To Participate in the Lord’s Move we can Go in His Going and Give in His Giving

Song of Songs 1:4 Draw me; we will run after you — the king has brought me into his chambers — we will be glad and rejoice in you; we will extol your love more than wine...Each of the living creatures in Ezekiel 1 had high and awesome wheels, which indicate God’s move; every local church and every believer should have a high and awesome wheel with them, and we all need to participate in the Lord’s move today.

God the Father is living, Christ the Son is moving, and the Spirit is working to carry out God’s eternal economy; the entire Triune God is a moving, living, active, and working God to accomplish God’s economy, and today in this age He has a move.

What is the Lord’s move? God’s move is the work and move of God in this age for Him to accomplish His economy in our day and time. This move of God is signified in Ezekiel by a wheel, which indicates a special and extraordinary move, a move by the power, strength, and supply of the Lord.

Today we as believers in Christ need to participate in the Lord’s move by enjoying Him, taking Him as our strength, power, and supply, and by spending much time with Him and being coordinated with the saints in the Body.

The direction of the Lord’s move today in this age is to first build up the Body of Christ for Him to have a corporate expression, to prepare the bride of Christ for Him to have a counterpart that would match Him in love, and to bring in the kingdom of God so that He may have a realm to rule and reign on earth.

In particular, God’s move is the move of His economy in man to deify man, that is, to make man the same as Christ in life, nature, expression, and function, but not in the Godhead; this is so that God may gain one new man for Him to have His corporate expression and administration.

When we speak of the Lord’s move we don’t mean merely the outward activities that we do in coordination with God and with our fellow living creatures, but the move of God in His economy to gain the one new man for His corporate expression and administration.

We need to see what God is doing today, and we need to spend much time with Him, allowing Him to infuse us and transfuse Himself into us, so that we may be a living creature who is coordinated with other living creatures and cooperate by participating in the Lord’s move in this age today.

Participating in the Lord’s Move by having a Personal and Spiritual Relationship with Him

In order to participate in the Lord’s move, we must have a personal, affectionate, private, and spiritual relationship with Him. Crystallization-Study of Ezekiel, outline 6When we hear concerning the Lord’s move, we are stirred up within and want to participate in the Lord’s move today, and we may even consecrate to the Lord to go wherever He wants us to go.

But in order for us to participate in the Lord’s move, we first must have a personal, affectionate, private, and spiritual relationship with Him. Our participation in the Lord’s move should be the issue of the divine romance, coming out of our personal and spiritual relationship with Him.

Toward the end of Song of Songs, after the seeker has been transformed and went through many experiences to make her one with Solomon, she gives her love to her Beloved in the vineyards (S. S. 7:11-12).

In an atmosphere and condition of love, even while we are working and moving with the Lord, we love Him and spend much personal, affectionate, private, and spiritual time with Him. When we spend time with the Lord, we will care for what He cares; the normal and spontaneous thing will be that we will work together with Him in love.

It is not merely that we hear concerning the Lord’s move or we see that things are happening, it’s our oneness with the Lord in love that causes us to be one with Him and join Him to participate in the Lord’s move on earth.

We need to build up our personal, affectionate, private, and spiritual relationship with the Lord, and when this is built up in our living, the work becomes something pleasant and lovely, and we will participate in the Lord’s move.

Every local church and every individual believer should have a high and awesome wheel with them; this means that in a local church the Lord needs to gain at least some who are built up and coordinated in a vital way, and they become the means for Him to move.

Acts 13:1-2 Now there were in Antioch, in the local church, prophets and teachers: Barnabas and Simeon...and Saul. And as they were ministering to the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, Set apart for Me now Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.In Acts 13:1-2 we see five brothers who were the four living creatures; they were coordinated together, praying, ministering to the Lord, and the Lord had a way to move through them. This is a pattern for every local church.

If in our local church we have the same number of people as we did 10 or 20 years ago, something is wrong; we may say that we enjoy the Lord and love the ministry, but where is the high and awesome wheel of the Lord’s move?

If we enjoy the Lord, spend much time with Him, and learn to be coordinated with the saints, there should be a high and awesome wheel, the move of the Lord in our locality. Every local church must have the Lord’s move, and every believer must also have the Lord’s move.

When we go to work or to school, the Lord’s move should be with us. We need to daily live by the eagle’s wings, walk by the calf’s hoofs, and have a high and awesome wheel with us; our living should be like a normal man but with the divine being living in us, and others will be touched and convicted in their conscience.

In our character we need to be honest, straight, frank, and sincere, with no crookedness; also, with us there should be an extraordinary move with us, the Lord’s move, and others will be gained by the Lord.

Lord Jesus, we want to participate in the Lord’s move by spending much personal, affectionate, private, and spiritual time with You. Lord, we love You! Keep us in the divine romance, enjoying You in love and cultivating our personal and spiritual relationship with You. Oh Lord, may our work and move come out of our private and affectionate time with You. May there be a high and awesome wheel of the Lord’s move with us individually and corporately as the church. Oh Lord, may we be part of Your move in the city and country You put us in!

