The Triune God is a God of Joy and Christ is our Joy as we Abide in Him to Enjoy Him

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. Phil. 4:4

Our God is a God of joy, and He fills us with all joy and peace; Christ is our joy, and when we abide in the Lord, His joy abides in us and our joy is made full, for we are rejoicing in the Lord and enjoying Him. Praise the Lord!

This week we come to a new topic in our morning revival in the series, The Enjoyment of Christ and our Growth in Life unto Maturity; the topic for this week is, The Joy of the Triune God Becoming our Joy.

Not only unbelievers but even we as believers in Christ need to know that the joy of the Triune God is becoming our joy.

We all need to be saved from a joyless Christian life. We may have been a Christian for many years, but we don’t know how to have a Christian life full of joy, a life of enjoying God.

We need to hear such a gospel message again and again to be saved from all our anxieties, our depression, our suppression, and from any distracting thing back to the matter of enjoying the Lord.

As we are nearing the Lord’s appearing and the time for Him to return to rapture His bride is approaching, and we need to be prepared as the mature bride for Him to rapture.

For this, we need to grow in life unto maturity, and this requires that we enjoy Christ. It’s one thing to experience Christ and it is something else for us to enjoy Him.

We need to ask ourselves in the Lord’s presence, Do we live the Christian life and the church life with joy?

Do we enjoy the Lord day by day both personally and together with the saints?

We may speak of enjoying the Lord and we may encourage others to enjoy Him, but do we enjoy Him?

Many Christians know that they need to worship God, fear God, serve God, and work for God; but we need to even more enjoy God.

Wow, our God is enjoyable, and He wants us to enjoy Him.

Yes, God wants us to enjoy Him. When He created man, He didn’t put man in a factory or in an office for man to work for God and do business for Him; rather, He put man in a garden, and that garden was called Eden, pleasure.

This means that God wants to be man’s pleasure and satisfaction so that man would partake of Him as the tree of life and drink Him as the water of life for man to express God and represent Him.

God didn’t give man a hammer or a spade, neither did He give man instructions on how to do this or that; rather, God told man to be careful what he eats.

He wants man to partake of God as the tree of life. At the end of the Bible, we see the holy city, New Jerusalem, where we have the tree of life with the river of water of life.

This means that from beginning to end, God wants to be man’s enjoyment and supply, for He wants man to enjoy God for eternity. Praise the Lord!

The Triune God is a God of Joy, a God of Enjoyment, and He Fills us with Joy and Peace

Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope in the power of the Holy Spirit. Rom. 15:13Our Triune God into whom we believe and to whom we’re organically joined in spirit is a God of joy, a God of enjoyment.

Rom. 15:13 says that the God of hope fills us with all joy and peace; He is a God of hope, and He is a God of peace and joy.

Our God is a God of peace. Today we live in a world that is full of wars, arguments, and homelessness; however, our God is a God of hope and of peace.

The politicians and world leaders try to piece the world together and promise peace to us, but in this failing world there is no peace.

Peace is in God, for God is a God of peace, and hope is in God, for He is a God of hope.

Our real hope is in God Himself, for He’s a God of hope.

And this God of hope fills us with all joy and peace!

He is a God of joy; joy is one of God’s attributes. God is the God of enjoyment; He wants us to enjoy Him.

Grace is God enjoyed by us to be everything to us. When we enjoy God as grace, we will have peace, and we will have joy.

God has many attributes, which are what He is in His being; joy is one of God’s attributes.

In the Far East, there are many idols made by man, and all of them are fierce, with no joy; they look fearsome and horrifying, to scare people.

Many people today have the concept that God is after them to punish them because they don’t do what is pleasing to Him. But God is a God of joy.

If we come to God, we come to joy and we enjoy Him.

In Psa. 43:4 the psalmist said that he comes to the altar of God, to God, his exceeding joy.

Every morning we need to come to the altar of God.

Sinful men like us, full of shortcomings and failures, can come to God to partake of His provision; we can take Christ as the reality of all the offerings and be filled with joy.

We can take Christ as the sin offering, the trespass offering, the peace offering, the meal offering, and the burnt offering.

