The Threefold Blessing of the Triune God for the Dispensing of Himself into Man

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. 2 Cor. 13:14

May the Lord unveil us to see the threefold blessing of the Triune God for the dispensing of Himself into us.

The Triune God as our blessing is dispensing Himself into us by means of the love of God as the source, the grace of the Lord Jesus as the course, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit as the flow and transmission of the love of God with the grace of Christ.

What a blessing it is to have the Triune God being dispensed into us to be our life and life supply for our enjoyment so that we may be constituted and filled with the Triune God!

What other blessing could we ask for than God Himself?

The entire Bible focuses on this one thing: God in His Divine Trinity dispensing Himself into His chosen and redeemed people to be their life, their life supply, and their everything so that they would build up the church as the Body of Christ, prepare the bride of Christ, and consummate the New Jerusalem.

This is the governing and controlling vision of the entire Bible – God’s eternal economy.

Everything that the Bible speaks of, including the history, the poetry, and the prophecies in the Old Testament, and the Gospels, the book of Acts, the Epistles, and the book of Revelation in the New Testament, has God’s economy as its governing vision.

God’s eternal economy is the only thing on God’s heart and the only matter that God cares for.

He wants to carry out His economy, and He does it in His Divine Trinity by means of His divine dispensing.

When we heard the gospel and believed, we opened to this divine dispensing, and there was a flow of the riches of the Triune God in our being.

Now, day by day, we continue to be open to the Lord to receive His divine dispensing.

It is so sad, however, to see that many Christians stopped being open to the Lord for HIs dispensing and have rather focused on teachings, practices, doctrines, and outward things related to the Bible and the church.

There are many things that seem outward and necessary, and there are many doctrines and spiritual things in the Word of God, but there is only one governing vision: the vision of God’s economy.

When we see God’s economy, when we realize that His intention is to dispense Himself into us to produce the church as the Body of Christ, prepared the bride of Christ, and consummate the New Jerusalem, we will care for nothing else but this.

When God gains a group of people who are constituted with Him and filled with what He is, He can obtain what He is after, the organic Body of Christ, the organism of the Triune God, for HIm to have a corporate expression on the earth.

May we be those who cooperate with the Lord for His move, His economy, so that we may bring Him back, close this age, and rule and reign with Him in the coming kingdom of God.

May we focus on nothing else but the eternal economy of God in which God became man to man-ize Himself so that He may make man God to God-ize us for HIm to obtain a corporate expression in man consummating in the New Jerusalem.

Seeing the Threefold Blessing of the Triune God for the Dispensing of Himself into Man

Jehovah bless you and keep you; Jehovah make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; Jehovah lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace. Num. 6:24-26May the Lord have mercy on us and unveil us to see the central line in the Bible, the governing vision in the word of God.

When we see a vision of God’s economy and realize that His desire is to dispense Himself into man in His Divine Trinity, everything in the Bible will make sense.

But without seeing such a vision, we will focus on minor and auxiliary matters in the word of God, and it will be easy for us not to be one with our brothers and sisters, and even to make divisions in the Body.

There is a threefold blessing of the Triune God for the dispensing of Himself into man seen both in the Old and in the New Testament.

2 Cor. 13:14 is a good verse in the New Testament clearly saying that the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all.

Paul concludes his second epistle to the Corinthians by blessing them with the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinty for their enjoyment.

In the Old Testament we see the threefold blessing in Num. 6:24-26 – the blessing pronounced by the Levitical priesthood at the end of Num. 6.

God wanted to bless His people and put His name upon them, so He commanded the priests to bless them with the Triune God.

“Jehovah bless you and keep you” can be ascribed to the Father, for the Father blesses us and keeps us.

What a blessing it is for us to be blessed with the Father and to be kept by Him in the divine dispensing, and to be kept by the Father out of the evil one!

“Jehovah make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you” can be ascribed to the Son, for Christ the Son came to shine on us as a great light, and He came as grace upon grace for us to enjoy Him.

How enjoyable it is to contact the Lord Jesus and enjoy the grace of God embodied in and expressed through Christ!

“Jehovah lift up His countenance and give you peace” can be ascribed to the Spirit, for the Spirit is happy with us or can be grieved by us, and the Spirit gives us peace.

How wonderful it is for us to enjoy the Lord’s smile and be filled with peace as we remain in our mingled spirit!

Another portion speaking of the threefold blessing of the Triune God for dispensing Himself into us is in Psa. 36:8-9.

