After God created man, He said, Very Good! and He rested. Man’s first day on earth was not spent in working for God or doing anything to please God but man spent the day with God in His rest. Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath! In Exo. 31:17 it says […]
Working Together with God by First Enjoying Him and Entering Into His Rest
Keeping the Principle of the Sabbath by Enjoying the Lord and Resting with Him

When it comes to working with God to build His house, we have a good pattern in Exodus, where we see God’s speaking concerning how the tabernacle should be prepared and built up. In Exodus 31:12-17 though, after the Lord speaks concerning the building up of God’s dwelling place, after He gives Moses the two […]
Having Our Heart Enlarged to Work Together with God by an All-Fitting Life

In 2 Corinthians we see the ministers of the new covenant, their ministry, and how it is produced. We see that all believers in Christ are the ambassadors of God with the ministry of reconciliation, helping others to be reconciled to God further (see 2 Cor. 5). In chapter 6 we see that we are […]
Being Reconciled to God and Working with God to Reconcile Others to God
![Being Reconciled to God and Working with God to Reconcile Others to God [in the picture: nice sunrise!]](
All the believers in Christ who are saved and regenerated by Him are qualified to be ambassadors of Christ, those who have the ministry of reconciliation (2 Cor. 5:18-20). First of all we need to be reconciled to God, and reconciliation is a process that is taking place our whole life. We were initially reconciled […]
being a laboring farmer and an unashamed workman cutting straight the word of truth
The word of God is like a grain of wheat – it dispenses God as life into us to nourish us. Also, the Word of God is like a fire and a hammer to purify us and break down our self, our natural life, our flesh, our lusts, and even our concepts (see Jer. 23:28-29). As laboring farmers, we diligently and patiently minister the Word of God to people for their growth in the divine life. In all our contact with the saints, we should be pure and have only one motive – ministering Christ to them so that they might grow in life in the Lord (1 Tim. 5:1-2). [continue reading online]
Old Testament saints on the line of life: Abel, Seth, Enosh, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Israel, etc
Throughout the Bible we see these two lines, the line of the tree of life and the line of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. There is a line that goes throughout the Bible – the line of life, the line of the tree of life – on which there are many […]