An ambassador of Christ is constrained by the love of Christ and has the sole ambition of being pleasing to God, serving God in spirit and in the Body of Christ. As believers in Christ, we are ambassadors of Christ, those who are determined to be well-pleasing to Christ in all things, being constrained […]
An Ambassador of Christ is Constrained by the Love of Christ and Serves God in Spirit
Come Forward to God in Spirit and be one with Him to have Dispensational Value to God

What God desires today is to end this age and bring in the age of the kingdom; for Him to accomplish this, He must have His dispensational instrument, and we all should have dispensational value to God, doing what the special work required to end this age in oneness with the Lord. Amen! This […]
Having Fellowship unto the Furtherance of the Gospel by our Giving to Support the Full-Timers

As believers in Christ, we should honor God as the very bountiful Giver who affords us all the riches, and we should give for the fellowship unto the furtherance of the gospel. God is not a beggar who needs our money, but He delights in the sweet-smelling savor, the acceptable sacrifice, well-pleasing to God, […]
Offer God a Sacrifice of Praise and Bring the Tithe to the Storehouse of God, the Church

If we bring the tithe to the storehouse of God by richly giving to God, He will open the windows of heaven and pour out blessing upon us; we need to offer God a sacrifice of praise continually, and we shouldn’t forget to give and share with others. Amen! These days as we are […]
We Take Christ as our Lord by being Constrained by His Love to Live to the Lord

We need to take, experience, and enjoy Christ as our Lord by being people who live to the Lord (not merely for the Lord), being constrained by the love of Christ to live to Him and thus be under His control, direction, and governing. Amen! Hallelujah, Jesus Christ is our Lord and our King! For […]
God is Happy when we Worship Him in Spirit, are One with Him, and Live for God’s Good Pleasure

God is happy when we worship Him in spirit, when we’re one with Him in His ministry to carry out His eternal economy, and when we are glorified; we need to be those in whom, with whom, and through whom God may have His good pleasure! Amen! There are some things that make God happy, […]
Walking with God by Faith to Escape Death and be Pleasing to God in Our Daily Life

No man has ever overcome death – the most powerful thing on this earth (besides God Himself) is death. But in Genesis we see that Enoch walked with God by faith, and he escaped death – he was raptured to God, never seeing death (see Gen. 5:22-24). Enoch obtained the testimony that he was well-pleasing […]