testimony from the Winter School of the Truth – God put eternity in man’s heart, only He satisfies!

What is the Winter School of the Truth? In the words of the ones who organize it, “The Winter School of Truth is a six day, full-time, residential conference for young people. This will be our eighth Winter School of Truth. Over the past years, hundreds of young people have come together to enjoy the truth.” This past year we had it again in the Bower House, London, UK, and below is a short sharing from sister Agnieszka – her top enjoyment in the WST.

This year was my third Winter School, and I really enjoyed blending with young people from all over Europe once again! I gained a lot and I would like to share with you what touched me the most. So first thing I enjoyed was that we have the two greatest gifts of God for our enjoyment and these are the Spirit inside of us and the Bible outside of us. The Spirit gives us life and the Bible gives us stability; we need both to be proper Christians and to grow in life. The Bible is composed of words, therefore we need our mind. The Bible embodies the Triune God, therefore we need to use our spirit to receive the Spirit and life. And i also enjoyed that the Christians can be likened to a train. There needs to be the fuel inside as its energizing power. But a train needs to have tracks outside as well. If there is fuel within but no tracks without, the train would not be able to run. Even if it runs, problems will arise. However, if there are only the tracks without, but not fuel within, the train may be on the right track, but it cannot move. Therefore, for a train to run, and to do so smoothly, there must be the coordination of two aspects: the inner aspect and the outer aspect. Outwardly, there must be the regulation of the tracks, inwardly, there must be the energizing of the fuel. Therefore we must put equal emphasis on the Spirit and the Bible, we must not neglect either matter. We must not overlook the Spirit within, neither can we despise the Bible without.

The second thing I enjoyed was that, as we all know, the scientific books are updated all the time. Yet the book of the Bible have remained the same since the time it was written! It’s because science is merely man’s study of what has been created by God. Man’s theories need to be updated, but God’s word is eternal! Matthew 24:35 says, “The heaven and the earth shall pass away, but My words shall by no means pass away.” Praise the Lord! We need to be filled up with His living and abiding word. (1 Pet. 1:23)

The third thing I enjoyed was that eternity is in our hearts. God not only created us with a spirit; He also put eternity in our hearts (Eccl. 3:11). This means that in our human heart there is an aspiration for something eternal. Regardless of how rich or successful we may be, deep within us there is a gnawing sense of vanity and a cry for reality. No temporary thing can fill this inner emptiness. This proves that within us there is an aspiration for eternal things. Only One in the universe is eternal- the eternal God. Only He can satisfy the aspiration for eternity in our hearts!

About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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14 years ago

We Praise You Lord for the two greatest gifts – the Spirit inside of us and the Bible outside of us! And Thank You Lord for all the dear Young People who share their enjoyment for building up of Your Body! PRAAAAAAISE THE LORD!!!