We believers in Christ were once darkness but are now light in the Lord, and we need to walk as children of light, one with the Lord, having the fruit of the light; we today walk not according to right and wrong but in love and light to express God, our Father. Amen! What a […]
Children of Light Walk in the Light to have the Fruit of the Light Expressing God
We need to Walk in the Light as Children of Light bearing the Fruit of the Light

As children of God, we need to walk as children of light, live in the light, and have the fruit of the light, which is good in nature, righteous in procedure, and real in expression, so that God may be expressed in our daily walk. As believers in Christ we are children of God, those […]
In the Word as a Realm of Light we Become Light in the Lord with the Fruit of Light

Because of the fall of man, mankind today is in darkness, and without God shining through His living word, we would remain in darkness, in the “dark ages”. But praise the Lord for the word of God, the embodiment of God as light! As believers in Christ we are children of light: we have seen […]
What shall I do, Lord? “To Open their Eyes, to Turn them from Darkness to Light”

At the time of his conversion, Paul asked two very important questions, and all genuine believers should be honest with the Lord and ask Him these questions also: “Who are You, Lord?” and “What shall I do, Lord?” (Acts 22:8, 10). When we ask the Lord, Who are You, Lord? we are open to Him […]
we are now light in the Lord, so therefore let us walk as children of light, bearing the fruit of the light
It is so easy to “miss it” when you come to a verse that you have read so many times, and it is quoted by others so often. This morning I enjoyed these two simple verses in Ephesians 5:8-9, For you were once darkness but are now light in the Lord; walk as children of […]