The all-inclusive Christ is the history of God’s move in man’s history in order to gain the building of God for the manifestation of God; Christ is skillfully working to sovereignly control the world situation in human history to work Himself into us and obtain the church as His masterpiece. Hallelujah! Our God is […]
Christ Controls the World Situation to Work Himself into us and make us His Masterpiece
Justified by God for the Gaining of a Seed to produce a Kingdom that will Inherit the World

The Bible tells us that “Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him as righteousness” (Gen. 15:6). Many believers think that Abraham believed God in a general way, and this was accounted to him as righteousness. But if we look at what really happened in Genesis 15 and if we read Romans 4 and […]
Allowing God to Work Himself into us for the Bringing Forth of Christ (the Seed)

In Genesis 12 we see that God came to Abraham and called him out to go to a land which He would give him and to his seed. Later, God appeared to Abraham, again and again, promising him a seed, and in Gen. 15:4-5 we see that, The word of Jehovah came to him, saying,…[He] […]
A Built-Up Church has the Mingling of God and Man and the Divine Nature (nothing natural)

The more you read the Bible from the beginning to the end, having God’s economy glasses on and being open to the Lord to unveil you and speak to you concerning His purpose, the more you realize: wow, the whole Bible speaks of only one thing! God desires to get a building, a mingling with […]
Experiencing the God of Resurrection and Having the Mending Ministry of Life

What God needs today in the church life is more ministers of life, persons who know Him as the God of resurrection and minister Him as the God of resurrection into others. We need to see the difference between merely having a “gift” and having the ministry of life. What is needed for the building […]
Building the Church With and Becoming Gold, Silver, and Precious Stones

In 1 Corinthians chapter 3 we can see a profound revelation and a deep experience of God’s building and how to build up the church. We are the temple of God, and we need to take heed with what we build, so that we would not destroy God’s temple (and thus bring in destruction to […]
The Unique Work in the Lord’s Recovery is the Ministry of the Spirit

Our one God has only one work, and His work is to dispense Himself into man, to work Himself into man, so that man may become His collective expression, His corporate testimony. We see this everywhere in the Bible when we read the Scriptures with God’s economy glasses on. But what is the work in […]