As we become mature in the divine life, we become the duplication of Christ to match Him for our marriage, and we as the weak ones depending on the Lord to be His overcomers – even His armies. In Song of Songs toward the end we see how the lover of Christ becomes the Shulammite, […]
Being the Overcomers of Today, the Weak ones Depending on the Lord to be His Armies
The Christ we Eat, Enjoy, Digest, and Assimilate today will be an Eternal Memorial

God supplied His people Israel with manna every day during their journey through the wilderness; every morning the manna descended from heavens, and the children of Israel had to gather enough for one day. How wonderful it was to eat heavenly food day by day! Furthermore, God commanded His people to take an omerful of […]
to not lose our inner feeling we need to turn to our spirit! (2011 winter school of truth)
It was great experience for me to be again at the Winter School of the Truth in London, UK. Through the messages I realized that my spirit was so deadened… Brother Tom shared that if we touch a hot object, we can lose our feeling or sense of that part – the skin can become callus. If we keep a continual contact with the world and keep touching it, we can also lose our feeling or sense, just like the people today. So it’s very easy to lose our feeling…. To not lose our sense we have to deny our self and our soul life (old man), and we need to turn to the spirit! [continue reading online – a short sharing from a brother’s top enjoyment in the Winter School of truth]
the sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; Lord, do good in Your good pleasure unto Zion!
Have you ever wondered what’s the connection between “a broken and contrite heart” and “Zion”? It looks like if we have such a spirit and such a heart, we are qualified to pray such a prayer, and we desire what the Lord also desires – the good of Zion (Psa. 48:2)!
when God’s people move, God moves; if God’s people do not move, God has no way to move(2011 Poland camp)
To start things off, the Poland young people conference is not the only young person conference I have ever been to. I was raised up as a “church-kid”, born and raised under parents who met when they joined the church life. So, I already had a taste of the youthful ecstasy that the Poland conference […]
God’s demand, Pharaoh’s resistance, and seeing what life in the world really is(2011 Poland camp)
In the Young People’s Poland camp 2011, I enjoyed message 3 – God’s demand, Pharaoh’s resistance, and Life in the World under Satan’s Usurpation. This message covers 12 conflicts between Jehovah and Pharaoh and the 10 plagues that were sent by God. God sent the plagues because of His mercy. God wanted His children to see […]
I give my life to You, Lord, for You alone are worthy! I love You!(2011 Poland camp)
The Poland camp was “different” this year. Praise the Lord for this time. It was so encouraging to be with saints and to hear all these words. I appreciated that brother Tom opened some topics like Lord’s coming, relationships, our attitude toward world, the danger of world, and many other things. I was impressed especially […]