Being Brought into the Realm of God’s Economy for Christ to be Our Everything

Being Brought into the Realm of God's Economy for Christ to be Our Everything

In this universe there’s a throne, the throne of God, and God sits on the throne administrating the whole universe. We need to be in spirit as the apostle John was, and we will see the throne set up in heaven (Rev. 4:2).

Don’t believe what you see, and don’t think that man can do anything he wants on earth; rather, turn to your mingled spirit to see what’s really going on in this universe. Whatever Satan does on the air or on earth, and whatever man does on the earth is under God’s throne in the heaven. The heavens rule!

The sooner we see this and settle this in us, the sooner we will allow God to rule in our being and set up His throne in us. When God comes in to rule in every part of our being and living, He will accomplish His economy to make Christ the centrality and universality of His move.

God rules and reigns on the throne for the accomplishment of His economy, which is to make Christ be the center and everything in God’s move on earth!

We need to be brought out of the realm of ethics, morality, spirituality, improvement, etc, and be brought fully into the realm of God’s economy, so that Christ may become our center and our everything!

Lord, cause us to know that the heavens rule! Be the ruler and the king in our being! Bring us out of the realm of culture, ethics, being scriptural, and improvement of humanity, and bring us into the realm of God’s economy! Show us a vision of Christ as the centrality and universality of God’s economy!

God is On the Throne Ruling Over Everything

The outward situation in the world seems to be a total mess, and even our personal situation in our family, in society, at work, at school, may seem to be a messy one.

But when we turn to our spirit we touch the throne of God, and the heavens are open to us to see God on the throne ruling over everything and everyone! In Revelation 4 especially we see that God’s throne is not merely the throne of grace and of mercy (as seen in Heb. 4:16) but also the throne of administration, where God rules.

The whole universe is under God’s throne, and everything happening on earth and in heavens is under God’s rule. Apparently we can’t see this outwardly, and most people on earth don’t realize that God is ruling, but behind the scene God is on the throne ruling!

In this age of mystery God rules hiddenly and behind the scenes, but there will be a time when He will judge and pronounce judgement from the throne and all confusion will be cleared up in heaven and on earth, when Satan’s rebellion and man’s fall will be exposed, dealt with, judged, and eradicated!

There’s no other place I’d rather be today than under God’s throne today! We need to settle it within us that God is on the throne in our being – and then we will be at peace, enjoying the river of water of life flowing from the throne and supplying our entire being with the processed and consummated Triune God!

Being Brought into the Realm of God’s Economy

The heavens rule so that God may accomplish His economy! What we see in the book of Daniel, besides all the visions and events and persons and spiritual lessons, is God’s economy. You can’t find the expression “God’s economy” in the Old Testament, but it is nonetheless revealed especially in the book of Daniel.

We need to open to the Lord to enlighten us to see the vision of God’s economy so that we may be brought into the realm of God’s economy. We can “see something” without actually “being there”, just as we can watch the amazing scenery of the Grand Canyon on the computer without being there.

We human beings are very preoccupied with culture, ethics, morality, improvement of character, philosophy, religion, and we as Christians care a lot about being spiritual, Scriptural, holy, and victorious.

Without realizing it, our Christian life is a life in the realm of all these things… – this is why there’s such a great mixture in today’s Christianity. God had to destroy Jerusalem so that He may get rid of the mixture of Judaism with Christianity in the first century.

Today we need to be freed from anything else and brought into the realm of God’s economy.

We need to ask the Lord to bring us fully out of anything else and bring us absolutely in the realm of God’s economy. In this realm we offer the prayers that move God’s hand, and in this realm we have Christ as our center and everything!

Christ being the Centrality and Universality of God’s Move

In everything that God does, in His move on earth, Christ is the center and everything. In God’s economy, He desires to make Christ the centrality and universality of God’s move on earth (Daniel 2:35; Col. 1:15-27; Eph. 1:10)!

How sad would it be if we would “get in God’s move today” but we don’t have Christ as the centrality and universality of our move and work! God does a lot of things, and today in His move on earth there are many things in which we need to cooperate with Him, but the center and circumference of our work and living should be Christ!

May we never deviate from taking Christ as our center and everything for God’s move.

Before we consider anything, before we try to understand the prophecies in Daniel, and before we do anything, we need to be brought into the realm of God’s economy so that Christ may be our center and our everything for God’s move!