Here we see that we are being saturated with the fatness of God’s house – Christ is the fatness of God’s house, for this fatness refers to the fatty ashes of the offerings, which offerings is Christ.

God saturates us with all the riches of Christ, and He does this in His house, the church. What a blessing!

They are saturated with the fatness of Your house, / And You cause them to drink of the river of Your pleasures. For with You is the fountain of life; / In Your light we see light. Psa. 36:8-9God makes us to drink of the river of His pleasures, referring to the Spirit as the river of water of life flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb.

When we drink of the Spirit that flows from Christ, He waters us, we are filled with Edens (pleasures), and there is a fountain of life springing up in us, flowing out to water others also (John 4:14).

“With You is the fountain of life; in Your light, we see light” can be ascribed to the Father, for He is the source, the fountain of life, and when we walk in His light, we have real light.

Hallelujah, the Father is the source of life, and He flows as a fountain to reach us!

Praise the Lord, God the Father not only dwells in unapproachable light but also shines on us in the Son and through the Spirit so that we may walk in His light!

What a blessing it is for us to be saturated with Christ as the fatness of God’s house, drink the Spirit as the river of God’s pleasures, and come to the fountain of life and walk in the divine light!

May we be unveiled not only to see this vision of the threefold blessing of God for the dispensing of God into man but also to enjoy the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity into us.

May our seeing bring us into the enjoyment and experience of the Triune God in His Divine Trinity!

Lord Jesus, we love You and we open to the threefold blessing of God for the dispensing of the Triune God into us! Father, bless us and keep us! Lord Jesus, make Your face to shine upon us and be gracious to us. Holy Spirit, lift up Your countenance upon us and give us peace. Oh, Triune God, keep us in the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity all the days of our life for us to enjoy Your blessing, Your grace, and Your peace! Amen, Lord, saturate us with the fatness of Your house. Cause us to drink of the river of Your pleasures. With You is the fountain of life: we come to You to receive life and walk in light, for in Your light we see light! Amen, Lord Jesus, keep our whole being open to the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity into us today so that we may be saturated with Christ, drink of the Spirit, and touch the Father as the fountain of life and light!

Our Real Blessing is Christ as Grace, God as Love, and the Spirit as Fellowship – the Threefold Blessing of the Triune God for our Enjoyment and Experience!

For the law was given through Moses; grace and reality came through Jesus Christ. John 1:17 He who does not love has not known God, because God is love. 1 John 4:8 ...out of his innermost being shall flow rivers of living water. But this He said concerning the Spirit, whom those who believed into Him were about to receive... John 7:38-39The eternal blessing of the Triune God seen in Num. 6 is wonderful and inspiring, but it is not as high and applicable as the threefold blessing of the Triune God in 2 Cor. 13:14.

What we have in 2 Cor. 13:14 is not only God keeping us, Christ being gracious to us, and the Spirit giving us peace, but the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity into us for our enjoyment.

As a conclusion to his second epistle to the distracted and confused, yet encouraged and restored Corinthian believers, Paul blesses them with the threefold blessing of the Triune God for their enjoyment.

There is nothing doctrinal or outward about Paul’s blessing in this verse.

Rather, what we see here is that the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God the Father and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit is with us all.

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ is mentioned first because this book is on the grace of Christ (see 2 Cor. 1:12; 4:15; 6:1; 8:1, 9; 9:8, 14; 12:9).

The grace of the Lord is not something that He gives us but He Himself; it is the Lord Himself as life to us for our enjoyment (John 1:17; 1 Cor. 15:10).

The love of God is not only something that God gives us as love; it is God Himself as love (1 John 4:8, 16), the source of the grace of the Lord.

The fellowship of the Holy Spirit is not something that He would give us apart from Himself; it is the Spirit Himself as the transmission of the grace of the Lord with the love of God for our participation.

Our real blessing is not merely something that God gives us or does for us; it is the threefold blessing of the Triune God: the Father, the Son, and the Spirit dispensing Himself into us in His Divine Trinity for our enjoyment.

What we have as a blessing from God is not merely something outward that He gives us or He does for us; it is Himself in His Divine Trinity being dispensed into us.

The New Testament blessing is the real blessing of the Triune God Himself. This blessing is threefold – the Father blesses us, the Son blesses us, and the Spirit blesses us.

The Father is love as the source, the Son is the grace as the course or springing up of the love of God, and the Spirit is the flow of the love of God with the grace of Christ to reach us for our enjoyment.

