When we truly see a vision of the Lord in His glory, we are enlightened and exposed regarding our uncleanness and we can apply the blood of Christ; the more we see the Lord, the more we abhor ourselves and the more we gain God! The book of Jeremiah exposes what our condition is in […]
When we see God, we are Enlightened and Exposed, we Apply the Blood, and we Gain God
Filed Under: Christ lives in me, contacting God, Enjoying Christ, experiencing Christ, expounding the truth, God's economy, longings, morning revival, our birthright, the Christian Life, the Lord's recovery, the Word of God Tagged With: a man of unclean lips, a vision of Christ, apply the blood of Christ, confess our sins, Crystallization Study of Jeremiah, Ed Marks, enlightened and exposed, holy word for morning revival, I abhor myself, seeing God is gaining God, the natural man is unclean, transformed into God's image, we gain God, we see God, Witness Lee
Seeing the Signs of the Times and Devoting ourselves to Prayer for God’s Interests

As we live the Christian life in the present environment today, we need to devote ourselves to and persevere in prayer while discerning “the signs of the times”, realizing that God uses war, famine, death, and even Satan to accomplish His economy and we can cooperate through prayer. We need to see the signs of […]
Filed Under: Christ lives in me, Enjoying Christ, expounding the truth, God's economy, His heart's desire, morning revival, our birthright, the Body of Christ, the Christian Life, the church life, the Lord's recovery, the Word of God Tagged With: 2020 Memorial Day Conference, all things work together for good, carry out God's economy, consuming work of the cross, devote ourselves to prayer, Ed Marks, holy word for morning revival, persevere in prayer, pray toward Christ and the church, pray toward God's interests, the birth pangs, the signs of the times, we gain God, Witness Lee
we receive a vision of Christ in glory by being revived every morning, spending adequate time with Him
The One seen by Isaiah was the King, Jehovah of Hosts – this One is the glorious Christ. Just like Isaiah, we also need to receive the vision of Christ in glory. What was amazing to me was Isaiah’s reaction to seeing this Christ in glory. Isa. 6:4-5 says: And the foundations of the threshold […]
Filed Under: Christ lives in me, consecration, contacting God, Enjoying Christ, expounding the truth, the Christian Life, the Lord's recovery Tagged With: a vision of Christ in glory, awaken us morning by morning, crystallization study of Isaiah, Jehovah of hosts, morning revival, practically work it out, receive His element into us, revived every morning, the King, the more we see God, we deny our selves, we gain God, we hate ourselves, we see our glorious Christ, woe is me