We can never exhaust our enjoyment of God’s provision!

And I will go to the altar of God, To God my exceeding joy; And I will praise You with the harp, O God, my God. Psa. 43:4 Always rejoice. Phil. 5:16We can come to God, the God of joy, and we can enjoy His provision so that we can have a way to enter into God!

Wow, our God is the God of enjoyment! In our experience, if we enjoy God as grace, we will have peace, and if we have peace, we will have joy.

The apostle Paul opens many of his epistles with a greeting that includes grace and peace from God to the saints.

Grace is not merely an unmerited favour or something that God gives to us or does for us; grace is God being our enjoyment.

As we come to the Lord and contact Him in spirit, we can enjoy Him as grace.

And the more we enjoy Him, the more we partake of Him as grace, the more He has a way to flow through us, even to overflow through us as the God of enjoyment.

God is the source of our joy, and we can enjoy Him. As we enjoy God as grace, the result is the condition of peace.

The more we enjoy God as grace, the more we’re brought into a condition of peace.

And the issue of this condition of peace is the expression of joy.

Grace, peace and joy are related; all three are God Himself being everything to us for our enjoyment.

May we come to the Lord day by day to enjoy Him as grace and peace so that we may have the joy of God flowing in us and through us!

Hallelujah, our God is a God of joy! Amen, Lord, we come to You to enjoy You as the God of joy. May the God of hope fill us with all joy and peace in believing! In You, we have hope and peace. In the world there are so many troubles but in You we have peace and You are our hope. Amen, Lord, we come to enjoy You as grace. We take You as our everything for our enjoyment. We partake of what You are in spirit. You are our peace. You keep us in a condition of peace. Amen, Lord, we love to be here in Your presence, enjoying You as grace and peace. You are our joy! Hallelujah, we come to God as the God of joy to be filled with joy! Amen, Lord, we exercise our spirit to enjoy You and be filled with the joy of God. Fill us with all joy and peace. We believe into You. May we abound in hope in the power of the Holy Spirit. Praise the Lord, God is our joy, for God is a God of joy!

Abide in Christ to have His Joy made Full in us and Bear Fruit for His Glorification

These things I have spoken to you that My joy may be in you and that your joy may be made full. John 15:11

In John 15:11 the Lord Jesus said, These things I have spoken to you that My joy may be in you and that your joy may be made full.

In His person, Christ is joy to us, the believers in Christ.

He doesn’t just give us joy here and there; He is our joy as we abide in the Lord. The context of Christ being our joy is our abiding in the Lord as branches abide in the vine (vv. 1-11).

By believing into the Lord Jesus, we have become branches in the vine; we are grafted in Christ, and we need to abide in Him to enjoy Him as everything to us.

The more we abide in the Lord, the more we enjoy His divine life flowing in us and through us, and the more we bear fruit and live a joyful life. Hallelujah!

But now I am coming to You, and these things I speak in the world that they may have My joy made full in themselves. John 17:13 Finally, my brothers, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things to you, for me it is not irksome, but for you it is safe. Phil. 3:1Our joy comes from abiding in the Lord, for when we abide in Him, we bear much fruit to express the riches of His life for God to be glorified!

We can testify that, even though we don’t do this constantly, at least from time to time we abide in the Lord and enjoy the riches of His life together with our fellow branches in the vine, and the Lord is our joy, for we bear fruit by abiding in Him, and in this the Father is glorified!

In such an abiding and bearing of fruit, the Father is expressed and glorified, and our joy is actually Christ Himself!

He wants to make His joy full in us (John 17:13).

The Greek word for full here is pleroo, which means to make replete, to abundantly supply, stuff, even gorge oneself with food and drink. Wow.

God doesn’t want us to have a little joy here and there; He wants us to have joy to the full, for He is a God of joy and Christ is our joy.

Our joy and gladness need to be of full measure and complete with overflowing.

God doesn’t want us just to experience some joy from time to time; He wants us to be filled with joy.

When you put water in a bottle, all the air in it is displaced and water fills us; when we fill the bottle with water, anything else leaves the bottle and water only remains.