With love as the source, grace as the course, and fellowship as the transmission and reaching out, the Triune God reaches us in His Divine Trinity to be our life, our life supply, and our enjoyment.

Now we have a practical way to enjoy the Triune God all day long, simply by opening to HIs divine dispensing.

The grace of the Lord is the Lord Himself as life to us for our enjoyment (John 1:17; 1 Cor. 15:10), the love of God is God Himself (1 John 4:8, 16) as the source of the grace of the Lord, and the fellowship of the Spirit is the Spirit Himself as the transmission of the grace of the Lord with the love of God for our participation. These are not three separate matters, but three aspects of one thing, just as the Lord, God, and the Holy Spirit are not three separate Gods, but three “hypostases… of the one same undivided and indivisible” God (Philip Schaff). The love of God is the source, since God is the origin; the grace of the Lord is the course of the love of God, since the Lord is the expression of God; and the fellowship of the Spirit is the impartation of the grace of the Lord with the love of God, since the Spirit is the transmission of the Lord with God, for our experience and enjoyment of the Triune God—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, with Their divine virtues. Life-study of 2 Corinthians, pp. 524-525, by Witness LeeThese three, the love of God, the grace of Christ, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, are not three separate matters; they are three aspects of one thing.

Just as the Lord, God, and the Holy Spirit are not three “separate Gods” but three hypostases of the one same undivided and indivisible God (see Philip Schaff), so the love of God, the grace of Christ, and the fellowship of the Spirit are three aspects of the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity.

God the Father is the source – His love is the source, for He is the origin, the fountain, the source.

The grace of the Lord is the course of the love of God, for grace is the coming of God to us for our enjoyment to be our everything, and the Lord is the expression of God.

The fellowship of the Holy Spirit is the impartation of the grace of the Lord with the love of God, for the Spirit is the transmission of the Lord with God for our experience and enjoyment.

May we read and pray, pray and read, prayerfully read, and muse with much prayer upon this wonderful verse in 2 Cor. 13:14 so that we may not only understand it or enjoy it but remain under the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity as our real blessing.

May we enjoy and partake of the threefold blessing of the Triune God in our daily life as we open to Him and contact Him to enjoy the Father as love, the Son as grace, and the Spirit as fellowship.

Hallelujah for the threefold blessing of the Triune God for the dispensing of God into us! Praise the Lord, the love of God, the grace of Christ, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit is with us for our enjoyment and experience today to be our life and life supply. We open to Your divine dispensing, Lord, and we want to enjoy Your love, Your grace, and Your fellowship. Thank You for reaching us in the Spirit to bring the love of God and the grace of Christ to us. Keep us open to the Spirit’s transmission of all that God is and all that Christ has accomplished for our enjoyment in our daily life. We take You, Lord, as our life for our enjoyment. We come to You, Father, to enjoy You as love and light. Flow into us and out of us, Spirit, to infuse what God is and what Christ has accomplished into our being. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all!

References and Hymns on this Topic
  • Sources of inspiration: the Word of God, my enjoyment in the ministry, a sharing by brother Ed Marks in the message, and portions from, Life-study of 2 Corinthians, msg. 59, by Witness Lee, as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, The Divine Dispensing of the Divine Trinity for the Divine Economy (2022 Thanksgiving Weekend Conference), week 1, entitled, The Eternal Blessing of the Triune God through the Divine Dispensing of the Divine Trinity into Us for the Accomplishing of His Divine Economy.
  • Further reading on this topic:
    – All the dispensings of the processed Triune God being the spiritual blessings, portion from, The Issue of the Dispensing of the Processed Trinity and the Transmitting of the Transcending Christ, by W. Lee.
    – The all-inclusive Spirit being the aggregate of the all-embracing blessing of the full gospel of God in Christ for the divine dispensing according to the divine economy, portion from, The Central Line of the Divine Revelation, by W. Lee.
    – A threefold blessing in 2 Cor. 13:14, portion from, Life-study of 2 Corinthians msg. 59.
  • Hymns on this topic:
    – O God, Thou art the source of life, / Divine, and rich, and free! / As living water flowing out / Unto eternity! / In love Thou in the Son didst flow / Among the human race; / Thou dost as Spirit also flow / Within us through Thy grace. (Hymns #12 stanzas 1-2)
    – The love of God and the grace of Christ / And fellowship of the Holy Spirit / Be with you, be with you all, / Be with you all, be with you all. / From the throne of our God and the Lamb / Flows a river of water of life, / Bright as crystal, reaching man. (Song on, The love of God and the grace of Christ)
    – What mystery, the Father, Son, and Spirit, / In person three, in substance all are one. / How glorious, this God our being enters / To be our all, thru Spirit in the Son! / How rich the source, the Father as the fountain, / And all this wealth He wants man to enjoy! / O blessed fact, this vast exhaustless portion / Is now for us forever to employ! (Hymns #608 stanzas 1 and 2)
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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brother L.
2 years ago

