank You for today! Lord, thank You for giving us Your divine life. Thank You for mingling Yourself with our spirit. Lord, thank You so much for giving us a new heart to love You. Thank You for Your word, and thank You we can pray. Lord, make us thankful people. Recover our thankfulness, our giving thanks all day. Lord, thank You for all that You are to us!

Watching in Prayer With Thanksgiving

A lack of thanksgiving indicates a lack of prayer, and our constant prayer life is accompanied by thanksgiving. We are kept in a daily prayer life by watching with thanksgiving.

We need to be anxious in nothing, but in everything we should made our requests known to God by prayer and petition with thanksgiving (Phil. 4:6). As we see the end drawing near, we need to be sober-minded and watch unto prayer (1 Pet. 4:7) with much thanksgiving.

Don’t say, I don’t feel I have anything to thank God for! Rather, start thanking Him for the things He’s done for you, for your family and friends, for His life in you, and you will see: you cannot stop thanking Him!

We need to be anxious in nothing, but in everything we should made our requests known to God by prayer and petition with thanksgiving (Phil. 4:6). As we see the end drawing near, we need to be sober-minded and watch unto prayer (1 Pet. 4:7) with much thanksgiving. [In the picture: A Lack of thanksgiving is an indication of prayerlessness; the prayer life is kept by watching with thanksgiving. ]

If we continually offer thanks to the Lord, Satan will not be able to carry us away from our prayer life, but we will rather always rejoice, unceasingly pray, and in everything give thanks (1 Thes. 5:17-18).

The way for us to be saved from exchange of words, gossip, arguments, criticism, accusations, and any other “speaking not with grace” is by thanking the Lord continually.

The way to be kept in our prayer life, the way to pray unceasingly, and the way to maintain our prayer is by watching in it with thanksgiving.

Having Prayer Companions

A very practical way to sustain our prayer life is to have one or more prayer partners. It is so easy to be distracted and forget about our prayer life, but if you are desperate before the Lord and He gives you a prayer partner, there’s someone else who can remind you to pray.

It is so good to even have set times of prayer during the week with your prayer partner. The Lord promises that wherever two or three are gathered in His name, He is there with them, and whatever we ask in harmony on the earth, He will do it for us (see Matt. 18:19-20).

One or more prayer partners will not only help us pray better but also help us sustain and continue our prayer life.

Daniel had his three companions, and when the king issued the decree to kill all the wise men in Babylon since they couldn’t tell him the dream and its interpretation, Daniel went to his three friends and they prayed together (Dan. 2:17-23).

Whenever there are problems, whenever there’s a need, we can call / meet up with our prayer partner to pray one with the Lord concerning that situation, and the Lord will answer us!

Don’t seek “an immediate answer”; be simple before the Lord and in faith believe that whatever you prayed, He has already fulfilled! Prayer Companions are Very Important!

The Best Way to Redeem the Time

After Paul speaks of being watchful in prayer with thanksgiving, he gives us a glimpse of the consequences of having a prayer life: our walk will be wise, our speech will always be with grace, and we will know how to answer each one. All these are related to redeeming the time.

The best way to redeem the time, the best way to make time be valuable and have meaning, is to have a prayer life.

Don't say, I don't feel I have anything to thank God for! Rather, start thanking Him for the things He's done for you, for your family and friends, for His life in you, and you will see: you cannot stop thanking Him! [In the picture: 1 Tim. 2:1-3]

It is very important to make a vow before the Lord concerning our prayer life, telling Him that we want to be a praying person. When we make such a deal with Him, our Christian life and church life will be greatly enriched and uplifted, and we will enjoy the Lord and His presence.

His anointing and His leading will be with us, and we will see the Lord’s smile. The result will be that we will redeem the time by walking in wisdom, and our speaking will impart grace to those who listen (Col. 4:4-6).

When we are filled with thanks to God and with grace toward others, we will have the wisdom to walk in a way which glorifies God and builds up others – then, our time will be redeemed.

How much we need to maintain and sustain our prayer life, so that we will redeem the time and live a life that glorifies God!

Lord Jesus, save us from wasting any more of our time and Your time. Lord, open our eyes to see the importance of maintaining our prayer life with thanksgiving. We want to have Your smile, and we want to enjoy You constantly. Lord, keep us praying unceasingly both personally and with our companions. Vitalize us through much prayer before You, and make us those who live a life that expresses You to others.

References and Further Reading
  • Sharing inspired from portions in, New Life Lessons (pp. 9-16), as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on Prayer and the Lord’s Move, week 4 (entitled, Persevering in Prayer).
  • Further reading: recommending Col. 4:1-6 with footnotes.
  • Hymns on this topic:
    # It’s a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord / And to sing praises unto our God. / To show forth Thy lovingkindness / In the morning and every night.
    # Ten thousand thanks to Jesus, / Whose life our ransom paid, / Whose blood a full redemption / For all the world has made.
    # The saints in prayer appear as one, / In word, and deed, and mind; / While with the Father and the Son / Sweet fellowship they find.
  • Pictures source: with permission via, Inspiration Unlimited (Prayer and the Lord’s Move set).
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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12 years ago