We need to be so full with the Lord as our joy that anything else is squeezed out.

We need to have His joy made full in us and abound in us to the extent that all our anxiety, negative thoughts, depression, and criticism and murmurings have no more room in us. Amen!

No room for such things as murmurings and reasonings, criticism and anxiety – there’s room in our being only for Christ as joy!

We can have the Lord’s joy made full in us only when we abide in the Lord as the vine; when we abide in Him and He abides in us as branches abide in the vine, we will have a joyful life.

The fullness of joy is the real oneness (see John 17), for when we are one in the Father’s name by the Father’s life, enjoying the Father together, we shall have the Lord’s joy made full in us.

We will then be truly one, and we will overflow with praise to God, being filled with inner joy. Praise the Lord!

We need to see that, as believers in Christ, we are grafted into Christ, and we are joined to Him organically to be one spirit.

His joy is in us and our joy is made full by our abiding in the Lord.

Our joy always comes from our abiding in the Lord, from our abiding in His love, for when we abide in the Lord, we live a life that is full of joy.

This joy is nothing else but Christ Himself.

When we abide in Christ and Christ abides in us, His joy abides in us to be the source of our joy so that our joy may abound and become full and that we may live our days with joy. Amen!

As we live in this evil world during these evil days, with so many challenges and fights, we need to abide in the Lord to have His joy made full in us.

Whether the Lord’s joy can remain in us depends on whether we make the Lord joyful. If we do not love the Lord and abide in Him, if the Lord’s words do not abide in us, and if we do not obey the commandments given by the Lord, can the Lord be joyful in us?…Those who do not abide in the Lord often have a sad face and are without joy. At times they may joke around and appear joyful, or they may be joyful when they make money or get promoted, but in quiet moments they are not joyful. Therefore, they cannot render praises in the Lord’s table meeting or open their mouth in the prayer meeting, because the Lord in them is sorrowful and without joy (Eph. 4:30). However, if we love the Lord, learn to abide in Him continually, allow His words to abide in us, abide in His love, receive His commandments, and obey His words, the Lord’s joy will remain in us, and our joy will be made full. Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1959, vol. 1, p. 374There is fighting everywhere, there is confusion all over the place, and corruption and immorality prevail; how do we live our Christian life in such a situation?

How do we go on in the church life today? How can we maintain our testimony as Christians? We have to enjoy the Lord as our joy.

The situation today in the world is full of degradation and it is continually degrading. It is going downhill everywhere.

But we are here for the Lord, and God wants to gain a people in whom He is the factor of their joy.

He wants to gain a people who live in joy, who live by enjoying the Lord.

Paul exhorts us in Phil. 3:1 that we rejoice in the Lord; rejoicing in the Lord is safe for us, it safeguards us from troubles.

In Phil. 4:4 Paul further says that we should rejoice in the Lord always; we believers in Christ need to rejoice in the Lord.

The secret to having the excellent characteristics spoken of in Phil. 4:5-9 is our rejoicing in the Lord.

May we abide in the Lord and have Him abide in us so that His joy may be made full in us and we would live a life of joy, bearing fruit for the Father’s glorification.

Lord Jesus, thank You for being our joy. Thank You for giving us Your joy. Make Your joy full in us. We want to abide in You so that our joy may made full in You. Oh Lord, in the world there are only troubles, corruption, and degradation, but You are our joy! We want to live our days full of joy. Save us from living a joyless Christian life. Hallelujah, we are branches in Christ, the vine, and we can abide in Him to have His joy made full in us! Lord, You are our joy! Your joy is the source of our joy so that our joy may abound and become full and so that we may live our days with joy. We give ourselves to remain in the organic union with You today. We want to abide in You and have You abide in us. May Your joy abound in us and squeeze out all murmurings, all negative thoughts, and all criticism and reasonings. Hallelujah, Christ is our joy!