The grace of the Lord is the Lord Himself as life to us for our enjoyment (John 1:17; 1 Cor. 15:10), the love of God is God Himself (1 John 4:8, 16) as the source of the grace of the Lord, and the fellowship of the Spirit is the Spirit Himself as the transmission of the grace of the Lord with the love of God for our participation. These are not three separate matters, but three aspects of one thing, just as the Lord, God, and the Holy Spirit are not three separate Gods, but three “hypostases… of the one same undivided and indivisible” God (Philip Schaff). The love of God is the source, since God is the origin; the grace of the Lord is the course of the love of God, since the Lord is the expression of God; and the fellowship of the Spirit is the impartation of the grace of the Lord with the love of God, since the Spirit is the transmission of the Lord with God, for our experience and enjoyment of the Triune God—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, with Their divine virtues. Here the grace of the Lord is mentioned first, because this book is on the grace of Christ (2 Cor. 1:12; 4:15; 6:1; 8:1, 9; 9:8, 14; 12:9). Such a divine attribute of three virtues—love, grace, and fellowship—and such a Triune God of the three divine hypostases—the Father, the Son, and the Spirit—were needed by the distracted and confused, yet encouraged and restored, Corinthian believers. Hence, the apostle used all these divine and precious things in one sentence to conclude his lovely and dear Epistle. Life-study of 2 Corinthians, pp. 524-525, by Witness Lee

Stefan M.
2 years ago

Praise the Lord for the threefold blessing of the Triune God for the dispensing of Himself into us!

God doesn’t want to only keep us, be gracious to us, and give us peace, but He wants to dispense all that He is in His Divine Trinity into us!

The Lord Himself as life wants to be our enjoyment, the Father as the source is love, and the Spirit is the transmission of the Father with the Son to reach us and impart all that God is into us.

Lord, amen, dispense Yourself into us as love, grace, and fellowship. Keep us under the divine dispensing today. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all!

M. M.
M. M.
2 years ago

We are enjoying the three aspects of one God dispensing in us and expressed in the form of Love, Grace and Fellowship.

Love is within, grace is love expressed, and fellowship is the transmission of grace into us.

The divine revelation of the Divine Trinity in the holy Word clearly showed us how God in His mysterious and marvelous Divine Divine Trinity dispenses Himself into His chosen people.

Praise the Lord for His mercy upon us!

Moh S.
Moh S.
2 years ago

Hallelujah! The Triune God reaches is for our enjoyment! Now in a practical way we can enjoy Him all day long!

Daniel A.
Daniel A.
2 years ago

amen brother I was really touched that the blessing in 2 Corinthians is not just a blessing – it is the triune God dispensing himself into us for our enjoyment

we see that the father as the source is love ,he is love himself ,then the son is grace which is the expression of love and then the Spirit is the fellowship who imparts and transmits the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ with the love of God

so we need to those who open to this dispensing and stay under the dispensing

O lord keep us under the dispensing of the Triune God

K. P.
K. P.
2 years ago

Amen brother!

Psa. 36:8-9 They are saturated with the fatness of Your house, and You cause them to drink of the river of Your pleasures. For with You is the fountain of life; in Your light we see light.

O May we be saturated the Triune God in our spirit drinking the the river of your pleasure all day long!


Christian A.
Christian A.
2 years ago

Amen brother. Our real blessing is the Triune God Himself.

The grace of Christ is the Lord Himself as life to us; the love of God is God Himself as the source of grace; and the Spirit is the transmission of the grace of Christ and the love of God.

These are three aspects of one thing which enable us to enjoy the Triune God all day long.

May we unceasingly exercise our spirit to participate in the enjoyment of our Triune God.

Jon H.
Jon H.
2 years ago

Ameeennn!!! Keep us under your divine dispensing and enjoyment!! Oh brother hallelujah we can enjoy this blessing because we are the New testament! 

The love of God is the source, since God is the origin; the grace of the Lord is the course of the love of God, since the Lord is the expression of God

The fellowship of the Spirit is the impartation of the grace of Christ and the Love of God!

