Before Noah started to build the ark, he was already walking with God – this means he was already righteous. Why did he need to still build the ark if he was already walking with God? This question also applies to all the genuine believers in Christ: since we are saved, why do we still […]
Working Out Our Own Salvation by Building Up Christ in Our Experience Day by Day
Walking with God by Faith and Working Together with God to Build Up the Ark Today

Noah was a pattern to us, walking and living by faith in God and working together with God to build the ark as his salvation from the crooked and perverted generation he lived in. As we all know it, faith does not originate from us – it is impossible for us as human beings to […]
building up Christ in our experience so that we may enter into Him and abide in Him

These past few days we’re enjoying the fact that we need to daily work out our own salvation by building up Christ in our experience. Just like Noah built up the ark, we are building up a practical and present Christ today in the church life. Just like Noah entered into the ark after he […]
we are eternally saved, yet we also need to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling
Many Christians think that once we’re saved – once we’re born again – the best thing we can do now is to live a life according to the Bible, be good people, help others get saved, and wait to go into heaven. But the Bible clearly says that YES, we are saved once we believe […]
learning to be those who work together with God to build up the ark, the practical church life today!
This week we’re getting into the topic, Building Up Christ in our Experience to Work out Our Own Salvation (in the series, The need for a Fresh Vision of the Lord’s Recovery). In the Old Testament, God told Noah (one who not only walked with God but also worked together with God for His interest) to […]