References and Hymns on this Topic
  • Inspiration for this article/sharing comes from the Word of God, the enjoyment in the ministry, a sharing by James Lee in the message for this week, and portions from, The Conclusion of the New Testament, msgs. 53, 83, and 382 (by Witness Lee), as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, The Enjoyment of Christ and our Growth in Life unto Maturity (2023 Thanksgiving Blending Conference), week 2, entitled, The Joy of the Triune God Becoming our Joy.
  • Similar articles on this topic:
    Enjoy Christ’s Riches in 3 Aspects Every Day, article via, Holding to Truth in Love.
    The grace of God in the economy of God, article via, Affirmation and Critique.
    Our Fresh Enjoyment, via, Living to Him.
    How to Maintain the Joy of Our Salvation, article via, Bibles for America blog.
    Abiding in the Lord and enjoying His life, a portion from, Abiding in the Lord to Enjoy His Life, Chapter 1, by Witness Lee.
    The Triune God not being for doctrine but for the believers’ experience, a portion from, Four Crucial Elements of the Bible, The—Christ, the Spirit, Life, and the Church, Chapter 6, by Witness Lee.
    The Triune God: A Testimony of Our Belief and Experience, via, Contending for the Faith.
    Peace, joy, knowledge-surpassing love, sufficient grace, and sympathy, a portion from, Conclusion of the New Testament, The (Msgs. 050-062), Chapter 12, by Witness Lee.
  • Hymns on this topic:
    – O let us rejoice in the Lord evermore, / Though all things around us be trying, / Though floods of affliction like sea billows roar, / It’s better to sing than be sighing. / Then rejoice evermore, rejoice evermore, / It is better to sing than be sighing: / It is better to live than be dying; / So let us rejoice evermore. (Hymns #717 stanza 1 and chorus)
    – I have come to the Fountain of Joy; / His joy is the strength of my heart. / My delight is unmixed with alloy, / My sunshine can never depart. / The fig tree may wither and die, / Earth’s pleasures and prospects decline; / But my fountains can never be dry— / My portion, my joy is divine. (Hymns #523 stanza 4)
    – Abide in Thee! my Savior God, I know / How love of Thine so vast in me may flow, / My empty vessel, running o’er with joy, / Must overflow to Thee without alloy. (Hymns #563 stanza 2)
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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brother L.
brother L.
1 year ago

In Philippians 3:1 Paul says, “Finally, my brothers, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things to you, for me it is not irksome, but for you it is safe.” Here Paul charges the saints to rejoice in the Lord. His word indicates that rejoicing in the Lord is a safeguard, a security…There must have been a situation in Philippi that required a safeguard, some kind of protection. The situation Paul had in mind was the trouble caused by the Judaizers. As a protection from that trouble, Paul encouraged the saints to rejoice in the Lord. In Philippians 4:4 Paul says, “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.” All believers need to rejoice in the Lord…This rejoicing affords us the strength for the oneness spoken of in Philippians 4:2 and 3. If believers are to think the same thing, it is necessary for them to learn to rejoice. Rejoicing in the Lord is also the secret of having the excellent characteristics listed in Philippians 4:5-9. If we would have the virtues found in these verses, we need to rejoice in the Lord. Therefore, rejoicing in the Lord is very important.

The Conclusion of the New Testament, pp. 575-576, by Witness Lee

Stefan M.
Stefan M.
1 year ago

Our God is a God of joy – He wants us to enjoy Him, He came into us to be our joy, and we can abide in Him so that His joy may be made full in us for His glorification through fruit-bearing. Hallelujah!

May we love the Lord and abide in Him, and may His words abide in us so that we may have the Lord’s joy in us! His joy it the real joy.

Lord Jesus, we love You! We love Your word. We want to abide in You today. We let Your words abide in us. May Your joy be in us today!

Oh Lord Jesus, be our joy and enjoyment today!

Ade O.
Ade O.
1 year ago

He’s the vine and we’re the branches,
We should e’er abide in Him,
And let Him abide within us
As the flow of life within.

In the vine, in the vine,
In the vine, in the vine,
We would know Thee, Lord,
more deeply,
E’er abiding in the vine.

As we hear His instant speaking,
He’s the rich indwelling Word;
To abide we must be faithful
To the speaking that we’ve heard.

