There is a sequence of verses in 1 Corinthians that show us clearly that God wants us to just enjoy Christ, and He has given us such a simple way that we may enjoy Him! Here are the verses that I was impressed with: In 1 Corinthians 1:2 we see that, based on His economy, […]
the all-inclusive Christ is the portion given by God to all the saints, we just need to enjoy Him
come forward with boldness to the throne of grace and daily enthrone the Lord in your being!
This morning I was impressed with the fact that when we come to the Lord in our spirit, we need to enthrone Him and make Him the Lord in our life! Whenever we approach the throne of grace by turning to our spirit and calling on the name of the Lord, we should at the […]
The Spirit in our spirit is spreading into our soul and is transforming us from glory to glory!

Recently, I have been enjoying “The way for a Christian to mature in life” by brother Witness Lee and what impressed is that as Christians we are sons marked out for glory who will be transformed into God’s image, that is, we will be transformed from glory to glory. 2 Cor 3:18 says: But we all […]
learning Christ in a subjective way, being taught in Him and learn from Him
Ephesians 4:20 says, “But you did not so learn Christ”. What does it mean “to learn Christ”? To learn Christ does not mean that because Christ loved people, we should also love people. This is merely imitation. To learn Christ does not mean that we imitate Him; it means that we, within whom Christ dwells, have […]
our believing is not our natural virtue, but a reaction to the appearing of God
If you read the history of Abraham, you will see that, even though people call him a “giant of faith”, he was not such a big “giant” (actually, God is the giant of faith). All his “great steps” were taken in faith after God appeared to him. It looks like just after God appears to […]
we are now in the process of becoming like Him
God became a man in the Lord Jesus Christ for the purpose of making us also the same as He is! His hearts’ desire is to have man as His counterpart (Rev. 19:7), His expression, the same as He is. That’s why He “bothered” / “took the pain” of becoming a man: the infinite God […]
even as He is, we will be – His reproduction, His duplication!
I really enjoyed John 12:24 this morning Truly, truly I say to you, unless the grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it abides alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. In the physical world, if you take a grain of wheat and put it anywhere else but in the ground/earth, […]