The books of 1 and 2 Kings are concerned not with the historical facts but with an intrinsic revelation related to Christ and the church, for these books of history were written from the point of view of God’s eternal economy concerning Christ and the church. May we have such an intrinsic view of […]
God’s Economy concerning Christ and the Church is seen in Typology in 1 and 2 Kings
We are the Body of Christ in Actuality when we Remain in the Organic Union with Christ

The highest peak in God’s economy is the reality of the Body of Christ, and this reality is absolutely organic; we can be in the Body in reality by being in Christ, that is, by abiding in the organic union with the Lord. This week in our deeper and more profound study of the vital […]
Drinking the Spirit to be Constituted of Christ and be His Body, the Corporate Christ

What is the Body of Christ? According to 1 Cor. 12:12-13, the Body of Christ is the corporate Christ, Christ the Head with Christ the Body, and the way we are part of this Body is by drinking the Spirit to be constituted with the element of Christ. How wonderful it is to see a […]
Paul’s Gospel concerns Christ as the Spirit Living in us and the Body of Christ

The Bible is the complete divinely inspired word of God, His letter written to us with the help of men who were borne of the Holy Spirit, and every book in the Bible is God’s speaking, focusing on God’s economy, His eternal plan. In His sovereignty, God has allowed certain books to be in the […]
The Body of Christ is the Enlargement of Christ, the Mingling of God with man

It is God’s mercy for us to see HOW does Christ build up the church as the temple of God, and to realize that He doesn’t need our “help” to build the church but He only needs that we LET Him build Himself into us to mingle Himself with us for the building up of […]
The Body of Christ, the Corporate Christ, Carries out God’s Administration Today

We need to see the vision of the Body of Christ. The Body is a mystical corporate entity composed of all the redeemed, regenerated, and transformed human beings who are united, mingled, and incorporated with the Triune God. Christ Himself is the Head of the Body, and all the genuine believers in Christ are the […]
keeping the oneness of the Body and being made Christ to be the Body of Christ

All the genuine believers of Christ who have received Christ in their spirit are members of the Body of Christ, joined together with Christ in an organic union. The Body of Christ is not an organization nor is it a society; it is the organism of the Triune God produced by the mingling of God […]