For us as believers in Christ to live by faith as Abraham did, we need to be those fighting for the brother as a response to Christ’s interceding for us and saving us in His life. On one hand, we need to follow in the steps of that faith of Abraham by living the […]
We Live by Faith by Fighting for the Brother as a Response to Christ’s Interceding
We have Life and Live by Faith as we Contact God and are Infused with Him as Faith

The way for us to receive the linking faith and develop it is to contact the Lord by calling on His name, praying to Him, pray-reading His word, and musing on His word; through this faith we are linked to the Triune God and God is imparted into us so that we have life […]
God’s Move follows our Move, we Follow the Spirit, and the Spirit is in God’s move

In cooperating with God to carry out His move we need to realize that we believers in Christ are living creatures, and the move of God’s work depends upon our moving; God’s move follows our move, we follow the Spirit, and the Spirit is in the wheels – God’s move. This is signified by the […]
Faith is to Believe that God is and we are Not; we live in an Organic Union with Him

It is indeed wonderful, relieving, and liberating to realize that faith does not originate from us: we cannot manufacture faith, we are not supposed to “try our best to believe”, but we simply need to open to the Lord and spend time with Him in His word, and there will be a reaction in us […]