Being built up with fellow believers is the Lord’s supreme and highest requirement of His faithful seekers according to His top divine attribute – the divine oneness (see John 17). The bride of Christ is not an individual spiritual Christian but a corporate entity, a building up of the believers who pursue Christ, enjoy Him, […]
Being Built up with Fellow Believers is the Lord’s Supreme Requirement of His Seekers
Being Transformed, Inscribed with Christ, and Built up to be Living Letters of Christ

When we are inscribed with Christ in our heart, we become living letters of Christ with Him as the content, and He can shine through us for others to read Christ and see Christ lived out and expressed in us; this is a practical application of the breastplate of judgment. On the breastplate, the high […]
We need to be Built up to be God’s Dwelling Place to Serve Him as the Priesthood

In the building of God, the goal of God’s work and His heart’s desire, the living stones are the priests, and the building is the priesthood; for us to be the priesthood in reality, we need to be built up in God and with one another for God’s building. If we read the Old Testament […]
Being Built up in a Practical way to Feast on Christ as the Bread of the Presence

The table of the bread of the presence – the showbread table – in the Holy Place in the tabernacle is a type of Christ as our food in a particular way: He is the bread of God’s presence to be our serving supply in the church life. The fact that the table of the […]