The Result of Coordination is that we’re Burned, Burning, Shining, and Enlightened

Rom. 12:11 Do not be slothful in zeal, but be burning in spirit, serving the Lord.The result of the coordination and move of the living creatures in Ezek. 1 is that they become burning coals and burning torches, and they move like lightning; the result of coordination is that we burn one another, we become burning, and we are enlightened and sanctified by the divine light.

The first chapter of Ezekiel is the deepest chapter in the Bible, and if you prayerfully study it with the help of the ministry, you will be enlightened and revived. The four living creatures in this chapter move in oneness; they are joined together by two wings each to the adjacent living creature, and they move in coordination.

This is a wonderful picture of our coordination in the church life. In the church life, as we serve the Lord, we need to learn to not only walk straight forward by fulfilling our ministry and portion, but also walk backwards and sideways by saying Amen to others’ portion and ministry.

Before we do anything in the church life we need to stop to fellowship and coordinate with those who serve with us.

We may think that it is more efficient and faster if we just do something without checking with the saints, but when we stop to fellowship and coordinate, we are blended together, adjusted, tempered, harmonized, limited, protected, supplied, and blessed.

As we learn to fellowship and coordinate with the saints, we need to allow the cross to operate in us and do everything in resurrection by the Spirit to minister Christ to the saints. If we don’t know how to coordinate, we may strive and compete against other saints, which may result in division.

But if we learn to follow the leading of the Spirit in the brother who functions and takes the lead as the living creature walking forward, we bear the cross, walk sideways or backwards, and we keep the oneness.

However, if we care only for our particular service or burden as entrusted to us by the Lord, and we don’t walk sideways or backwards, eventually we may become a problem in the church.

Oh Lord Jesus, how much we need to learn to exercise our spirit, enjoy the Lord together with the saints, and learn to coordinate in spirit by the grace of God! How much we need to learn to follow the Lord’s leading in the saints, follow the saints, follow the churches, and be one with the Lord in His move in His Body today!

The Result of Coordination is that we are Burned and we Burn One Another (coals of fire)

Ezek. 1:13-14 As for the likeness of the living creatures, their appearance was like burning coals of fire, like the appearance of torches; the fire went to and fro among the living creatures, and the fire was bright; and out of the fire went forth lightning. And the living creatures ran to and fro like the appearance of a lightning bolt.The result of the four living creatures is that they become burning coals (Ezek. 1:13); the more we coordinate together as living creatures, the more we burn one another, and the more we are burned.

The issue of our coordination in spirit by the grace of God is that we become burning coals, with the holy God as a consuming fire burning among us and within us (Heb. 12:29). There’s a fire burning in us and among us as we coordinate by the cross and in spirit, following the Lord’s leading and learning to move forwards, backwards, and sideways.

We can all testify that, when we fellowship and coordinate, we get burned; the saints burn us, we burn them, and the Lord as fire burns among us. But if we don’t attend the meetings, we are not burning coals but may be rather lukewarm.

The result of our proper fellowship and coordination is that there’s a burning, and this burning does at least three things:

1. Anything that doesn’t correspond to God and to His nature will be burned out. We may deal with a lot of things before the Lord personally, but when we come together to fellowship and coordinate, anything that doesn’t correspond to God and to the nature of God will be burned out by the sanctifying and purifying fire of the burning coals. What remains is only what is of God.

If we have a proper coordination in the church life, our worldliness, self-goals, self-aims, pride, opinions, natural humbleness, boasting, opinions, etc all will be exposed and burned by the fire. All kinds of negative things are burned away by the coordination, until only what is of God will remain.

This is our experience in the church life today: as we come together, enjoy the Lord, fellowship, and coordinate, we get burned, and anything that’s not of God is burned away, until only God Himself remains.

The burning of the coals in our coordination does at least three things: 1. Anything that does not correspond to God and to the nature of God will be burned out by the sanctifying and purifying fire of the burning coals, and only what is of God will remain. 2. The burning in the coordination makes us fervent, intensely hot. 3. The burning in the coordination produces the power and impact of the church. 2. The burning of the coordination makes us fervent, intensely hot.

