For us to be conformed to the death of Christ is to be put in the mold of Christ’s death; this refers to Christ’s experience of continually putting to death His human life so that He might live by the life of God. As believers in Christ, we need to live as Christ did; […]
Put aside our Human Life to live by God’s Life to Remain in the Mold of Christ’s Death
Filed Under: Christ lives in me, Enjoying Christ, experiencing Christ, expounding the truth, His heart's desire, morning revival, our birthright, the Christian Life, the Lord's recovery, the Word of God Tagged With: 2023 Memorial Day Conference, being conformed to His death, conformed to the death of Christ, holy word for morning revival, life can flow, live a crucified life, live by the divine life, put aside our human life, Ray Mulligan, the mold of Christ's death, we can do nothing, Witness Lee
those who wait on Jehovah will renew their strength, they will mount up with wings like eagles!
In the book of Isaiah we see a contrast between a man in the old creation(king Hezekiah, ch. 36-39) and a man in the new creation (ch. 40). No matter how good and spiritual Hezekiah was, because he was still in the old creation, he needed to be terminated and replaced with Christ! A person […]
Filed Under: Christ lives in me, consecration, contacting God, Enjoying Christ, His heart's desire, longings, love the Lord, the all-inclusive Christ, the Christian Life, the Lord's recovery Tagged With: a man in the old creation, apart from Christ we're nothing, Christ in Isaiah 40, Christ is everything, Christ is the secret, crystallization study of Isaiah, do all things in Him, I have learned the secret, mount up with wings like eagles, stop yourself and wait on the Lord, take Christ as our replacement, terminated and replaced, the secret of sufficiency, wait on Jehovah, we are nothing, we can do nothing, we don't trust in ourselves, we're replaced by Christ
Apart from Christ we are and we can do nothing! We just need to abide in Him

I was enjoying John 15:4-5 this morning, which says, Abide in Me and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me. I am the vine; you are the branches. He who abides in Me and I in […]
Filed Under: Christ lives in me, Enjoying Christ, the Christian Life Tagged With: abide in Christ, abide in the vine, apart from Him, bear fruit, Christ branched out, Christ is our life, Christ is the vine, grafted into Christ, hidden with Christ in God, we are the branches, we can do nothing, we live because of Him