Praise the Lord we can experience the wonderful hypostatic union!

Keven B.
Keven B.
2 years ago

Dear brother, what we have in the New Testament is not merely a blessing from Him or by Him.

In the New Testament, the real blessing is the Triune God Himself! 2 Cor.13:14.

This One is Father as the source, the Son as the course and the Spirit as the transmission to reach us!

Now, in a practical way, we can enjoy the Triune God all day long.

This is our unique New Testament blessing!

Hallelujah, thank You Triune God!

Richard C.
Richard C.
2 years ago

In Numbers 6 we have the threefold blessing of the Triune God but with no enjoyment.

However, in the related verse in the New Testament in 2 Corinthians 13:14 we have the threefold blessing of the Triune God as our enjoyment – the grace of Christ the Son as the course, the love of God the Father as the source, with the fellowship, the circulation of the Holy Spirit as the transmission of the grace of Christ with the love of God for our participation with the Triune God in our Christian life and church life!

Hallelujah! We have the way to enjoy and experience the eternal, threefold blessing of God!

Rob M.
Rob M.
2 years ago

Amen! Brother, the Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you! Hallelujah!

A. O.
A. O.
2 years ago

Hi brother,  

“In the New Testament the real blessing is the Triune God Himself…This blessing is threefold, a blessing of grace, love, and fellowship. With love as the source, grace as the course, and fellowship as the transmission, the Triune God reaches us to be our life, our life supply, and our enjoyment. Now in a practical way we can enjoy the Triune God all day long. This is our unique New Testament blessing.”

Mario V.
Mario V.
2 years ago

Oh brother I was really touched about this expression “ a blessing without enjoyment.”

This is what we have in Numbers 6:24-26 , a mere blessing, that is, a blessing without enjoyment.

But in 2 Cor 13:14 what we have is not only a blessing; we have God in His Triune Godhead, the Father, the Son, and the Spirit.

Oh the Triune God is not merely to bless us but our experience, enjoyment , and our participation.

V. O.
V. O.
2 years ago

2 Cor. 13:14 The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

Psa. 36:8-9 They are saturated with the fatness of Your house, And You cause them to drink of the river of Your pleasures. For with You is the fountain of life; In Your light we see light.

John 4:13-14 Jesus answered and said to her, Everyone who drinks of this water shall thirst again, But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall by no means thirst forever; but the water that I will give him will become in him a fountain of water gushing up into eternal life.

Rev. 22:1 And he showed me a river of water of life, bright as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb in the middle of its street.

This is the word of God. Amen!
“The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.” 2 Cor. 13:14

This beautiful verse shows us the three parts of the one Eternal blessing we have received:
“… we have the grace of Christ the Son, the love of God the Father, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.”

This powerful eternal blessing is within us for our enjoyment BUT, if we are not growing into Him, if we are not exercising the brotherly love within His Body, and we don’t wash our feet from the dirt we touch everyday by touching Him through His precious Word, I doubt that we will be able to apprehend The Accomplishing of His Divine Economy, nor we will be able to understand that we are here not for individualistic purpose but to be on oneness, in one accord, without any type of discrimination or any kind of the issues of life to build the Organic Body of Christ, God’s House.

“…we have God in His Triune Godhead, the Father, the Son, and the Spirit.”
(Life-study of 2 Corinthians, pp. 523-524)
What a power has been dispensed within us, therefore, our inner condition cannot be the same, the old nature can be transformed day by day, being better today than yesterday, so we can give our portion on Lord’s Day, we can lift up the weak, we can nurture the new one, and we can be humble to be nurture by other saints.

We can talk about the Godhead and the threefold blessing in a very spiritual way, but if we are not the kind of stones needed to build a healthy, strong, unshakable House of God, that knowledge means nothing.




“… the Triune God reaches us to be our life, our life supply, and our enjoyment. Now in a practical way we can enjoy the Triune God all day long. This is our unique New Testament blessing.”

Truly BELIEVE He is our life, truly have FAITH that He is our life supply even in the middle of strong storms, and truly and genuinely ENJOY His presence in our life by letting go our old nature day by day through His precious Word.

What an Eternal threefold blessing we have received, through the Divine Dispensing of the Divine Trinity, into us for the ONLY one goal of God’s Economy, the Accomplishing of His Divine Economy. Let’s not take it for granted or waste it such blessing that as sinners, probably we don’t deserve it at all.

Thank you Lord for chosen us and loved us first. Amen!