When we are by ourselves it is easy to be either cold toward the Lord or lukewarm, wishy-washy, being on-and-off in the church life. But when we enter into fellowship and coordination with the saints as living creatures, we are made fervent, any lukewarmness is banished from our being, and we become intensely hot for the Lord, burning in spirit, serving Him (Rom. 12:11).

In fellowship and coordination we learn to fan our spirit into flame, and we love the Lord fervently (2 Tim. 1:6-7; Rev. 3:15-16). When others come among us, they will see that we are burning for the Lord, and their lukewarmness and coldness will be exposed; they will be convicted, repent, and have their love toward the Lord rekindled again.

3. The burning in the coordination produces the power and impact of the church. As seen in Acts 1:14, the prayer and coordination in spirit results in the one accord, which is the master key for all the blessings in the New Testament.

As we pray in oneness, fellowship in spirit, and coordinate by allowing the cross to operate in us, we are attuned in the same mind, purpose, soul, and heart, and we have the one accord as the power and impact of the church. The impact of a local church comes out of the burning; this power is mysterious and internal, and for us to have it we must be coordinated.

Why is there no impact or power in a local church? It is because there’s no burning in the coordination and fellowship of the saints. To have the impact, we must be coordinated, and in this coordination we become burning; out of this burning will be the impact and the power.

Lord Jesus, keep us in fellowship and coordination with the saints as living creatures so that the divine fire would burn within us and among us. May anything that is not of God be exposed and removed by the fire, until only God Himself remains. Lord, may any coldness or lukewarmness be removed and burnt away, and may we all become fervent, intensely hot for You! Amen, Lord, may the burning in our coordination produce the power and impact of the church, for You to have a way to move, be expressed, and administrate!

As a Result of Coordination, the Sanctifying Fire becomes the Sanctifying Light

The issue of the coordination of the living creatures is that they become burning coals, with the holy God as a consuming fire burning among them and within them (Heb. 12:29; cf. Exo. 3:2 and note 2). Furthermore, they become burning torches for shining and enlightening (cf. Rev. 4:5b). The burning of the coals and the enlightening of the torches signify that the sanctifying fire becomes the sanctifying light. That both the Lord on the throne (v. 26) and the living creatures have the appearance of fire indicates that the living creatures are the expression of the Lord. Ezek. 1:13, footnote on Coals, RcV BibleThe issue of our coordination as seen in Ezek. 1 is that we become like burning coals and like burning torches of fire. The burning of the coals are for purifying us and removing anything negative from us, and the enlightening of the torches of fire is for sanctifying us by the divine light.

The sanctifying fire becomes the sanctifying light; the more we fellowship and coordinate in spirit as living creatures, the more we have God’s light shining among us, we are enlightened, and we enlighten others also.

If a church is normal with much fellowship and coordination in groups, there is much burning and much enlightening; a normal church is full of “burning coals” and “enlightening”.

Whenever we allow the Lord to burn among us in our fellowship and coordination, the negative things will be removed, and the Lord’s light will shine within us and among us. The sanctifying fire of God burning among us will become the sanctifying and shining light of God causing us to be intensely shining.

Whenever the coals are burning, the torches will be shining. This means that the sanctifying fire becomes the sanctifying light. The more the fire burns, the more the light enlightens. If the fire burns us thoroughly, we will be enlightened thoroughly. However, if we do not allow the sanctifying fire to burn us in a certain matter, we will not be enlightened regarding this matter. The areas in which we have been burned by the sanctifying fire spontaneously become the areas in which we are enlightened and concerning which we can enlighten others. If a particular aspect of your character has been burned by the sanctifying fire, in this matter you will be enlightened, and thus you will be able to enlighten others in this matter. Witness Lee, Life-study of Ezekiel, msg. 7

If we allow the Lord to burn us and remove anything that doesn’t match His nature in our being, we will be sanctified and at the same time enlightened; the sanctifying fire becomes the sanctifying light.

The areas in which we allow the fire to burn are the areas in which we can be enlightened and we can also enlighten others. However, if we close certain areas of our life from the Lord’s burning, His light cannot penetrate to enlighten us.

The more intensely the fire burns, the brighter will be the shining; in His fire and light, everything negative will be exposed and burned, and every corner will be thoroughly enlightened.

