God’s Ultimate Move is to have Christ Saturating us and Living in us for the Body

God’s ultimate move today is to carry out His economy concerning Christ and the church, and this is by Christ being in us, filling us, flowing in us, saturating and permeating us, and making us fit to be built up into His Body for His expression. We need to see a vision of the world’s ultimate […]

We need to See a Vision of the World’s Ultimate Situation and God’s Ultimate Move

As believers in Christ living in the last days of this age, we need to see a vision of the world’s ultimate situation, God’s ultimate move, and the Lord’s ultimate recovery. It may seem that this series of blog posts are not focused on “spiritual matters” but they touch a lot of historical and outward […]

Considering what the Lord wants to Do in God’s Move today in this World Situation

Both human history and the history of the church show us that the world situation has been and is an indicator of God’s move on earth, and today as we see the many changes in the world situation, we need to wake up and consider what the Lord wants to do and how these changes […]

The Lord needs the Truths of His Recovery to Spread to the Whole Earth for His Return

The Lord needs the truths of His recovery to spread to the whole earth for the restoration of all things and the Lord’s return. We need to be those who cooperate with the Lord to spread the divine truths and see a vision of the world’s ultimate situation, God’s ultimate move, and the Lord’s ultimate […]

Being Aware of, Concerned, and Burdened for God’s Move in the Present World Situation

As believers in Christ who have been shown mercy by the Lord to see His move on earth, we need to be more aware of God’s sovereign arrangement of the world situation, more concerned about the crucial time in which we live, and more burdened for God’s move in the present world situation. All the […]

The Events of World History are Sovereignly Arranged by God for Him to Fulfill His Purpose

The events of world history have been sovereignly arranged by God for Him to carry out His purpose; therefore, in order for us to have the proper church life, we must know the world situation and be one with the Lord in His move. Throughout the Bible we can see the divine history within the […]

Living in the Divine History by Living in the Church for the Manifestation of Christ

Behind the outward and seen human history there’s a divine history, the history of God in man; as believers in Christ we were born in the human history and we were reborn in the divine history, and we need to be those living in the divine history for the manifestation of Christ. The divine history […]