To Participate in the Lord’s Move we can Go in His Going and Give in His Giving

We need to follow the Lamb wherever He may go, living a life of the altar and the tent by taking heed to our spirit and by honoring Christ as the Head and as the Body. Crystallization-Study of Ezekiel, outline 6The Lord is moving, and we as believers in Christ and members of His body – who are learning to be living creatures in coordination and oneness with Him – want to participate in the Lord’s move today.

First, we need to spend much time with the Lord and be infused with His desire, intention, and purpose; then, we need to learn to be coordinated with the saints in the Body so that we may be the living creatures on earth who afford the One on the throne a way to move and administrate.

Practically speaking, for us to participate in the Lord’s move, we can GO in His going, GIVE in His giving, and PRAY in His praying.

We need to be those who follow the Lamb wherever He may go (Rev. 14:4) by living a life of the altar and the tent (Gen. 12:7-8; 13:3-4) and by taking heed to our spirit (Mal. 2:15-16) and by honoring Christ as the Head and as the Body (2 Cor. 2:13; 7:5-6; 1 John 1:3).

In order for us to move with the Lord we need to individually be a person who follows the Lamb, and we follow Him in the way of an altar and a tent. All that we have, everything we own, and all the things related to us need to be placed on the altar; toward the Lord, we must have an altar by being consecrated to Him, and toward the world, we must have a tent – being ready to move.

We should not be rooted where we are, “building a house” and staying there forever; rather, we need to be movable, realizing we are sojourners on earth dwelling in a temporary dwelling place.

If we move, however, we need to do so by taking heed to our spirit, by spending much personal time with the Lord in spirit!

Furthermore, when we move, we should move as living creatures in coordination; we can’t just decide one day that we have the Lord’s leading to move, and then simply move – we need to be in coordination with the saints and honor Christ the Head and the Body of Christ.

The apostle Paul, for example, didn’t have rest in his spirit since he didn’t find Titus, his brother, and later had much refreshing and rest when Titus came to visit him (2 Cor. 2:13; 7:5-6). Paul moved as a living creature in coordination, being one not only with the Lord and having His leading in his spirit individually, but also in coordination in the Body.

We need to follow the Lamb wherever He may go, living a life of the altar and the tent, by taking heed to our spirit and by honoring Christ as the head and as the Body, being joined to other living creatures to participate in the Lord’s move.

Another way to participate in the Lord’s move is to give in His giving; we need to be cheerful givers (literally, hilarious givers), becoming fellow workers in the truth (see 2 Cor. 9:6-7; 3 John 1:7-8). When we offer materially for the Lord’s move, we become His fellow workers in the truth.

We may not be able to move to Germany or France for the Lord’s move, but we can give materially and thus become a fellow worker in the truth in the Lord’s move. Those who can’t go, they can give and participate in the Lord’s move!

Lord Jesus, we want to follow You wherever You go by living a life of the altar and the tent, a life of consecration to You and being ready to move wherever You want us to move. Amen, Lord, we want to take heed to our spirit by spending much spiritual, intimate, and personal time with You to have Your personal leading. We want to honor You as the Head and take Your decisions as our decisions, Your thoughts as our thoughts, and Your desires as our desires. We want to honor Christ as the Body by being coordinated with the saints and staying in fellowship concerning the Lord’s move!

References and Hymns on this Topic
  • Inspiration: the Word of God, my enjoyment in the ministry, the message by brother Mark R. for this week, and portions from, Crystallization-study of Song of Songs, msgs. 1-2 (by Witness Lee), as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, Crystallization-Study of Ezekiel (1), msg. 6 (week 6), The High and Awesome Wheels.
  • Hymns on this topic:
    # Lord, in this close sweet fellowship, / Lord, be with me so intimate, / So personal and affectionate; / A sweet relationship. / Lord, daily change my inward being / Lord, all my heart possessing / In all my being—transforming / To be Your bride and queen. (Song on the divine romance)
    # Take time to behold Him, / The world rushes on; / Spend much time in secret / With Jesus alone. / By looking to Jesus / Like Him thou shalt be; / Thy friends, in thy conduct, / His likeness shall see. (Hymns #643)
    # We give ourselves to Thee, O Lord Jesus, / Never to turn aside; / Where’er the Lamb goes, there we would follow, / Follow whate’er betide… / Christ wants some followers here in the churches, / Followers of whom to say: / “These saw My purpose, followed Me wholly”— / May we be those today! (Hymns #1246)
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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brother L.
brother L.
8 years ago

On your job you need to move daily by the eagle’s wings and the calf’s hoofs. If you move in this way, your co-workers will see that with you there is something powerful. You can suffer things which others cannot suffer and you can endure things which others cannot endure because you have the eagle’s wings. They can also realize that in your character and behavior you are honest, straight, frank, and sincere, having no crookedness. They will see the eagle’s wings and the calf’s hoofs upon you, and thus they will be convicted by you in their conscience.

In addition to this kind of move with you on your job, there should also be another kind of move—an extraordinary move, the move of a wheel. Eventually, because the move of the wheel is with you, some of your co-workers may be gained by the Lord. (Life-study of Ezekiel, p. 93, by W. Lee)

Ioan B.
Ioan B.
8 years ago

Slava Domnului !!!

Klazien B.
Klazien B.
8 years ago

Praise the Lord!

Zion Q.
Zion Q.
8 years ago


Rolly Y.
Rolly Y.
8 years ago
