the Spirit with our spirit is the secret of participating in God’s dynamic salvation

the Spirit with our spirit is the secret of participating in God's dynamic salvation [in the picture: a secret place to spend time with the Lord]The focus of God’s economy is our mingled spirit, and we as believers in Christ regenerated with the divine life need to realize that the most crucial part of our being is our spirit. Being a Christian means living no longer by ourselves and in ourselves but by the divine life in our spirit.

This is a learning process – every day we learn to not live in our flesh or in our soul, but to turn to our mingled spirit and walk according to our spirit, be in our spirit, and live in our mingled spirit.

Oh, Lord, unveil us to see the importance and preciousness of our mingled spirit! We want to be normal Christians living in their spirit!

The importance of our mingled spirit

On the one hand, our mingled spirit – the divine Spirit indwelling our spirit, being joined and mingled with our spirit to be one spirit – is very precious and important to God.

But on the other hand, we also need to see the importance of our spirit and the need to live in our spirit.

Many times the Lord exposes us through the people around us and especially through the saints in the church that we still live by and in ourselves. When He exposes us, we may try to improve our behavior and act “nicer”, “more thoughtful in our response” – but this is NOT what God wants! God wants that we live in our spirit and walk according to our spirit (1 Cor. 2:11-13)!

God is very mysterious, and we also are mysterious. But the Bible tells us that man was created by God with a human spirit, and then later we see that God became a man, lived a perfect human life, died on the cross to solve all the negative situations, resurrected and was ascended!

In His resurrection, Christ became the life-giving Spirit to come into our spirit and be mingled with our spirit as one spirit.

The two spirits are mingled together to the extent that there’s no way to separate them or discern which is which. We need to know our spirit and live in our spirit because the Christian life is a life in our mingled spirit (1 Cor. 6:17).

The secret: the Spirit with our spirit

How can we enjoy God’s salvation and participate in it? It is not by understanding it or agreeing with it – the mystery hidden from the ages has been revealed to us in our spirit (Rom. 16:25) and the secret of God’s dynamic salvation is the Spirit with our spirit!

On His side, the divine Spirit is the Spirit of God processed and consummated to be the life-giving, compounded, and indwelling Spirit! On our side, the divine Spirit has come into our spirit and has mingled Himself with our spirit to bring in us the reality of the Triune God! Now the Spirit dispenses and infuses into us all that God is by mingling Himself with us all the time.

God’s salvation can be enjoyed and partaken of only in the mingled spirit. Through the human spirit indwelt by the divine Spirit, we as God’s chosen people can participate in the dynamic salvation of God as our living in this age and our destiny in eternity!

Saints, we need to see that the most crucial secret for God to execute His dynamic salvation and for us the believers to participate in His salvation is the Spirit with our spirit (Rom. 8:16)! Whenever we turn to our spirit and fellowship with the Lord, He carries out His dynamic and full salvation in us.

Being enlightened to see the mingled spirit

We can be Christians for many years and only “accidentally touch our spirit”, not knowing that we have a mingled spirit and that the Lord as the Spirit is joined to our spirit (1 Cor. 6:17).

We need to pray that the Lord would enlighten us to see and know our mingled spirit – the divine Spirit joined to and mingled with our human spirit – so that we may enter into the intrinsic significance of God’s dynamic salvation in Christ (Rom. 8:2; 2 Cor. 13:14; Acts. 26:18; Eph. 1:13-14).

If we know our spirit, we will refuse to live, do anything or go anywhere apart not in our spirit! The Christian life is altogether a matter of living and being in our spirit!

Oh, Lord, cause us to know and treasure our mingled spirit! Thank You for revealing to us little by little the importance of our spirit to You and to us as Christians. Make us normal Christians, those who live, walk, and have their being in their mingled spirit. Lord, we want to experience Your dynamic salvation by being in our spirit! Cause us to see the secret of Your dynamic salvation – the Spirit with our spirit!

References and Further Reading
  • Inspired from, Messages to the Trainees in Fall 1990, chs. 7-9, and, Crystallization-study of the Epistle to the Romans, as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, The Focus of the Lord’s Recovery, week 4;
  • Picture source: the secret place with the Lord.
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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Sister in the Lord
Sister in the Lord
13 years ago

For who among men knows the things of man, except the spirit of man
which is in him? In the same way, the things of God also no one has
known except the Spirit of God. (1 Cor. 2:11)
.But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit. (1 Cor 6:17) God
desires is to be one with us in our spirit and that we live in our
spirit and walk according to our spirit.

The secret of God’s dynamic salvation is the Spirit with our spirit. The Spirit dispenses and infuses into us all that God is by mingling Himself with us all the time.

It is so wonderful! All we need to do is just TURN our heart to the Lord
in our spirit and fellowship with Him – in such way the Lord can carry
out His dynamic and full salvation in us, and we can enjoy His rich
supply,  His precious and sweet presence and everything who He is.

Lord Jesus we do not want to only know about Your desire. Lord we are
willing to learn  be one with You and really live and act according our
mingled spirit in our normal daily life. Day by day make us more and
more one with You.

13 years ago

Amen, indeed our mingled spirit is crucial in God’s economy, but I
learned from the Life-Study of  First Thessalonians
(Msg 22) that we need to take care of our heart if we want to be living. We
need a pure heart (only for Him), since we cannot exercise our spirit if the
condition of our heart is not normal, proper. Our mind should be the mind of
Christ, a renewed mind, focused in our Lord; our emotion should be filled,
saturated with the love of Christ; and our will must be one with His will, to
choose God’s will.

May the Lord have mercy on us to have such a holy,
saturated heart, occupied by Him for the exercise of our mingled spirit, so that
we can enjoy His dynamic salvation.

Sister in the Lord
Sister in the Lord
13 years ago

For who among men knows the things of man, except the spirit of man which is in him? In the same way, the things of God also no one has known except the Spirit of God. (1 Cor. 2:11). But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit (1 Cor 6:17).
God desires is to be one with us in our spirit and that we live in our spirit and walk according to our spirit.

The secret of God’s dynamic salvation is the Spirit with our spirit. The Spirit dispenses and infuses into us all that God is by mingling Himself with us all the time.

It is so wonderful! All we need to do is just TURN our heart to the Lord in our spirit and fellowship with Him – in such way the Lord can carry out His dynamic and full salvation in us, and we can enjoy His rich supply, His precious and sweet presence and everything who He is.

Lord Jesus we do not want to only know about Your desire. Lord we are willing to learn  be one with You and really live and act according our mingled spirit in our normal daily life. Day by day make us more and more one with You.

13 years ago

Amen, indeed our mingled spirit is crucial in God’s economy, but I learned from the Life-Study of  First Thessalonians (Msg 22) that we need to take care of our heart if we want to be living. We need a pure heart (only for Him), since we cannot exercise our spirit if the condition of our heart is not normal, proper. Our mind should be the mind of Christ, a renewed mind, focused in our Lord; our emotion should be filled, saturated with the love of Christ; and our will must be one with His will, to choose God’s will.

May the Lord have mercy on us to have such a holy, saturated heart, occupied by Him for the exercise of our mingled spirit, so that we can enjoy His dynamic salvation.