We need to learn from Nehemiah to live in resurrection, love God and His interests, be unselfish, apply ourselves to work with the saints to build up the church, and end this age in oneness with the Lord. In reading the book of Nehemiah we are impressed with the pattern of Nehemiah as one […]
Learn from Nehemiah to Live in Resurrection, Love God, and Work with the Saints to Build
Tearing down any idols and being Filled with the Spirit to fulfill God’s economy

We need to tear down any idols in us that replace the Lord, be willing to sacrifice our relationship with others in order to follow the Lord, and seek to be filled with the Spirit, and we will be filled with the Holy Spirit to carry out God’s purpose. As we take a closer look […]
The Pattern of Nehemiah as the Perfect Leader who had Dispensational Value to God

We need to consider the pattern of Nehemiah; he was a true overcomer; he was a pattern of someone who has dispensational value to God, for he was properly aggressive for God and His people, he had a pure heart, he was not ambitious, and he was the perfect leader. We should consider an example […]
Being Self-Sacrificing Persons with the Spirit of Martyrdom for God’s Satisfaction

Daniel and his three companions are a pattern to us as self-sacrificing person with a spirit of martyrdom. They didn’t care for the king’s decree of the punishment if they don’t obey him – they loved God more and feared more of offending God than offending the king. Daniel went to his room and prayed […]
college-age conference testimony – consecrating ourselves to the Lord and putting all on the altar
The matter of consecration became so clear to me at the recent college-age conference through the brothers’ speaking and the reading of the Word and the ministry. To consecrate yourself to God is first of all to realise that we are not our own. 1 Cor 6:19 says, You are not your own… For you […]