The Father gave the Son the divine glory, and the Son gave us this glory; genuine oneness is in the divine glory, for only when we deny ourselves and live by the divine life to express God are we one in the divine glory. Hallelujah! In John 17 we see the Lord uttering an […]
Deny the Self and Live by the Divine Life of Glory to be One in the Divine Glory
Be Satisfied with Normal Days under the Divine Dispensing for God’s image and Dominion

God’s original intention in creating man in His image and according to His likeness will be fulfilled in the millennium with the overcomers and ultimately in the New Jerusalem with all of God’s people who would have been transformed, renewed, and fully glorified to express God and represent Him corporately. Right now, we are in […]
In His resurrection Christ became the life-giving Spirit – now the Lord Jesus is the Spirit!
This is such a crucial truth seen everywhere in the Bible! In His resurrection Christ as the last Adam became the life-giving Spirit (1 Cor. 15:45)! God became a man in the person of Jesus Christ, lived a perfect human life on earth (in which He expressed God, even though He was persecuted, criticized, and was […]
our life relationship with God can never be broken, but our fellowship with Him can be interrupted…

Once you’re born of someone, you cannot be unborn; once you’re born of God with the divine life and nature, whatever you do, you cannot be un-born! Our life-relationship with God cannot be broken – we are and will always be His children in life and nature, partaking of all that He is! Our life […]
Christ is the Shoot of Jehovah, a new development of Jehovah God into humanity: God became a man!
This morning I really enjoyed the verse in Isaiah 4:2 which says, In that day the Shoot of Jehovah will be beauty and glory, and the fruit of the earth, excellence and splendor, to those of Israel who have escaped. Christ is the Shoot of Jehovah (in His divinity) and the fruit of the earth […]
the greatest wonder in the universe – man can be born of God and sinners can be made sons of God!

WOW! I love this wonderful delicious amazing and true quote from bro. Lee, Surely it is the greatest wonder in the universe that human beings could be begotten of God and sinners could be made children of God. How can this be? What is this? We, human beings, to be born of God? Even us, […]