For us to live the kingdom life, the God-man life, the church life, we must be humble and not despise any believer but love our brother and forgive our brother from our heart. In Matt. 18:1-35 we have a wonderful portion on how to live the kingdom life, and right from the beginning the disciples […]
To Live the Kingdom Life we should Forgive our Brother even as the Lord forgave us
Twelve Qualifications of a Person who Represents God Rightly in His Economy Today

As a conclusion to our week on the subject of, Being Fully Reconciled to God and Enlarged in Heart to Represent God Rightly in His Economy, today we want to see some qualifications of a person who represents God rightly on earth. God created us in His image and according to His likeness so that […]
Taking the Shepherding Way and Humbling Ourselves to Serve the Saints and Visit them

We all need to learn to take the shepherding way to preach the gospel and revive the church, being willing to be the slaves of the saints by being one with the Lord who is the Shepherd in our spirit. Our Lord Jesus is the great Shepherd. He came as the good Shepherd to lay […]
Seeing that Christ Destroyed the Devil and knowing how to Withstand and Overcome him

The manifestation of the Lord Jesus destroyed the works of the devil, and the death of the Lord Jesus destroyed the devil himself (see 1 John 3:8; John 3:14; 12:31; Heb. 2:14). Praise the Lord, Christ destroyed the devil on the cross! The Son of God was manifested so that He might destroy the works […]
Being Saved from Lukewarmness and Spiritual Pride, the Characteristics of Laodicea

In the Lord’s eyes, the characteristics of the church in Laodicea were lukewarmness and spiritual pride; she considered that she is wealthy and rich and needing nothing, but in His eyes she was wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked (Rev. 3:15-17). The Lord’s word to the church in Laodicea is very enlightening and exposing, and […]
Learning to be Slaves of God and Sacrifice Everything for Others to Gain them for God

The Lord Jesus is the Slave of God, the fulfillment of the type of the slave who loves his master, his wife, and his children in Exo. 21, and therefore he would not go out free. The Lord Jesus humbled Himself and emptied Himself to become a man and even a slave, serving God and […]
Let us Experience Christ as our Crucified Life by Letting His Mind be in us Today

Although the Lord Jesus was equal with God and had the highest rank in the universe, He became a person on the lowest level of society – He became not only a man but He emptied Himself and humbled Himself to become a slave, being obedient to God and serving God and man, and died […]