the processed Triune God has come into us and dwells in us as the Spirit in our spirit

the processed Triune God has come into us and dwells in us as the Spirit in our spirit [picture source: National Park]This is the central focus of the universe and the centre of the Bible, even the centre of God’s plan – the processed and consummated Triune God coming into us to dwell in us as the Spirit in our spirit.

This is the greatest miracle in the universe, and nothing else in the universe is more important than our spirit mingled with the Spirit as the consummation of the processed Triune God (Isa. 66:1-2; John 14:23; 15:4)! What can be more important than the Triune God being in us, living in us, and being everything to us as the all-inclusive life-giving Spirit?

The Triune God dwells in us and is one with us

Saints, we should all be full of joy since the entire Triune God is indwelling us and is one with us! The Triune God as the Spirit is our life and our person, and He is making us His home (Eph. 3:14-17).

If we see this, we will be super-excited – we will be happy Christians! Praise the Lord – the Triune God lives in us! God has been processed and consummated through incarnation, human living, crucifixion, and resurrection, and now He is the Spirit coming into our spirit to be in us, live in us, and spread in our whole being!

Lord Jesus, show us this glorious and wonderful fact!

The Spirit who dwells in us is the Triune God

We need to see this to the point of being impressed with this and having this as a vision governing us daily – the Spirit who dwells in us is the entire Triune God dwelling in us! This is seen clearly in Rom. 8, where Spirit is the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Christ, and the Spirit of the resurrecting One – He is the all-inclusive Spirit!

The Spirit is actually the ultimate consummation of the Triune God and the ultimate application of the Triune God to the believers! When the Triune God comes to us, He is the Spirit, and the Spirit brings the Triune God to us.

The Triune God is a mystery – we cannot understand with our limited human mind and understanding HOW CAN IT BE that God is One yet Three. The Father, the Son, and the Spirit are One, co-existing (existing at the same time) and co-inhering (existing in one another).

This is a mystery… But what we know from the Bible, especially from Romans 8, is that the Spirit who indwells us brings the entire Triune God into us! What we have in us is a mystery – the Spirit dwells in us, Christ the Son is in us, and God the Father is in us – the entire Triune God is in us, being made real to us and applied to us by and as the Spirit!

The Spirit makes the Triune God subjective to us

We have never seen God or touched Him physically, but we have seen and touched His creation. Also, the Bible tells us that God dwells in unapproachable light (1 Tim. 6:16). In a similar way, we cannot and should not touch the electricity – we cannot see it, but we know it’s there.

What makes electricity real to us is its application to the many electrical appliances around the home, the lights, etc. What makes God real and subjective to us is the Spirit! The Spirit is the application, the reaching, of the Triune God to us! Praise the Lord, we can touch, experience, and enjoy the Triune God as the indwelling Spirit! Don’t you LOVE your mingled spirit?

Lord, cause us to see this wonderful fact – the Triune God dwells in us as the Spirit in our spirit! Open our eyes, Lord, to really see this triune occupant – the Father, the Son, and the Spirit – as the Spirit dwelling in our spirit. May we really see and appreciate the all-inclusive Spirit as the consummation of the processed Triune God. How thankful we are for this wonderful Spirit with our spirit who applies all that God is to our being!

References and Further Reading
  • sharing inspired from, The All-inclusive Indwelling Spirit, ch. 1 (by brother Lee), as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, The Focus of the Lord’s Recovery, week 3.
  • More on this topic: The Focus of the Lord’s Recovery.
  • Picture source: River in Alaska
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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Sister in the Lord.
Sister in the Lord.
13 years ago

Yes I love my mingle Sprit but I also need to pray more…
" Lord Jesus, show ME this glorious and wonderful fact! Open my eyes, Lord, to really see this
triune occupant – the Father, the Son, and the Spirit – as the Spirit
dwelling in my spirit. May I really see and appreciate the
all-inclusive Spirit as the consummation of the processed Triune God who
applies all that God is to our being!"

Magdalena Skonieczek
13 years ago

If we see this, we will be super-excited – we will be happy Christians!…How thankful we are for this wonderful Spirit with our spirit who applies all that God is to our being!!! Yes Lord Jesus how we love our mingled spirit but we want to see even more to really see, appreciate and live by our mingle spirit in all aspects of our daily life to be the most happy christans on the earth 🙂 Lord make us such crazy lovers and top enjoyers of You. 🙂

A God-Man
13 years ago

Praise the Lord for the wonderful Spirit in our spirit! This is the key to God's salvation and the secret of experiencing and enjoying Christ! Lord, grant us a vision of this Wonderful Spirit in us!
This article reminds me of this wonderful song, He's the Wonderful Spirit in us!

Now the Triune God has come to dwell within
  As the wonderful Spirit in us.
We are mingled with the Lord, we're one with Him
  As the life-giving Spirit in us.

Oh, He's the wonderful Spirit in us,
He's the wonderful Spirit in us!
God is in the Son, the Son's the Spirit now—
  He's the wonderful Spirit in us!

"Abba Father" is the cry from deep within
  From the wonderful Spirit in us.
'Tis the Spirit of the Son who cries to Him
  As the life-giving Spirit in us.

Jesus Christ the Lord is living now in us
  As the wonderful Spirit within.
He has been transfigured, we enjoy Him thus,
  As the life-giving Spirit within.

Now the Spirit of reality is here
  As the wonderful Spirit within.
Now the things of Christ are all so real and clear
  By the life-giving Spirit within.

We will all stir up this gift that's deep within
  As the wonderful Spirit in us.
When we call "Lord Jesus" how our spirits spring
  With this life-giving Spirit in us!

Hymn Source:

Sister in the Lord.
Sister in the Lord.
13 years ago

Yes I love my mingled spirit but I also need to pray more…

“Lord Jesus, show ME this glorious and wonderful fact! Open my eyes, Lord, to really see this triune occupant – the Father, the Son, and the Spirit – as the Spirit dwelling in my spirit. May I really see and appreciate the all-inclusive Spirit as the consummation of the processed Triune God who applies all that God is to our being!”

Stefan Misaras (

Praise the Lord for the wonderful Spirit in our spirit! This is the key to God’s salvation and the secret of experiencing and enjoying Christ! Lord, grant us a vision of this Wonderful Spirit in us!
This article reminds me of this wonderful song, He’s the Wonderful Spirit in us!

Now the Triune God has come to dwell within
  As the wonderful Spirit in us.
We are mingled with the Lord, we’re one with Him
  As the life-giving Spirit in us.

Oh, He’s the wonderful Spirit in us,
He’s the wonderful Spirit in us!
God is in the Son, the Son’s the Spirit now—
  He’s the wonderful Spirit in us!

“Abba Father” is the cry from deep within
  From the wonderful Spirit in us.
‘Tis the Spirit of the Son who cries to Him
  As the life-giving Spirit in us.

Jesus Christ the Lord is living now in us
  As the wonderful Spirit within.
He has been transfigured, we enjoy Him thus,
  As the life-giving Spirit within.

Now the Spirit of reality is here
  As the wonderful Spirit within.
Now the things of Christ are all so real and clear
  By the life-giving Spirit within.

We will all stir up this gift that’s deep within
  As the wonderful Spirit in us.
When we call “Lord Jesus” how our spirits spring
  With this life-giving Spirit in us!

Hymn Source: