As believers in Christ, we need to take, experience, and enjoy Christ as our Head, being willing to be headed up in Christ in the church life by growing in life and by living under Christ’s light, and we need to hold Christ as the Head by staying intimately connected to Him. Amen! Christ is […]
Exalt Christ as Lord and take Him as our Head by being Willing to be Headed up in Christ
Let’s pray for all the saints to enter into the real meaning of being full time

Dear saints, let us pray that all the saints would fully enter into the real meaning of being full time, which is to live to the Lord (Rom. 14:7-8; 2 Cor. 5:14-15; Hymns, #473 stanzas 1, 3). Hymns, #473, ss. 1 and 3: No mortal tongue can e’er describe The freedom of the soul, When […]
Christ has the Keys of Death and of Hades: He Nullified Death and Overcame Hades!

Jesus Christ is the One who became dead and lived again – He is the resurrected One, the One who not only defeated death but also has the keys of death and of Hades, and death and Hades are under His control. Praise the Lord! God became a man – Jesus Christ, who lived a […]
As Slaves of God we Live to the Lord, not to Ourselves, because we are the Lord’s!

After God gave the law to Moses in Exo. 19-20, He went on in ch. 21:1-6 to speak of a slave who did not want to go out free but serve his master forever because he loved his master, his wife, and his children. The law was given to show the people of Israel who […]
the Lord always sees us as the overcomers, the age-turners, kings and winners! (2011 Poland camp)
I was counting down the days left until the conference(which was the 17th time the young people in the Lord’s Recovery in Europe met at the Poland camp), and finally there were no days left! I enjoyed this conference very much: God was really speaking to me every day during this camp! What touched me […]