the structure, furnishings, and supply of the New Jerusalem is the Triune God mingled and built with man!

the structure, furnishings, and supply of the New Jerusalem is the Triune God mingled and built with man! [Picture source: Famous Inspirational Wisdom website]The New Jerusalem is “a miraculous structure of treasure” – the consummation of all God’s work throughout the ages. All that God accomplished and all His heart’s desire is consummated in and as the New Jerusalem.

The whole city is constituted of precious materials like gold as the base, precious stones as the walls, and pearls as the gates – this is the structure of the city. Also, the furnishings of the city are the throne (referring to God the Father), the temple (Christ the Son), and the oil in the lamp (the Spirit).

The supply of the New Jerusalem is the Triune God as the source, the Spirit as the flow of the river of life, and the Son as the element of the river by being the tree of life. Everywhere in the New Jerusalem we see the Triune God flowing into, being built in, and being constituted with man!

The entire constitution of the New Jerusalem is simply the processed and consummated Triune God built with His regenerated, transformed, and glorified elect in His Divine Trinity in a threefold way!

Wow, how wonderful – the Triune God is being mingled and blended and built up with man so that the New Jerusalem can be consummated! There are three particular aspects of the New Jerusalem that show this mingling and building of God with man:

  1. The Structure of the New Jerusalem – the base of gold (the Father with His divine nature); the gates of pearls(the issue of the Son’s redeeming death and life-dispensing resurrection), and the wall of precious stones (the consummation of the Spirit’s transforming work). The structure of the New Jerusalem is the Triune God who has been processed and consummated – and who is working Himself into and working on the regenerated, transformed, and glorified man, even building Himself into man and man into God, so that man and God would become together a miraculous structure of treasure for God’s glory in the universe!
  2. The Furnishings of the New Jerusalem – the throne (the reigning center, the Father); the temple(the abiding place of the Son, the Son is the temple), and the lamp with the oil (the enlightening and shining light of the Spirit as signified by the oil in the lamp). The Triune God in His Divine Trinity is the furnishings in the New Jerusalem – and He rules with man, He abides with man, and He shines out through man! God is ruling, abiding, and shining, but it is in and through the fully processed and consummated tripartite man! Glory to God!
  3. The Supply of the New Jerusalem – the flow of the Divine Trinity as the street, the source being the Father, the flow of the river of life(the Spirit flowing), and the element of the river as the tree of life(the Son as the tree of life is the element being flowed in the river). The Triune God is the continual supply and nourishment of the entire city – for eternity we are depending on God as the supply to our every need, the life supply, and the food supply! In turn and as a result, the Triune God flows in us and through us to the entire earth to reach out and feed, care for, nourish, and heal the nations! It is God who does the feeding, nourishing, flowing, and healing, but it is in and through man!

I want to see more of the New Jerusalem! This city is NOT a physical city – rather, it is constructed with the Triune God as its main factors! It is the Divine Trinity in His threefold blending with His redeemed elect! Wow, what a vision!

I really enjoyed one last phrase from, The Application of the Interpretation of the new Jerusalem to the Seeking Believers (by bro. Witness Lee) which says, “May we receive the eternal mercy and the sufficient grace of the unlimited Christ that we could live a life as a foretaste of such an organic constitution in this age for its full taste in eternity”. Wow, Amen!

[sharing inspired from quotes from the aforementioned book, in the HWMR on The Central Line of the Bible]

Lord, grant us to see the New Jerusalem! Save us from any of our old concepts, and remove any natural veils that we may see this miraculous structure of treasure! Wow, the Triune God mingled with man! The Triune God being wrought into man, mingled with man, and blended with man! The Triune God being built into man and building man into God! Lord, keep us enjoying You as our life supply: the river of life, the tree of life, and the Father as the source! Grow in us until we become and consummate the New Jerusalem!

About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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sister M.
sister M.
13 years ago

Amen. Yes Lord keep us enjoying You as our life supply: the river of life, the tree of life, and the Father as the source!
Grow in us until we become and consummate the New Jerusalem!

Glen T.
Glen T.
8 years ago

Amen what a salvation eat and drink before the lord

Charles W.
Charles W.
7 years ago

“For he (Abraham) eagerly waited for the city which has the foundations, whose Architect and Builder is God.” (Hebrews 11:10)

Rodrigo O.
Rodrigo O.
7 years ago
