In this universe only God is the supreme authority, and all other authorities are delegated authorities, deputy authorities, authorities appointed by God; when we submit to and obey the deputy authority, we obey and submit to God. God is the supreme authority; He has all authority, and He gives authority to particular persons in a […]
We Submit to God’s Authority when we Submit to the Delegated Authority He set over us
Treasuring the other Members of the Body and Denying the Self to be Built up Together

Individualism is hateful in the sight of God, for the self is the enemy of the Body, and when we live in the self, we declare independence from God and from the Body of Christ. When we believed into the Lord Jesus, we were regenerated with the divine life, and we became organic members of […]
We need to Accept the Dealing of the Cross in the Realm of the Body of Christ

The cross of Christ brings us to the Body, the cross operates in the realm of the Body, and if we want to be members of the Body, we cannot go on with out the cross – we need its organic function, and we need to accept the dealing of the cross. God gives us […]
Live in the Inward Parts of Christ to Cultivate the Consciousness of the Body of Christ

If we as members of the Body of Christ have the consciousness of the Body of Christ and see others suffer or being blessed, we will identify with them and feel the same hardship or blessing (see 1 Cor. 12:26-27). When we were regenerated by God with the divine life, we received not only the […]
Cultivating the Sense of Christ’s Life within us to have the Sense of the Body

As members of the Body of Christ, we need to have the consciousness of the Body and a feeling for the Body, that is, we need to exercise and cultivate the sense of Christ’s life within us until it becomes the universal sense of the Body of Christ. In our physical body there is a […]
Taking Christ’s Feeling as our Feeling and having the Consciousness of the Body

As believers in Christ and members of the Body of Christ, we need to live in the reality of the Body of Christ by taking Christ’s feeling for the Body as our own feeling for the Body, having the consciousness of the Body and a strong feeling for the Body. We need to learn from […]
Cooperating with the Lord to Recover the New Testament Priesthood of the Gospel

We need to be one with the Lord and cooperate with Him to recover the New Testament priesthood of the gospel, bringing every member of the Body into function in his measure in the Body of Christ. The revelation in the Bible concerning us as believers and members of the Body of Christ has been […]