In the blueprint of God’s original intention, man is the center of the entire universe, and the center of man is in his spirit; man has a spirit to contact God, enjoy God, receive God, and be one with God, and as believers in Christ, our spirit has been reinforced with the vivifying, sevenfold intensified […]
God is Spirit and we have a spirit to Contact God, Enjoy God, and be One with God
Meet with the Saints for Corporate Worship in Spirit and on the Ground of Oneness

As believers in Christ, we must meet with the Lord’s children for corporate worship at the place that the Lord has chosen – in our spirit and on the unique ground of oneness, bringing Christ as the offerings and having much rejoicing in the Lord, for here we are one with God and with one […]
Worship God in Truthfulness with the Christ who Saturates our being to be our Reality

According to John 4:23-24, we need to worship God our Father in spirit and in truthfulness; to worship God in truthfulness is to worship Him with the Christ we enjoyed and experienced, the Christ who saturates our being to become our personal reality through our experience and enjoyment of the Triune God as the divine […]
Offer Christ to God for our Worship of God in Spirit in the Meetings of the Church

As believers in Christ, we need to offer Christ to God for our worship of God in spirit in the meetings of the church. In these last days, the Lord will recover and is recovering the genuine experience of Christ for a surplus of His riches to be offered in the meetings for the building […]
Living one Spirit with the Lord until the Spirit and the Bride say, Come, Lord Jesus!

In order for us as believers in Christ to walk in Christ, that is, to walk according to the spirit and by the Spirit as the reality of the good land, we must see that the key to the spiritual fellowship of the regenerated tripartite believers with the consummated Triune God is 1 Cor. 6:17, […]
Being Saved from Pretense and Mixture in Worshipping God and being a Companion of God

When we see the principle of idolatry and realize that with idolatry there’s the pretense of worshipping the true God but there’s mixture in worship, we will flee from idolatry and we will worship God, be intimate with God, even be a companion of God who knows God’s heart and does all things according […]
We can Enjoy and Experience Grace in our Spirit by Calling on the Name of the Lord

We can continually receive the Spirit of grace and enjoy and experience grace with our spirit by calling on the name of the Lord with the exercise of our spirit, for Christ as grace is with our spirit. Hallelujah! Grace is entirely a matter of God’s economy; whatever is not in God’s economy cannot […]