Noah’s life and work changed the age – his living and his work afforded God the cooperation He needs to change the age by bringing in the flood and judging that crooked and perverted generation. Noah lived by faith and built up his own salvation by believing God’s word and obeying God. Noah’s work, a […]
Doing a Work that Can Change the Age by Building Up the Church as Today’s Ark
Walking with God by Faith and Working Together with God to Build Up the Ark Today

Noah was a pattern to us, walking and living by faith in God and working together with God to build the ark as his salvation from the crooked and perverted generation he lived in. As we all know it, faith does not originate from us – it is impossible for us as human beings to […]
The Earth Controls Heaven: Praying to Open the Way for God to Move Today
![The Earth Controls Heaven: Praying to Open the Way for God to Move Today [Image: With God there are many possibilities. But if we don't open the way for Him to move, all will become impossibilities. Watchman Nee]](
Many believers and unbelievers alike are wondering why is God not more real to people today, why is the world so corrupted, why is every new generation being more degraded than going higher than the previous one, and why are there so many wars, crimes, and evil things happening. There is no general answer to […]
The Principle of Prayer: God’s People Must Pray Before God Will Rise Up to Work

We have seen that the significance of prayer is to inhale God, absorb God, and to contact God in our spirit. But what is the principle of prayer? Why do we need to pray? If God knows all things if He knows what we need and what He needs to do, why does He need […]
Coming to Christ to Find Rest for Our Soul and Taking His Yoke Upon Us

The Lord’s call in Matt. 11:28-30 resounds throughout the ages, Come to Me all who toil and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy […]
Bearing a Sign that We Are God’s People by Daily and Regularly Enjoying God

As believers in Christ and as those who are burdened for the building up of the church, the Body of Christ, we need to be those who bear a sign that we are God’s people. What is the distinctive sign that we are the people of God? There must be something like a ring, a […]
Being Filled with The Enjoyment of God and then Working Together with God
![At the end of the 10 days of prayer in the upper room (Acts 2:1-4) they were filled with the Holy Spirit as the power, and they were filled with the heavenly wine, the heavenly power. In this power and by this power coming from their enjoyment of God they worked as one, one with God and one with one another. [in the picture: Acts 2:4]](
Before God created man He made sure the earth was a pleasant place for man to be – He created the atmosphere, the plants, the animals, and everything needed for man to live. Then, when man was created, all he needed to do is to rest with God and enjoy God, and then to dress […]