Today we are being sanctified unto sonship by living in, by, and according to the Spirit. Our becoming God in life and in nature but not in the Godhead was initiated by God the Father in eternity past: He chose us to be holy and predestinated us unto sonship; the divine sanctification for the […]
Being Sanctified unto Sonship by Living in, by, with, and according to the Spirit
God’s Good Pleasure is Related to the Earth, Man, and Christ being Revealed in us

The desire of God’s heart, God’s good pleasure, is what makes Him happy; the Bible reveals that God is happy with the creation of the earth, the creation of man, Christ’s incarnation, His baptism, His resurrection and glorification, our return to Him as prodigal sons, and when His Son is revealed in us. Again and […]
God’s Purpose for the Church: having the Sonship, Dealing with Satan, and Heading up

One of the most central matters in our Christian life and the desire of God’s heart is the church as the Body of Christ. These following weeks on the blog we will enjoy and dive into the matter of the Vision, Practice, and Building up of the Church as the Body of Christ (based on […]
God’s Purpose for the Church is to Have the Divine Sonship and Make His Wisdom Known

The church is very important and precious to God in His economy. Everything He does is for the church. In particular, He has a threefold purpose regarding the church: He wants to be expressed through the church and have His dominion exercised through the church, and He wants to head up all things in Christ […]
The Center of Paul’s Gospel – Romans chapter 8, God’s dispensing, and the sonship
The center of Paul’s gospel is Romans chapter 8. Here he unveils the dispensing of the Triune God as life into the tripartite man. This is the focus of God’s economy: God coming into us to be our life so that we may be His corporate expression. This is experiential. The law of the Spirit of life (v. 2) is the Triune God operating in us. He first makes our spirit life (v. 10) then spreads to make our mind life (v. 6), then to impart life to our mortal body (v. 11) and to enable us to put to death all our natural living (v. 13). By this spreading of life within, we mature from children (v. 16) to sons (read more in 8:14, note 3). The goal of this expanding dispensation is our conformation to the image of God’s firstborn Son (v. 29). Lord, daily spread Yourself in our entire being until we fully express You. [guest post as the last part of the series, The Four Great Pillars in the Lord’s Recovery, ITERO 2011]
“You are My Son; today I have begotten You” – Christ was begotten to be the Firstborn Son of God!
According to Psalm 2:7-9, in His resurrection, Christ was begotten by God to be His Son who inherits all the nations and possessess the whole earth! These verses are crucial in our Christian life, since they prophesy about a great truth concerning Christ’s divinity, His humanity, and God’s economy as revealed in the second Psalm, […]
God’s desire in His economy is to produce many sons to be His expression – we are the sons of God!

In the previous sharing we saw that we are children of God – born of God with the divine life and the divine nature. But as we all know, being children is the initial aspect of our life (in both our human life and our Christian life) – we are daily growing in the divine life […]