the Triune God is not for theological understanding but for the divine dispensing!

the Triune God is not for theological understanding but for the divine dispensing!This week in the Morning Revival we are in the second week of, The Focus of the Lord’s Recovery. Last week we really saw that the focus of the Lord’s recovery is the corporate expression of the Triune God, the testimony of Jesus! This week we are enjoying the focus of the Epistles in the New Testament, the Divine Trinity for the Divine Dispensing. What is the focus of all the 22 Epistles, from Romans to Jude? It is simply the Divine Trinity for the Divine Dispensing.

Not understanding but enjoying the Triune God

When it comes to the Triune God – the Father, the Son, and the Spirit – many believers and unbelievers alike are very confused, saying, “This is something too high and too complicated – who can understand the Triune God? Maybe the theologians or the Bible seminaries students can, but it is too complicated for me…” – but we need to put aside this reaction, this concept, and be open to see more. We need to see that the Triune God is not for theological understanding but for the divine dispensing. God is Triune for us to enjoy His dispensing!

With our natural mind we cannot understand the Triune God; God being Triune, One yet Three, Three yet One – this blows our mind away. As someone said, To understand God you need to BE God. But everywhere in the Bible we see the Triune God! The whole Bible is saturated with the Divine Trinity! And the main aspect we see about the Triune God is that He is not for our mental comprehension or theological understanding but He is for dispensing all that He is into us! God is Triune so that God the Father in the Son through the Spirit would impart all the riches of God into man!

The New Testament is a book of Dispensing!

The Divine Trinity is presented in the Old Testament but fully developed in the New Testament. The entire New Testament is structured with and composed with the Divine Trinity of the Triune God for the Divine Dispensing!

The New Testament is a dispensing book, a book of dispensing, revealing to us a Wonderful Person – Christ as the embodiment of the entire Triune God! In Christ dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily (Col. 2:9). When you receive Christ, you receive the Father, the Son, and the Spirit! This is for the dispensing of the Triune God in His divine Trinity into us, His chosen and redeemed people.

The Triune God is the focus of the New Testament

In the Gospels we see the Triune God revealed as the Son coming with the Father by the Spirit to be the embodiment of the Triune God in the person of Jesus Christ, to be God’s tabernacle, God’s temple, to live the life of God on the earth and to bring in the kingdom of God on the earth! Wow, this is the focus of the Gospels – the Divine Trinity for the Divine Dispensing!

In the Epistles we see that the Triune God is revealed as the Spirit – the life-giving Spirit – operating as the Son with the Father to be the consummation of the Triune God in the church as the Body of Christ, the house of God, the kingdom of God, to live Christ for the fullness of God. Wow, the focus of the Epistles is again the Triune God for the divine dispensing!

In Revelation we see the Triune God revealed as the seven spirits out from the Eternal One and the Redeemer to be the intensification of the Triune God in the overcoming church to consummate in the golden lampstand and the New Jerusalem. The Triune God is clearly seen in Revelation, consummating in and as the New Jerusalem!

2 Cor. 13:14 – the Triune God is for Dispensing!

In conclusion, this morning I really enjoyed portions of the footnote on one of the most popular verses about the Triune God in the Bible, 2 Cor. 13:14, which says, The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Here is one of these portions of the note (you can read the note online):

This verse is strong proof that the trinity of the Godhead is not for the doctrinal understanding of systematic theology but for the dispensing of God Himself in His trinity into His chosen and redeemed people. In the Bible the Trinity is never revealed merely as a doctrine. It is always revealed or mentioned in regard to the relationship of God with His creatures, especially with man, who was created by Him, and more particularly with His chosen and redeemed people.

[sharing inspired from the footnote in 2 Cor. 13:14 and the speaking of brother James Lee in the message on, The Focus of the Epistles in the New Testament, the Divine Trinity for the Divine Dispensing, quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, The Focus of the Lord’s Recovery. Picture source: Field of Flowers]
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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Sister in the Lord
Sister in the Lord
13 years ago

Praise the Lord that Triune God is not for our mental comprehension or theological
understanding but He is for dispensing all that He is into us!

God is
Triune so that God the Father in the Son through the Spirit would impart
all the riches of God into man!
Thank You Lord that you prepared and even became everything for us. Lord Jesus keep us open. Make us the best receivers and top enjoyers of You!

Sister in the Lord
Sister in the Lord
13 years ago

Praise the Lord that Triune God is not for our mental comprehension or theological
understanding but He is for dispensing all that He is into us!

God is
Triune so that God the Father in the Son through the Spirit would impart
all the riches of God into man!
Thank You Lord that you prepared and even became everything for us. Lord Jesus keep us open. Make us the best receivers and top enjoyers of You!

Reyme B
Reyme B
8 years ago

Thank You Lord The triune God is not for us to understand but to enjoy PtL.