Dear saints, let us pray that the saints would get vitalized personally and with a few co-laboring companions to the extent that they would “go fishing” to get some “new fish” (Dan. 1:6; 2 Tim. 2:22). The elders should not try to form the groups in an organizational way. That does not work. They must […]
Let us pray for the saints to be vitalized personally and with companions so that they might “go fishing”
Being Victorious over the Demonic Diet by Eating Jesus and Having Companions

In the book of Daniel we see how Daniel and his three companions overcame Satan’s devices and were absolutely one with God. In chapter after chapter and case after case, they chose to stand with God and for His interest, and God was with them. Even though king Nebuchadnezzar changed their names from godly names […]
Flee Youthful Lusts and Pursue Christ in the Body with God-Given Companions!

Paul encourages Timothy in 2 Tim. 2:22, But flee youthful lusts and pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. Today God appoints to us some companions – it is not necessarily the ones that we would prefer or we think “would match us”, but those […]
Where are You? Without Hope in the World! Now as saved ones we’re in the kingdom of God, the church!
This sharing is a continuation of some enjoyment from the conference this past weekend – the general subject was, Where Are You? In the first part we saw that we are hiding from God (yet no one can really hide from God, He can see us and He even is seeking us) and we are […]
being desperate before the Lord regarding our spiritual condition, we want to be made vital by Him – part of a vital group!
On the one hand, we are believers in the Lord pursuing Him personally, and on the other hand we are those who live a life for God’s purpose in the church life. We have seen a principle in the Bible, that is: the vital groups. We cannot just “live the church life” in a general […]
today God is calling for the overcomers, the ones in the vital groups, the reality of the Body of Christ
This weekend I was impressed with this call – God today calls the overcomers, those who are in the vital groups – the reality of the Body of Christ! Even from the beginning, when God created man, He wanted to have a personal relationship with him, fill him as life (see: the tree of life), […]
enjoyment from “The way to do the work of an evangelist(2)”, podcast 20 at
Did you manage to listen to podcast #20 from The title is “The Way to do the work of an Evangelist(2)” – Doing the work of an evangelist may seem like a difficult and intimidating task. However, the ministry of the age presents us with the practical way to accomplish this, and that way […]