the unique oneness of the Spirit has four factors, two means, and one goal!

It is not easy to describe in human words something that is divine, and it is not easy to understand with our mind something that is going on in the divine and mystical realm.

In the same way that we can’t understand with our mind what an “aroma” is unless we exercise the sense of smell (and then all things are clear!), so when we come to spiritual things we need to first of all exercise our mingled spirit!

With this in mind, this week we’re enjoying portions related to the recovery of the unique oneness of the Body of Christ – and today especially we were praying over the portion in Ephesians 4:4-6 which says,

4. One Body and one Spirit, even as also you were called in one hope of your calling;
5. One Lord, one faith, one baptism;
6. One God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.

Here we see that the oneness of the Spirit is composed of four factors, has two means, and has one goal. And this is only one way to analyze / study / look at this portion of the Word. Remember, as you read below and enjoy, exercise your spirit to somehow someway to some degree enjoy the spiritual reality being conveyed…

The Four Factors composing the Oneness of the Spirit are: One Body, One Spirit, One Lord, and One God. The Body is mingled with the Divine Trinity as the elements to be the factors of the oneness of the Spirit.

The mingling of the Father, the Son, and the Spirit with the Body of Christ produces the oneness of the Spirit. We may even say that the Triune God and the Body are four-in-one. We as the church, the Body of Christ, are a group of people who are united, mingled, and incorporated with the Triune God.

This mysterious union, mingling, and incorporation of the Triune God with the Body of Christ is for the purpose of the divine dispensing of the Triune God into the believers.

The Lord as the element of the Body is continually dispensing His life into us, the Spirit as the essence of the Body is continually dispensing Himself into us, and the Father as the origin of the Body is gradually dispensing into us – while He is over us (overshadowing us), while He is through us(caring for us), and while He is in us(remaining within us).

The church as the Body of Christ is therefore the issue of such a dispensing of the Triune God into the believers!

The two means of the oneness of the Spirit are: one faith and one baptism. The way to accomplish the oneness of the Spirit is by faith (which joins us organically to the Triune God) and by baptism (which separates us from anything that is old, including Satan).

Faith is the means for the Body to be joined to Christ the Head, and baptism is the means for the Body to be separated from Adam, the old head. Hallelujah, through baptism we are separated from Adam, and through faith we are joined to Christ!

We are daily living in the reality of our baptism(which is not an once for all event) by daily living in the death and resurrection of Christ! Also, we daily live by faith – we daily live in the organic union with Christ the Head, taking Him as our Head and our source, and living in this oneness with Him.

The one goal of the oneness of the Spirit is the one hope of our calling! This goal – the hope of our calling – is something we look forward to, something we believe it will happen, and something we live towards.

Thus, the goal for is the Body to be brought into the divine glory of the processed Triune God, who is mingled with the Body! The goal of the oneness of the Spirit is our hope – to be fully brought into the glory of the Triune God, to fully express God, by having Him fully mingled with our being until He shines out through us!

This is our destiny – to express God for eternity by continually being mingled with Him! Today we are in this mingling process – as we exercise our spirit, we enjoy the mingling!

Lord, accomplish what You desire in us! Gain the practical and actual oneness of the Spirit among us! O, Lord, mingle Yourself more with us today! Keep us in this organic union, where all that You are becomes ours in the divine dispensing! How we treasure the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity into our being! We just say, Amen, Lord, bring us little by little FULLY into the glory of the Triune God! More glory today – more God today!

About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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