A Built-up Church is both Lovely to the Lord and a Warring Church to Defeat Satan

As believers in Christ, we are members of the Body of Christ, the church, and we are both the loving bride of Christ and the warring church, the church who fights the battle against the enemy to defeat him and stand in the victory of Christ. The church as the bride of Christ must be […]

Laboring in Prayer with God to Bring in His Kingdom and Carry out His Will on Earth

The work of the church is to bring in the kingdom of God on earth, and the way the church accomplishes her work is through prayer; the church should pray to bring in His kingdom on earth, and thus be an outlet of the heaven, allowing heaven’s authority to be expressed on earth. The church, […]

The Prayer that Expresses God’s Will according to the Pattern of the Lord’s Prayer

The Lord Jesus taught us in Matt. 6 a pattern of prayer – the prayer that expresses God’s will (see Matt. 6:9-15). The principle of prayer set forth by the Lord in this portion includes three basic prayers concerning God, three requests for our needs, and three reverent praises as extolling prayers; all these three […]

God needs Man to Exercise his Spirit and his Will to Pray according to God’s Will

Our service to God as priests is by prayer, and this prayer needs to be according to His heart and will; to have such a prayer, we need to allow the Spirit to mingle our desires with His desires, lead our thoughts into His thoughts, and imprint His desires and thoughts into us so that […]

Having our Desires Blended with God’s Desires to Pray the Prayers Initiated by God

As believers in Christ who love the Lord and pursue to know and experience Christ, we serve God by prayer, and our prayers needs to be according to His heart and will. In 1 John 5:16 we see that, if we see a brother committing a sin not unto death, we should not gossip about […]

Praying on Behalf of All Men to be Saved and Come to the Full Knowledge of the Truth

The first thing we should do is not assess the situation or find out the best solution but pray. Even before reading the Bible, before taking a shower in the morning, and before we go to work / school / do the daily chores, we need to pray. Don’t make any decisions without praying; rather, […]

being in harmony with God’s will and standing in the victory of Christ

There are no “pacifists” in the military sense in God’s economy – with Satan you cannot make peace or shake hands. Satan is incorrigible, incurable, and he will never change. Spiritual warfare is necessary, and spiritual warfare is a reality because Satan’s will is SET against God’s will! God has a will (see Eph. 1), […]