As priests consecrated to God we must be absolute for God, so we take Christ as our daily burnt offering – He is our absoluteness. Also, we need to take the strong Christ for our consecration, listening to His word, doing what is required by Him, and walking according to His way in serving Him. […]
Taking Christ as our Absoluteness and our Consecration in Serving God as Priests
Taking Christ as our Trespass Offering for our Lies, Unfaithfulness and Defilement

The source of every trespass is sin in our flesh, and the reason for every trespass is not living absolutely for God. But Hallelujah, Christ is our trespass offering, and whenever we are aware that we sinned, or when the Lord shines on us to expose our mistakes, wrongdoings, and trespasses, we can simply confess […]
Seeing that Whatever we do for Ourselves is Sin and Taking Christ as Sin Offering

The sin offering is based on the burnt offering, for whatever we do for ourselves is sin, for we are not absolutely for God, and we need to take Christ as our sin offering. To sin is not just to commit gross deeds, like a crime or a robbery. To sin is simply to come […]
Taking Christ as our Burnt Offering, for We are Not Absolutely for God but Christ is

The burnt offering typifies Christ not mainly in His redeeming man from sin but in His living a life that is absolutely for God and in His being the life that enables us as His people to have such a living. The burnt offering is the first offering, and it was an offering that was […]