We can experience transfiguration in the church life today by losing our soul-life for the Lord’s sake and for the sake of the church. The church as the kingdom of God cannot exist in the natural life but only in the realm of transfiguration; if we today are willing to lose our soul-life for the […]
Experience Transfiguration in the Church Life by Losing our Soul-Life for the Lord
Lose our Soul-life for the Lord’s Sake to Enter the Joy of the Lord at His Return

If we today lose our soul for the Lord’s sake, we will save it and gain it at the Lord’s return; at the Lord’s revelation, some believers will enter into the joy of the Lord while some will suffer in weeping and gnashing of teeth. The Bible is quite clear when it comes to […]
If we Lose our Soul-Life, our Soulish Enjoyment, in this age, we will Gain it in the Next

In following the Lord as His disciples, we need to lose our soul-life, that is, forsake it and not seek to have the enjoyment of the soul in this age but, for the Lord’s sake, put it aside and enjoy the Lord and seek His purpose. This week we come to a new topic in […]
We Lose our Soul-life for the Lord’s Sake in this Age to Save our Soul in the Next age

We need to be those who lose our soul-life in this age, not allowing the soul to have its enjoyment in this age so that we may gain the full enjoyment in the next age. The church life today is the place where we can live the reality of the kingdom of God, for the […]
Losing the Soul-Life, our Present Soulish Enjoyment, for the Church to be Built up

As those who want to cooperate with the Lord and be one with Him in the direction of His move on earth today, we need to exercise the keys of denying the self, taking up the cross, and losing the soul-life, so that we may close the gates of Hades and live a life for […]
being willing to lose our soulish enjoyment for the building up of the church
Just as the disciples had a foretaste of the Lord’s resurrection by seeing His transfiguration on the mountain (see Matt. 16:28 and Matt. 17), so today the Lord comes to us when we lose our soul life to give us the real enjoyment! If we lose our soul life for the Lord’s sake in this age, we will receive the reward of the real enjoyment of the Lord in our soul when He comes to us again and again! If we don’t lose our soul life in this age but seek to have it, we are double losers – the enjoyment we have in this age in our soul is NOT REAL, and at the Lord’s return we will really lose our soul life. But if we lose our soul life in this age, we are double winners – we have the REAL enjoyment of Christ in our soul in this age and when He returns, we will gain our soul! [continue reading online]