The Mystery of the Divine Fellowship of Life – the Divine Life is Flowing in us all the Time!

The Mystery of the Divine Fellowship of Life - the Divine Life is Flowing in us all the Time!Ever since we became a believer by receiving the Lord Jesus as our Savior and as our life, we Christians became a mysterious people. Now we’re not just human beings with all that the humanity entails, but we’re also divine beings with all that the divine life brings about!

We are mysterious people – we have the mysterious divine life and the mysterious divine nature in us. Actually, if you are not a mysterious person, then there may be a problem with your contact with the Lord.

We are mysterious in the sense that neither we nor others really understand this kind of life: eating, drinking, breathing in the Lord, and spontaneously living by another life, the divine life. The divine life in us is “something else”, having its own feeling and its own sense of life, growing daily and expanding in all our being….

One of the most wonderful things about this mysterious divine life in us is that the divine life is not “static” – it continually grows and it continually flows! In 1 John 1:3 we see that we don’t just have the divine life in us (which is a mystery), but we also have the fellowship of life (which is also a mystery).

Within us there is a flow of the divine life that we have received by regeneration – this is the fellowship of the divine life. How can we define the “fellowship of life”? I enjoyed two very simple and also very practical illustrations that help us see what the fellowship of life is:

  1. The fellowship of life is like the flowing of blood in us – the circulation of blood in our being never stops: it always flows! We do things, we walk, we sleep, we exercise – in all things, the flow of blood in our veins continually flows. If we exercise physically, the circulation is being helped; on the other hand, we also need to rest… Fellowship is the scriptural term for the circulation – in the Body of Christ there is the flow of the divine life “circulating” and “flowing” as the fellowship of life. This fellowship of the divine life reaches to every member of the Body of Christ and brings all the riches of the divine life to every member. All the members of the Body of Christ, just like the members of our body, are in the circulation of this divine life.
  2. The fellowship of life is like the current of electricity – when electricity is in motion, it is called the current. When the electricity flows, all the home appliances, the lights, etc – work / function properly! We cannot see the electricity, but we can feel + see the electricity in action, being applied! If you look at the electric meter, you will see how the current flows… You just need to “switch on” and you will partake of the “flow of electricity”. In a similar way, our proper functioning is derived from our being in the flow / the current of the divine life. When we switch on this flow (and hopefully NEVER switch off) we have the supply, the power, to live our Christian life in a normal way and to function as members of the Body of Christ! The Triune God as the flow of the divine life has been installed into us as the divine electricity – we just need to switch Him on!

Hallelujah, when we were saved we received the Lord into our being + we were put into Him! This divine life in us is never at a standstill – it is always flowing, always ready to “invade” and “flood” all the parts of our being, ready to supply us with all that we need for us to live a life for God’s purpose! If we have the divine life, we will also have the divine fellowship – the flowing of the divine life in us!

And one more illustration – in the New Jerusalem, the divine life flows as the river of water of life in the middle of the street(the divine nature). This means that as we walk according to the divine nature, we have the divine life flowing in us. The divine life flows in the divine nature as the unique way for the daily life of God’s redeemed people.

Where the divine life flows, there is the divine nature as the holy way by which we as God’s people walk. In our daily life as we contact the Lord and are in a close communication / direct contact with Him, we walk according to the divine nature within us, and there is a flow of the divine life in us all the time…

May we take care of this flow in us by never leaving the golden street – rather, we may we keep walking according to the divine nature in us all the time, so that we may enjoy the flow of the divine life, the divine fellowship of life! [enjoyment from the portion for today – the Unique Divine Fellowship]

Lord, thank You for putting us into You and giving us to drink of this flowing river! Keep flowing in us, Lord! Keep us in this fellowship of life, in the flow of life, all our days! We treasure the sweet flow of life… we even lay down our soul-life that we may have the flow within… Thank You, Lord, for being installed into us as the divine electricity – flow in us today!

About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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James C.
James C.
7 years ago

Amen…Lord flow in us, permeate us, saturate us…Let us be who you want us to be

Diana D.
Diana D.
7 years ago

Hallelujah for the flow! Amen

Juliet C.
Juliet C.
7 years ago

主に感謝します! アーメン
[Thank you Lord! Amen.]

J. C.
J. C.
7 years ago

[The body of Christ is one, so we are. Amen.]