Today the Lord needs Nazarites, those who are consecrated to Him for His purpose.
All the believers in Christ are His priests, but they have failed Him in accomplishing His purpose. Therefore, God is looking for those who willingly consecrate themselves to Him, separating themselves unto Him and sanctifying themselves for His purpose.
These have a fourfold consecration to God: they overcome worldly enjoyment and pleasure, they overcome rebellion, they overcome death, and they overcome natural affection.
The Nazarites of today overcome the worldly pleasure and enjoyment by enjoying the Lord Jesus as the new wine to be made joyful in Him and to cheer God and man.
The Nazarites overcome rebellion by being submissive to God and to the deputy authority He has ordained over them. Today we want to see how the Nazarites overcome death – they are not allowed to be defiled by the death of the relative closest to him or by sudden death of one beside him.
We need to stay away from death, and whenever we sense death in our environment or in the meetings of the church, we need to exercise our spirit to enjoy the life-giving Spirit and be filled with anti-death, that is, be filled with the divine life!
There are germs of death everywhere, and we need to constantly fight against any kind of death in our church life and family life by exercising our spirit to be one with Christ, the One who overcame death!
Also, as Nazarites we need to overcome any natural affection – we shouldn’t make ourselves unclean for any relative or close friend of ours. In our natural life we have natural affection toward certain people, but in the church life we need to separate ourselves unto God and not allow any honey of natural affection come in to spoil us or damage us.
We need to be separated unto God fully for His purpose, and when we feel like we’re away from the Lord, we need to simply return to Him by taking Christ as the reality of all the offerings and laying our hands on Christ, the One who is absolute for God.
The result and the purpose of being a Nazarite is that we are blessed with the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity, and we bless everyone else with God in the divine dispensing!
Overcoming Death by Being Full of Life and Standing Against any Death
A Nazarite was not allowed to be defiled by the death of the relative closest to him or by the sudden death of one beside him (see Num. 6:6-7, 9); in our Christian experience, if we would be the Nazarites of today, we need to overcome death and stay away from death.
When others gossip or talk about other people’s situation in a negative way, we shouldn’t be curious about it but stay away from this. In the church life we don’t “dig through the trash can” or feed others banana peel or chicken bones, but we enjoy Christ as life and minister life to others.
The less you “know about the saints” in the way of gossip, the better it is. It is good not to see evil, hear evil, or speak evil; it is good to speak Christ, hear Christ, and see Christ in the saints. In God’s eyes, death is more defiling than sin; in our experience, many times death is non-perceptible, and we need to be exercised in spirit to stand against any death.
Different kinds of spiritual death may spread among God’s people in the church life – there’s wild death (the carcasses of the beasts), mild death (the carcasses of the cattle), or subtle death (the carcasses of creeping things (see Lev. 5:2; Rev. 3:4; Rom. 8:6).
May we be those are living and not dead, and may we set our mind on the spirit all the time so that we would be filled with life! We need to be filled with anti-death, that is, we need to be filled with life, the divine life!
This depends on how much we exercise our spirit to pray not in a general way but a prayer that fights against the enemy and releases life! We pray that our whole being would be swallowed up by life (2 Cor. 5:4), and we work together with God by a life that is all-sufficient, all-mature, an all-fitting life that can accept any kind of treatment, live in any kind of environment, work in any kind of condition, and take any kind of opportunity to carry out the ministry of dispensing life to others (see 2 Cor. 6:1 and footnote).
Our natural life doesn’t fit the church life, but we have an all-fitting life in our spirit, and we can watch and pray to remain in the spirit, enjoying God as life, being filled with life, and ministering life to others. And if we see any deadness in a meeting, we need to pray very much to counter that deadening situation. We can pray,
Lord, cover me with Your blood against any deadening. Cover us against any spiritual deadness. Lord, cover this meeting with Your prevailing blood. Under Your blood, Lord, we participate in the divine life and enjoy this life with the saints!
If we pray in this way, we become the real Nazarites who are “numbered” for the formation of God’s army, those who are vigilant, full of feeling for the war against death. The germs of death are everywhere, even in the church life, and we need to pray daily, hourly, fighting against death, the last enemy of God (see 1 Cor. 15:26).
Overcoming Natural Affection by Loving Others with God as our Love
A Nazarite was not allowed to make himself unclean for his father, mother, brother, or sister when they die (see Num. 6:7).
The Lord Jesus as the real Nazarite did not make Himself unclean when He was on the earth – He said, Whoever does the will of My Father in the heavens is My brother, sister, and mother (Matt. 12:46-50). If we do the will of our Father in the heavens we become a brother who helps the Lord, a sister who sympathizes with the Lord, and a mother who tenderly loves the Lord.
If we live according to our natural life with its natural affection (typified by honey that ferments and brings in rottenness), we will be the cause of division in the Body.
