We’re being Transformed and Glorified to be New Jerusalem to Shine forth God’s Glory

The glory of God is intrinsically related to the economy of God, for in His economy God became man to make man God in life and nature but not in the Godhead for man to be glorified and express God, even to shine forth God’s glory in the universe. Hallelujah! When we speak of glory […]

Being Glorified until the Lord is Transfigured in us at His Coming in His Kingdom

Praise the Lord, we are in the process of being glorified until the Lord is transfigured in us and His divinity saturates our humanity at the time of His coming in His kingdom! Hallelujah! At the time of the manifestation of the kingdom, our humanity will be glorified by the glorious divinity within us, for […]

God is Happy when we Worship Him in Spirit, are One with Him, and Live for God’s Good Pleasure

God is happy when we worship Him in spirit, when we’re one with Him in His ministry to carry out His eternal economy, and when we are glorified; we need to be those in whom, with whom, and through whom God may have His good pleasure! Amen! There are some things that make God happy, […]

Christ is Interceding for us to be Glorified, be Saved to the Uttermost, and Overcome

According to Heb. 7 and Rom. 8, Christ is interceding for us at the right hand of God and the Spirit is interceding for us in our spirit, with the goal that we may be saved to the uttermost, that is, that we may be glorified and be like Christ. Christ died for us, He […]

In Christ we are Becoming the Righteousness, Holiness, and Glory of God – the Rainbow

As believers in Christ, we are in Christ and we bear Christ as righteousness, holiness, and glory – in God’s eyes we look like righteousness, holiness, and glory, and we have the appearance of a rainbow (1 Cor. 1:30)! On the one hand, the rainbow around the throne of God is a sign of God’s […]

The Saving Life of Christ Accomplishes the Organic Goal of God’s Dynamic Salvation

The righteous shall have life and live by faith (Rom. 1:17) – the righteousness of God is the procedure of God’s salvation judicially, the life of Christ is the purpose of God’s salvation organically, and the faith of the believers is the substantiation of God’s salvation practically. The gospel of God has a solid structure: […]