Thank and praise the Lord for making us the church in Philadelphia, the church of brotherly love, which is the recovered church. The Lord is today gaining the local churches as the procedure to bring forth and bring in the Body of Christ in reality; when He has the reality of the Body of Christ […]
In the Recovered Church we have Little Power, we Keep the Lord’s Word and not Deny His Name
Being the Overcomers of Today, the Weak ones Depending on the Lord to be His Armies

As we become mature in the divine life, we become the duplication of Christ to match Him for our marriage, and we as the weak ones depending on the Lord to be His overcomers – even His armies. In Song of Songs toward the end we see how the lover of Christ becomes the Shulammite, […]
Not Denying the Lord’s Name but Calling on His Name to Enjoy and be Filled with Him

To the church in Philadelphia, the recovered church, the Lord has given an open door which no one can shut, because they have a little power and have kept His word and have not denied His name; they are not spectacular Christians but normal believers who do the best they can with the little power […]
Having an Opened Door and Keeping the Lord’s Word with the Little Power we Have

The church in Philadelphia is not made up of super-spiritual Christians who do great works for God, but rather, in the Lord’s eyes they are those who have a little power and have kept His word and have not denied His name, therefore the Lord has put before them an opened door which no one […]