This week we are getting into the matter of Taking the Lead to be a Man of Prayer. The Lord Jesus was a Man of Prayer – He was not just a praying person, but He was a Man of Prayer. The example of prayer given as a pattern by the Lord Jesus increases our […]
Father, Your name be sanctified! Your kingdom come and Your will be done!
June 11, 2012 by 4 Comments
Lord, Your kingdom come and Your will be done as in the heaven so also on earth
May 2, 2012 by 4 Comments
In Matt. 6:9-13 the Lord teaches us how to pray, and He says, You then pray in this way: Our Father who is in the heavens, Your name be sanctified; Your kingdom come; Your will be done, as in heaven, so also on earth. … For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the […]