According to John 4:23-24, we need to worship God our Father in spirit and in truthfulness; to worship God in truthfulness is to worship Him with the Christ we enjoyed and experienced, the Christ who saturates our being to become our personal reality through our experience and enjoyment of the Triune God as the divine […]
Worship God in Truthfulness with the Christ who Saturates our being to be our Reality
Bring the Surplus of Christ to the Church Meetings for the Corporate Worship of God

We need to daily labour on Christ to have a surplus, a harvest, to bring to the church meetings for the worship of God the Father; when we come to the meetings of the church, we need to bring the surplus of Christ for the saints’ enjoyment and the Father’s satisfaction. We have a […]
Worship God in Spirit with Christ as the Reality, Offering Christ to God for His Satisfaction

We need to labor on the all-inclusive Christ in order to have a surplus of Christ to bring to the church meetings both for our enjoyment corporately and for the corporate worship of God our Father; we worship God in spirit and truthfulness, that is, in our spirit and with the Christ we have experienced […]
Being Girded with the Truth to Stand, we Testify to the Truth by being in the True One

Having girded our loins with the truth, we are strengthened in our entire being to stand and to testify to the divine truth because we know the truth by being in the true One. God and Christ and the Spirit are the truth, the reality, and the devil, Satan, is a lie and the father […]
At the Lord’s Table we Enjoy Christ as our Peace Offering and we Worship the Father

This week – the last week on the crystallization-study of Leviticus, part 1 – we are prayerfully considering the matter of, Enjoying Christ as the Reality of the Peace Offering at the Lord’s Table to Present the Total Picture of God’s Economy. Today in particular we want to see how the peace offering signifies Christ […]
We Worship and Serve God in spirit and by the Spirit with No Confidence in the Flesh

This week as we are enjoying the matter of serving God in our mingled spirit in the gospel of His Son my prayer is, Lord, may You be our witness that we are those who serve God in spirit in the full gospel as revealed in the New Testament! Amen! As believers in Christ we are […]
Worshipping the Father in Spirit and Truthfulness and in the Divine Dispensing

In the Bible there’s a whole chapter that speaks of the worship of God – John 4. Here we see the Lord Jesus taking a detour through a Samaritan city, and while His disciples went into the city to get some food, the Lord talked to a sinful Samaritan woman who came in the heat […]