For us to shepherd the flock of God is to watch over the souls of the saints, being one with the Lord as the Shepherd and Overseer of their souls to care for them; for this, we need to enjoy and dispense grace, pay the price to gain more Christ and minister Him, and be […]
Pay the Price to gain more of the Spirit and Minister Christ to Shepherd the Flock of God
Pay the Price to Learn the Truths and Experience Christ to Speak the Truth and Minister Life

We need to pay the price to learn the truths and experience Christ so that He may become our reality; in this way, when we speak to people, we don’t give them mere knowledge or doctrine but we minister Christ to them. May the Lord save us from not receiving the love of the truth […]
Going Forward in God’s Glorious Goal to Enjoy Christ with all the Saints in the Body

The story in Num. 32 needs to be a warning to us, for if we care too much about ourselves and our enjoyment but not for God’s people, not being willing to go forward, we will not be able to fulfill God’s will and plan or reach God’s glorious goal. Outwardly what the two and […]
As we Suffer the Loss of all things on account of Christ, we Gain Christ and Enjoy Him

When we see the excellency of the knowledge of Christ, we drop all other things for Him; we gain Christ by suffering the loss of all things that were once a gain for us and by counting them as refuse. If we were to get into the depths of Paul’s thought in Phil. 3:7-8, where […]
As Prudent Virgins we Pay the Price to Be Saturated with the Spirit in our Soul

As believers in Christ, we need to be the prudent virgins who gain the Spirit not only in their lamps (our spirit) but also in their vessels (our soul), seeking to be filled with the Spirit to live a virgin life for the Lord’s testimony. This week in our morning revival we come to the […]
The Church as the New Man is Dealing with Satan to Fulfill God’s Eternal Purpose

The church as the new man fulfills God’s eternal purpose to express God and represent Him; dealing with Satan is for the benefit of God and satisfies God’s need. The first man, Adam, who was created in the image of God and according to His likeness, has failed God – he failed to express God […]
Living out Christ (white garments) and Gaining the Anointing Spirit (eyesalve)

Christ is the One speaking to the church in Laodicea, and the solution to all their problems is Christ Himself as the gold – the precious divine nature, the white garments – living out Christ, and the eyesalve – Christ as the anointing Spirit who heals our blindness and give us insight and foresight. No […]