Since the Body of Christ is the issue of our experience of Christ, we need to pray desperately that we would live Christ for the Body of Christ to be a reality; the way we live Christ is by the operation of the inner law of the Spirit of life. When we believed into Christ, […]
Pray to Live Christ for the Body by Activating the Law of the Spirit of Life in us
Being the Holy Priests who are Possessed by God and who Live Christ to Light the Lamps

The holy task of lighting the lamps in the Holy Place was the service of holy persons, the priests, those saturated with God, filled with God, and living absolutely for God; these ones express God in their daily living and minister God to others. Lighting the lamps is a holy task belonging only to the […]
Living Christ and Allowing Him to Live in us for us to Live in the Jubilee Today

The Lord Jesus came as the real jubilee, and when we receive Him and live by Him and let Him live in us, we are living in the jubilee. Then everything will be to our satisfaction, for the Christ who lives within us is the One who satisfies us, and He Himself is the secret […]
Ten Crucial Points in the Administration of the Church for our Prayerful Consideration

In Paul’s writings and in his living we see ten crucial points in the administration of the church; we need to prayerfully consider these and allow the Holy Spirit to inscribe them in the tablets of our heart so that we may live in them. As we get into the word of God and in […]
Living Christ Habitually by Letting Him Live in us and having One Living with Him

We all need to humble ourselves and realise that in our daily living there is not much living of Christ, for even though we have Christ in our spirit, we are not living Christ habitually in our daily life. We may love the Lord, read and pray over His word, meet with the saints, and […]