Isaiah realized that he is a man of unclean lips among a people of unclean lips, and the seraphim touched his lips with a burning coal to cleanse his iniquity and purge his sin; therefore, he could respond to the Lord’s call to go and speak for Him (Isa. 6:1, 5-8).

We need to let the Lord burn in us and burn us with His fire, and He will also shine on us to enlighten us and cause us to enlighten others.

Lord Jesus, may there be a proper coordination among us in which Your fire is burning and Your light is shining. May we not close certain areas or parts of our being from Your burning and Your enlightening. Lord, may Your sanctifying fire become a sanctifying light so that we may be burned, purified, and enlightened. May anything negative be exposed and burned, and may nothing of darkness be among the brothers and the sisters in the church life. Lord, may our church be in a normal condition, full of burning coals and enlightening torches!

References and Hymns on this Topic
  • Inspiration: the Word of God, my enjoyment in the ministry, the message by brother Ed Marks for this week, and portions from, Life-study of Ezekiel, msg. 7 (by Witness Lee), as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, Crystallization-Study of Ezekiel (1), msg. 4 (week 4), The Coordination of the Four Living Creatures.
  • Hymns on this topic:
    # I hate to lukewarm be! / Lord, burn me thoroughly. / My first, My best, I come to Thee. / The seven Spirits burn, / Intensified to turn / My heart for You to be so firm. (Song on Rev. 1-2)
    # Each fulfills his duty, / Shows his usefulness, / Fervent in the spirit, / Girt with faithfulness…We, the Church, His Body, / He, the Head, the Son; / By the Spirit’s flowing, / We are joined in one. (Hymns #854)
    # In my knowledge and experience / I would not exalted be, / But submitting and accepting / Let the Body balance me; / Holding fast the Head, and growing / With His increase, in His way, / By the joints and bands supplying, / Knit together day by day. (Hymns #840)
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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brother L.
brother L.
8 years ago

Whenever the coals are burning, the torches will be shining. This means that the sanctifying fire becomes the sanctifying light. The more the fire burns, the more the light enlightens. If the fire burns us thoroughly, we will be enlightened thoroughly. However, if we do not allow the sanctifying fire to burn us in a certain matter, we will not be enlightened regarding this matter. The areas in which we have been burned by the sanctifying fire spontaneously become the areas in which we are enlightened and concerning which we can enlighten others. If a particular aspect of your character has been burned by the sanctifying fire, in this matter you will be enlightened, and thus you will be able to enlighten others in this matter.

The more intensely the fire burns in the church, the brighter will be the shining in that church. Everything negative will be exposed and burned. In the proper church life there should be nothing of darkness among the brothers and sisters. Every corner should be thoroughly enlightened. (Life-study of Ezekiel, pp. 74-75, by W. Lee)

Mariza S.
Mariza S.
8 years ago


Mario Q.
Mario Q.
8 years ago


Grant C.
Grant C.
8 years ago

We need to blend so we can burn each other,and we will be coordinating in the burning enlightening Spirit of life,we are blessed to be ones who can serve God in a burning zealous way but not in our natural self,only in the mingled Spirit, Hallelujah for this ministry that tempers,harmonizes,and mingled us in all our fellowship with the Body,Amen

Laz V.
Laz V.
8 years ago

That’s right. Be the burning and shining one in us. Burn and search us thoroughly as the seven spirits of God. Until we become a living army for your eternal purpose oh God.

Glen T.
Glen T.
8 years ago

Amen, burn and search lord, as the sevenfold intensified life giving spirit, want you not only in our spirit, i want to take you as my person lord, i let your mind be in me, your will be my will lord your emotion would be my emotion, take you as my head lord, claim the full worth of your precious efficacious blood, its eternal worth and its eternal efficiency

Jessica B.
Jessica B.
8 years ago

A Big Amen !!! ????

Ofelia R.
Ofelia R.
8 years ago

Amen! Lord, burn anything that is not You until only Yourself remains!

Zen R.
Zen R.
8 years ago

Amen..burning causes us to grow in d divinen life ,, mature in His life to be useful for d accomplishment of His etrrnal plan

Petronila E.
Petronila E.
8 years ago

Amen, O Lord Jesus my love for You is burning, burning!!!

Hohepa H.
Hohepa H.
7 years ago

Amene may anything that is not of God be exposed and removed by the fire until only God Himself remains.