For ’tis here we know abiding
In the real and deepest way;
If we love our Lord completely,
We would do whate’er He’d say.

Then His love abides within us,
And in love abiding, we
Know the joy of life-communion,
Full and perfect harmony.

Oh, how precious this abiding,
Oh, how intimate and sweet;
As the fruit of life is added,
And our joy is made complete.

Hymn 1163

Jon H.
Jon H.
1 year ago


Yes Lord we want to enjoy you as Grace and we will be filled with your peace and we will spontaneously be filled with your joy, oh Lord Jesus!

More grace today for the ultimate glorification of the Father!

Moh S.
Moh S.
1 year ago


This Joy is Christ Himself! He abides in us, His joy abides in us to be the source of our joy that our joy will abound and become full and that we may live our days with joy!

Hallelujah! and no one will take your joy away from you. John 16:22

Pak L.
Pak L.
1 year ago

Amen! The Triune God is a God of joy.

The Lord wants to fill us with joy. We need to abide in Him in every situation.

Lord, protect us from the world. Thank You, Lord You provide protection as we rejoice in the Lord. Lord moment by moment we rejoice in You. Be joy to us today!

Richard C.
Richard C.
1 year ago

Amen – O Lord You are the God of enjoyment!

When we experience grace we have peace and the result is joy in the Holy Spirit!

Thank You, Lord Your joy becomes our joy as we abide in You, Your love, and bear fruit as such fruit-bearing branches!

Christian A.
Christian A.
1 year ago

Amen brother.

Abiding joy depends upon our abiding in the Lord, abiding in His love, fruit-bearing in His life, and the expression & glorification of our Father.

It depends on whether we make the Lord joyful by abiding in Him continually, allowing His words to abide in us, abiding in His love, receiving His commandments, and obeying His words.

May we learn to rejoice in Jesus always for our protection and for God’s satisfaction.

M. M.
M. M.
1 year ago

O Lord!

One thing: to hate myself and flood me with your Love so that I can experience and enjoy you in all my walks of life!

K. P.
K. P.
1 year ago

The Joy of the Triune God Becoming Our Joy

Rom. 15:13 Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope in the power of the Holy Spirit.

John 15:11 These things I have spoken to you that My joy may be in you and that your joy may be made full.

The Joy of the Lord is our strength! 😃🙌🙋🏽

agodman audio
agodman audio
1 year ago

Listen to the audio version of this article via, 



Sister Gail
Sister Gail
1 year ago

There is no such thing as a joyless Christian (though we all have probably experienced a few suspects). A “joyless Christian” is simply a believer who does not live by the joy supplied him.

Imagine being one in poverty. Then a rich man comes who claims you as his child, gives you all and more than you need or require. You accept it but still live sparingly, hoarding what you were given, just “in case.”

This is a so-called joyless Christian. They know they are saved but are more comfortable in a long face carrying a longer to-do list (for God) because their trust in joy is short.

Let us capitalize this word Joy, for we all have it, and not only is it from Him, it is Him. Our salvation has connected us to this wonderful reservoir of peace and joy and hope and love. It is endless, limitless, like our eternity with Him. What else can express it but joy?

May we all allow our God given beauty, which is our joy, full expression, each day. In His love….s.g..

Mario V.
Mario V.
1 year ago

Wow! The God of hope fills us with all joy and that the Lord’s joy will be in us to be our joy. 

Bro, our being branches of the divine vine and bearing fruit to express the divine life are matters of joy, and they also issue in a joyful life.

The Lord even desires that our joy be made full. This fullness of joy is in our real oneness with the triune God.

But whether the Lord’s joy remains in us depends on whether we make Him joyful.

If we love Him, abide in Him, abide in His love, and obey His words, the Lord’s joy will remain in us and His joy will fill us. 

Lord Jesus may we have a high regard about how You feel. To care that You are joyful. Lord Your gracious smile of our reward. Actually Lord if You are joyful, we too are joyful.🙏🙏🙏

Mila L.
Mila L.
1 year ago

Amen, Lord! We come to You and exercise our spirit, we will be filled with Your joy. Hallelujah!