In order for us to be priestly teachers like Ezra, we need to be constituted with the truth, that is, have the truth wrought into us to become our organic constitution; we need to be trained in the divine revelation and learn to speak the truth for the perfecting of the saints and the […]
We need to be Constituted with the Truth by being Trained in the Divine Revelation
Being Constituted with Christ to be Consecrated to God and Ordained by Him as Priests

As we return to the Crystallization-Study of the book of Leviticus (part 2), this week we will focus on The Consecration of the Priests, and today in particular we want to see how we need to be constituted with Christ to be consecrated to God and ordained by Him as priests. Praise the Lord, we […]
Being Perfected to Grow in Life and to Function for the Building up of the Body

Many Christians say, It is the Apostles, the Prophets, the Evangelists, the Shepherds, and the Teachers spoken of in Eph. 4:11 that build up the Body of Christ. I am not qualified, and I don’t know how to do it – that’s why they are special gifts, and they build up the Body, and we […]
the full time training is for the building up of the Body of Christ! (short testimony)
Even though I was in the FTTL for a short period of time, I was brought into the realization of a lot of things. WE NEED TO BE TRAINED! After one month and one week of short term training, I realised that 2 years is definitely necessary. In the training, you are brought on the high mountain and you enjoy God’s presence and His infusion. Can you imagine – Moses went up to the mountain and stayed there to enjoy the infusion of the Lord for “JUST” 40 days, and this caused him to express the glory of God? What about being in God’s presence for 2 years? [testimony from a brother who recently joined the FTTL short-term]
some of the things I enjoyed in my first term in the Full Time Training in London
We all need to be trained. Just as a plant is “trained” to grow straight, so we while being young need to be trained – both in the secular things(to acquire the skills that we will need and use for our whole life) and also in the spiritual things. For us to cut straight the […]