In Acts 15:35-39 we see that among Paul and Barnabas, two co-workers much used by the Lord for the gospel, there was a sharp contention regarding Mark, Barnabas’s relative, whom Barnabas wanted to take along for the next gospel trip but Paul didn’t, considering that since Mark left them last time in their trip, he may not be ready.
Eventually, Paul took Silas and was sent out by the church with blessings, but Barnabas took Mark and went to his hometown to visit. It is ugly when one has a natural affection toward a relative and this one is serving the Lord!
The roots of rebellion and turmoil are unfulfilled ambition, unforgiven offenses, and natural affection, which spreads death among the saints. God wants us to love others, but He wants us to love everyone with Himself as love and not with our natural love (see Phil. 2:2; 1 Cor. 13:4-8, 13; 2 Tim. 1:7).
When we have a natural relationship and a natural affection in the church life, we will affect the Body of Christ and we will spoil others. May we come to the Lord to be filled with Him as love, and may we not love others with our natural affection but be filled with God as love, loving others equally with the divine love!
Consecrating Ourselves to the Lord and Blessing Others with the Triune God

Our separation unto God is for our being blessed by God to bless others with God in the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity for the carrying out of His eternal economy (Quote from, Witness Lee).
If something happens and our former separation unto the Lord as a Nazarite is being made void, we must re-separate ourselves to God by taking Christ as the reality of all the offerings (see Num. 6:8-21). If we fail to keep the Nazarite vow, we need to re-separate and re-consecrate ourselves to the Lord.
Every day we need to separate ourselves to the Lord from any natural affection with the natural man by giving ourselves to the Lord to live by the spirit, walk according to the spirit, and have all our relationships with the brothers and the sisters in the spirit.
We need to separate ourselves to the Lord from any worldly enjoyment and pleasure by enjoying the Lord and drinking Him as the new wine, being cheered up by Him and being a cheer to God and man.
We need to separate ourselves unto the Lord from any rebellion by giving ourselves to be under the headship of Christ and respecting any authority God ordained over us.
We need to separate ourselves unto the Lord from any death by giving ourselves to the Lord to be filled with Christ as the life-giving Spirit – the anti-death – to overflow with life!
We may fail in our daily life, but we need to come back to the Lord and take Christ as the reality of all the offerings, laying our hands on Him and consecrating ourselves to God in Him again!
Our separation unto God is for our being blessed by God to bless others with God in the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity for the carrying out of His eternal economy (see Num. 6:22-27 and 2 Cor. 13:14).
After we see the Nazarite vow in Num 6, at the end of the chapter we see the blessing of the people with the Triune God. The purpose of being a Nazarite, one separated unto God from any death, rebellion, natural affection, and worldly pleasure, is to be blessed with the Triune God and to bless others with the Triune God in His divine dispensing!
Day by day and morning by morning we need to give ourselves to the Lord, lay our hands on Him, and be identified with Him in His being the burnt offering, and we need to separate ourselves to Him to be blessed by God and to bless others with the Triune God!
Lord Jesus, we give ourselves to You to be the Nazarites that You desire and need in this age. Lord, we want to reject any death and stand against any death situation by enjoying You as the life-giving Spirit, the anti-death life! Lord Jesus, fill us with life and keep us one with You in life! Save us from any natural affection. Lord, we separate ourselves unto You from any rebellion, death, natural affection, and worldly pleasure. We consecrate ourselves to You for Your purpose in You as the consecrated One!
References and Hymns on this Topic
- Inspiration: the Word of God, my Christian experience, bro. Ed Marks’ sharing in the message for this week, and portions from, Life-study of Numbers, msgs. 9 and 11, as quoted in, the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, The Heavenly Vision, week 6 / msg 6, The Vision of Consecration.
- Recommending: see for some testimonies of young people who separate themselves unto the Lord for His purpose.
- Hymns on this topic:
# God needs men who pray; / Those who lay the tracks for Him; / God’s economy is carried out through men of prayer. / They love not themselves; / But a willing sacrifice. / What they fear—offending God, losing His presence dear. (Song on Consecration)
# Consecrated is Thy temple, / Purged from every stain and sin; / May Thy flame of glory now be / Manifested from within. / Let the earth in solemn wonder / See my body willingly / Offered as Thy slave obedient, / Energized alone by Thee. (Hymns #403)
# My heart longs for absolute surrender / That I’d wholly consecrated be, / Not in word alone but all my being / Would be fully given unto Thee. (Song on Consecration)
Here is a song, based on the note posted above: may we sing this as our antidote to deadness!
tune: Lie Still/450 – see
If we are living in the Spirit in every way,
When we come to a meeting, we may immediately–
Have the sense that deadness is there. We may realize…
Not only that the meeting is low and slow but that–
In the meeting, there is deadness hidden beneath the–
Surface. At such a time, we’d to pray very much…
To counter that deadening situation: “Lord,
Cover me with Your blood, against any deadening,
Against any spiritual deadness.” We must fight against deadness.
source: based on excerpt from: Life-study of Numbers, pp. 62-65; posted 8/30/14; song, with edit, from 8/30/14.