Lord, bring us fully out of anything of religion, culture, philosophy, ethics, morality, improvement, and even spiritual and being victorious, and bring us absolutely into the realm of Your economy. Lord, we want to see Your economy and be in the realm of Your economy so that Christ may be our everything. Make Your Christ our center and our circumference in Your move. May we never deviate from having Christ as our center and our everything!

References and Further Reading
  • Sharing inspired from brother Ron K’s speaking in this message and portions in, Life-study of Daniel (pages 58, 73, 77), as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on Crystallization-Study of Daniel and Zechariah, week 1 (entitled, The Rule of the Heavens, the Economy of God, and the Excellent Christ as the Precious and Preeminent One in God’s Move).
  • Further reading: Life-Study of Revelation, msgs. 17, 19.
  • Hymns on this topic:
    # In the holiest place, touch the throne of grace, / Grace as a river shall flow!
    # He’s the very center, / Ruling on the throne; / By His life the power, / Saints are kept in one.
    # In His Christ to head up all things / Is our God’s economy; / Taking Christ as Head and Center, / All is one in harmony.
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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12 years ago

Although the book of Daniel is short, it has many points, it speaks of many events and persons, and it contains many spiritual lessons for us. But above, behind, and within all these things, there is something else, and this is God’s economy. Of course, the expression God’s economy is not found in Daniel; neither is it found anywhere else in the Old Testament. Nevertheless, God’s economy is revealed in this book. We all need to see God’s economy in the book of Daniel. If we see this vision of God’s economy, our whole being will be changed….Christ is the centrality and universality of God’s economy, and God’s economy is for Christ to be the centrality and universality in God’s move. This is what we must see in our reading of the book of Daniel. The various spiritual lessons and the historical details covered in this book are very good, but they are secondary. What is primary is that in His economy, in His plan with His arrangement, God desires to make Christ the centrality and universality of His move on earth. (Life-study of Daniel, pp. 77, 58, 73)

Tara Wellesley
Tara Wellesley
12 years ago

Lord, You can make your home in our hearts through faith, (Eph 3:17), Your Word even inscribed in our hearts (2 Cor 3:3), so we can be a people after Your heart sharing in Your vision & given eyes to see the central thought in Your Word as revealed through out the whole Bible, ‘Christ is the centrality & universality in God’s move’.


Rev 4:2 Immediately I was in spirit; & behold, there was a throne set in heaven, & upon the throne there was One sitting.

11:15 & the seventh angel trumpeted; & there were loud voices in heaven, saying, The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord & of His Christ, & He will reign forever & ever.

‘God’s plan is hidden in heaven. When God finds a man on earth after His heart, heaven is opened to him. It was opened to Jacob (Gen 28:12-17), to Ezekiel (Ezek 1:1), to Jesus (Mat 3:16), to Stephen (Acts 7:56), …to Peter (Acts 10:11). In Rev. 4:1,19:11, it is opened to John, & it will be open to all believers in the Lord in eternity.’

John 1:51 And He said to him, Truly, truly, I say to you, You shall see heaven opened and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.


12 years ago

God’s plan is hidden in heaven. When God finds a man on earth after His heart, heaven is opened to him. In heaven, there is firstly a THRONE. The throne of God in Revelation is the center of God’s administration. The whole universe is under God’s administration. Whatever Satan does in the air and whatever man does on earth is under God’s throne in heaven. The throne is behind the scene ruling over EVERYONE and EVERYTHING. The earth is under the rule of a heavenly administration. The heavens rule for us, and Christ is for us.

The primary thing we need to see in the book of Daniel is GOD’S ECONOMY. God’s economy is to make CHRIST the centrality and universality of His move on earth. If we see this vision of God’s economy, our whole being will be changed.

12 years ago

Very nice piece – In Him I live and move and have my being – Blessings Darrell

Yahosca Gabriela
Yahosca Gabriela
12 years ago

We have to open our eyes and see, we need to be bring out of any culture, religion, philosophy, ethics, morality, even spiritual things… we must be brought into the realm of God's economy.

12 years ago

"There's no other place I'd rather be than under God's throne today!"

11 years ago

There's no other place I'd rather be today then under God's throne today! from the throne and supplying our entire being with the processed and consummated triune God.