A Time with the Lord in the Morning (as a brand new father)

Learning to be revived in my time with the Lord in the morningMy time with the Lord in the morning getting revived has changed over the past few years as my human situation has changed.

Before my wife and I had a child my schedule was more consistent and I had built up the habit to spend time with the Lord in the morning.

Now, it’s harder to have the same beginning time every day because we take care of our child, so now I have to either wake up earlier to spend time with the Lord, or I have my time with Him while my wife takes care of him and then my wife and I alternate taking care of our boy.

Usually I begin my time with the Lord by calling on His name for a short while or I sing part of a hymn, like a chorus that I can pull from memory. Singing is the best way for me to turn my heart to the Lord. I try to do this as much as possible instead of having a mental time with the Lord in the morning.

Then I pray over some verses from the Holy Word for Morning Revival – but I don’t have to complete the verse, I just try to get spiritual food, that’s my goal.

I just want to touch the life flowing in the Word, I’m not following a method of trying to get through every word of the verse or trying to understand everything.

I also like to consecrate my day and everything I’m going to do in my day to the Lord, this has been very healthy for me.

Sharing by bro. Robbie D. (Fullerton, CA, USA) concerning his experience and enjoyment in practicing the morning watch and morning revival. What is your experience with the Lord in the morning? Share it with us as a comment below, or email it to be considered for posting at enjoyingthelord@gmail.com.

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