May we be those who are loving the Lord under the genuine ministry that betroths us to Christ so that we may enjoy Him as grace and become His testimony on earth! Paul’s blessing at the end of his epistle to the Ephesians foreshadows a problem that would arise later in Ephesus: the love […]
Loving the Lord under the Genuine Ministry to Enjoy Him as Grace and be His Testimony
Having a Submissive Spirit and being in Subjection to God’s Ordination brings in Blessing

When Deborah was raised up as a judge by God in Israel, she practiced the female submission to the man to keep God’s ordination, and the whole Israel was brought into a proper order under God’s kingship and headship. We all need to receive grace from the Lord to listen to and receive the pure […]
Seeing Satan’s Wearing out Tactics and Praying to be the Lord’s Overcomers Today

In speaking of the end of this age, the Bible doesn’t leave us in darkness, for it tells us concerning the Antichrist and what kind of person he is like, and we are warned of his wearing out tactics even upon the saints of the Most High. Nebuchadnezzar had a dream of a great human […]
A Nazarite is a Man According to God’s Heart and one who Flees Lusts to Pursue Christ

Samuel was a Nazarite, a man according to God’s heart, for God’s heart was duplicated in him; Samson, on the other hand, was a negative example of what being a Nazarite is. God’s desire is that all His people would be Nazarites, those who see His heart’s desire and are joined to Him in His […]
Seeing how the World Situation is the Indicator of the Lord’s Move on Earth

In serving the Lord we all need to be perfected by Him so that we may serve Him in an intrinsic way according to His desire. We need to realize that today in Christianity there are many who think they are “serving God” but they do not have a proper knowledge or experience of the […]
our wedding garment as the bride is our battle uniform as the warrior

Have you ever heard of such a thing? How can you take your newly wed wife to war right after you get married to her and have a great wedding? Well, at least in two distinct portions in the Bible we see that when Christ will return He will marry His overcomers as His bride […]