Concerning persevering in prayer, I wish to say once again that we need to be willing to make a deal with the Lord, even to make a vow to Him, that we shall be a praying people. If all the saints in all the churches make such a deal with the Lord, the recovery will be greatly enriched and uplifted. Furthermore, the saints will enjoy the Lord, His presence, and His instant and constant anointing. All day long, they will enjoy the smile of the Lord’s face. As we persevere in prayer, the living Person of Christ becomes our experience and enjoyment. (Life-study of Colossians, pp. 583-584)

12 years ago

In charging us to persevere in prayer, Paul tells us to watch in it with thanksgiving. If we are not thankful to God for anything we must be lacking in prayer. The sign of a praying person is thankfulness. Giving thanks to Him will preserve you in your life of prayer. We need to be those who continually offer thanks to Him. All day long we need to thank God. If we continually offer thanks to the Lord, the adversary will not be able to carry us off from our prayer life. With regards to faith, the most important thing is that one must be SIMPLE. Do not analyze; rather just believe the Word of God in a simple way, and believe that God hears our prayer and accepts them.

If we are praying people, on the one hand we shall utter thanks to God, and on the other hand, our speech will be with grace. Out of our mouth will flow thanks to God and grace to others. However, if our speech is lacking in grace, we must be short of prayer. When we become aware of the lack of grace, we need to pray again and be charged with the divine electricity. Then our mouth will be filled with grace.

If we pray without ceasing, offer thanks to God, and have speech filled with grace, we shall spontaneously be very wise and know how to redeem the time. In our daily living no time shall be wasted. We shall have wisdom to walk in a way which glorifies God and builds up others.

As we persevere in prayer, the living Person of Christ becomes our experience and enjoyment.

12 years ago

Oh Lord Jesus, we are so grateful and thankful to You Lord. Thankful in every situation as all things work together for good for Your economy. Oh Lord Jesus we need the abundance of grace everyday to live a life of prayer and to be graceful to others. Oh Lord Jesus we daily come to the throne of grace and keep us in Your flow, Your divine stream Lord.

Ofelia Cabahug on Fa
12 years ago

Amen! We should give thanks to God the Father not only in good times but at all times, and not only for good things but for all things. Even in bad times we should give thanks to God our Father for the bad things.[Eph. 5:20 footnote 1 (RcV) via

tae wook Kye
tae wook Kye
12 years ago

watching in it with thanksgiving. For us to persevere in prayer, we need to watch in it with thanksgiving. Amen!

Oh Lord Jesus! Thank you Lord! We here for God's will! today We choice God's will in our spirit by our prayer for carry out God's administration! Amen!

Katherine Ko
Katherine Ko
12 years ago

Paul charged us to walk in wisdom toward those who are without, redeeming the time. Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt… How can we be such persons? The way is “to pray.”

If we are praying persons, constantly turning our heart to the Lord, pray without ceasing, offering thanks to Him, we will be wise and we will know how to redeem the time. Our speech will be with grace to build up others and our living glorifying God. Whenever we are lack of prayer, our speech lack of grace, and unable to offer thanks to God, we need to pray again and be charged with the divine electricity.

We can have a personal prayer time or we may pray with others. The more we pray, the more we like to pray, the more we are able to persevere in prayer. “Lord, cause many to rise up to be such praying persons to enjoy Your instant and constant anointing and all day long enjoying your smiling face and simultaneously Your recovery will be enriched and uplifted” Amen!

vicki bean
vicki bean
12 years ago
Reply to  Katherine Ko

I absolutely agree with the other saints in their replies! Oh, that we would continue to PRAY! the Lord needs us to pray according to His will and for His will to be done on earth! And to pray WITH thanksgiving! While the earth is becoming more and more UNthankful we, as the Lord's Bride/army must become more and more thankful. This not only will satisfy God's heart but it will increase our prayer life. It will give us grace and wisdom in speaking with others. It will keep our hearts soft towards our dear Lord. Also, we must continue to pray for God's interest with our prayer partner. This will strengthen us. We will become more effectual in our prayers and this will build up His Body! Thank You Lord Jesus for this encouraging and strengthening word!

Marites Arisaka on F
12 years ago

persevering in prayer, means all perseverance that we have persist and insist to the uttermost; these indicates that there may be somrthing holding us down, holding us down, holding us back, suppressing, oppressing, depressing, and hindering us from prayer, so we have to persevere and not give up.

sis. Tara
sis. Tara
12 years ago


Col 4:5-6 Walk in wisdom towards those who are without, redeeming the time. Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one.

Mat 18:19 If two of you are in harmony on earth concerning any matter for which they ask, it will be done for them from My Father who is in the heavens.

‘…persevering in prayer. If we pray without ceasing, offer thanks to God, & have speech filled with grace, we shall spontaneously become very wise & know how to redeem the time…Out of our mouth will flow thanks to God & grace to others.’

Oh Lord, let us persevere in prayer that we may be strengthened in the experience of Your divine enjoyment & then we can share Your wisdom & grace with others.


11 years ago

Being prayer everyday,having ease our feeling for calling Christ and say thankfulness,our evryday life ,what we need everything so share Lord Jesus Thanksgiving Prayer with Him.